'Create 2.6.0-RC1 Tag for 2.6.0.v20150210-f44015d'
Bug #447393 - New handling of type vs. xsi.type. New properties org.eclipse.persistence.json.type-compatibility and org.eclipse.persistence.json.use-xsd-types-prefix.

Type compatibility property allows backward compatibility of type property handling during marshalling and unmarshalling.
Since this commit, type property is by default treated as any other property. To use type property as MOXy type discrimator, it is necessary to qualify type property with http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance namespace.

Use xsd types property allows usage of unqualified xml schema types even when using namespaces for some other elements/attributes.
Since this commit, by default MOXy marshall and unmarshall unqualified simple xml schema types (like xsd.string, xsd.int). To marshal/unmarshal fully qualified simple xml schema types, it is necessary to set property org.eclipse.persistence.json.use-xsd-types-prefix to true.

There are several ways how to set these properties. It is possible to set system property, to set property into JAXBContext or Marshaller/Unmarshaller.

Signed-off-by: Martin Vojtek <martin.vojtek@oracle.com>
Reviewed-by: Iaroslav Savytskyi
Reviewed-by: Marcel Valovy
175 files changed
tree: 0dad9f0dc139beef8926268f6fa7ca95e8b3e053
  1. .idea/
  2. buildsystem/
  3. dbws/
  4. features/
  5. foundation/
  6. jpa/
  7. moxy/
  8. performance/
  9. plugins/
  10. project-admin/
  11. sdo/
  12. utils/
  13. .gitignore
  14. about.html
  15. antbuild.properties
  16. antbuild.xml
  17. autobuild.properties
  18. autobuild.xml
  19. license.html
  20. oraclebuild.xml
  21. pom.xml.template
  22. publishbuild.xml
  23. readme.html
  24. README.md
  25. root.iml
  26. sharedlib.xml
  27. sonar-project.properties
  28. temp
  29. uploadToMaven.xml
  30. uploadToNexus.xml

EclipseLink Project

The EclipseLink project's goal is to provide a complete persistence framework that is both comprehensive and universal. It will run in any Java environment and read and write objects to virtually any type of data source, including relational databases, XML, JSON, or EIS systems. EclipseLink will focus on providing leading edge support, including advanced feature extensions, for the dominant persistence standards for each target data source; Java Persistence API (JPA) for relational databases, Java API for XML Binding (JAXB) for XML, Java Connector Architecture (JCA) for EIS and other types of legacy systems, and Service Data Objects (SDO).
