blob: be54536aa3450bf4b348c2be12982e6e2e59e05e [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.gymnast.generator.core.parser;
import org.eclipse.gymnast.generator.core.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.gymnast.runtime.core.parser.*;
class GymnastParser extends Parser;
options {
private ParseContext _parseContext;
public void setParseContext(ParseContext parseContext) {
_parseContext = parseContext;
public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
if (_parseContext != null) {
_parseContext.addParseMessage(new ParseError(ex));
public void reportError(String s) {
if (_parseContext != null) {
_parseContext.addParseMessage(new ParseError(s, -1));
public void reportWarning(String s) {
if (_parseContext != null) {
_parseContext.addParseMessage(new ParseWarning(s, -1));
compUnit returns [ CompUnit retVal = null ]
{ HeaderSection headerSection = null; Grammar grammar = null; }
headerSection=headerSection grammar=grammar EOF
{ retVal = new CompUnit(headerSection, grammar); }
headerSection returns [ HeaderSection retVal = null ]
{ Id name = null; OptionsSection optionsSection = null; }
language_KW:"language" name=id semi:SEMI ( optionsSection=optionsSection )?
{ retVal = new HeaderSection(language_KW, name, semi, optionsSection); }
optionsSection returns [ OptionsSection retVal = null ]
{ OptionList optionList = null; }
options_KW:"options" lcurly:LCURLY optionList=optionList rcurly:RCURLY
{ retVal = new OptionsSection(options_KW, lcurly, optionList, rcurly); }
optionList returns [ OptionList retVal = new OptionList() ]
{ Option option = null; }
( option=option { retVal.addChild(option); } )*
option returns [ Option retVal = null ]
{ Id name = null; OptionValue value = null; }
name=id equals:EQUALS value=optionValue semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new Option(name, equals, value, semi); }
optionValue returns [ OptionValue retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( ID
{ retVal = new OptionValue(tok); }
grammar returns [ Grammar retVal = new Grammar() ]
{ Rule rule = null; }
( rule=rule { retVal.addChild(rule); } )*
rule returns [ Rule retVal = null ]
( retVal=altRule
| retVal=listRule
| retVal=seqRule
| retVal=tokenRule
altRule returns [ AltRule retVal = null ]
{ AltRuleDecl decl = null; AltRuleBody body = null; }
decl=altRuleDecl body=altRuleBody semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new AltRule(decl, body, semi); }
altRuleDecl returns [ AltRuleDecl retVal = null ]
{ AltRuleKind kind = null; Id name = null; Attrs attrs = null; }
kind=altRuleKind name=id ( attrs=attrs )? colon:COLON
{ retVal = new AltRuleDecl(kind, name, attrs, colon); }
altRuleKind returns [ AltRuleKind retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( "abstract"
| "container"
| "interface"
{ retVal = new AltRuleKind(tok); }
altRuleBody returns [ AltRuleBody retVal = null ]
{ AltSeq preSeq = null; Alts alts = null; AltSeq postSeq = null; }
( preSeq=altSeq )? alts=alts ( postSeq=altSeq )?
{ retVal = new AltRuleBody(preSeq, alts, postSeq); }
alts returns [ Alts retVal = new Alts() ]
{ SimpleExpr se1 = null; SimpleExpr sen = null; }
se1=simpleExpr { retVal.addChild(se1); }
( pipe:PIPE sen=simpleExpr { retVal.addChild(pipe); retVal.addChild(sen); } )*
altSeq returns [ AltSeq retVal = null ]
{ Seq seq = null; }
lparen:LPAREN seq=seq rparen:RPAREN
{ retVal = new AltSeq(lparen, seq, rparen); }
listRule returns [ ListRule retVal = null ]
{ ListRuleDecl decl = null; ListRuleBody body = null; }
decl=listRuleDecl body=listRuleBody semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new ListRule(decl, body, semi); }
listRuleDecl returns [ ListRuleDecl retVal = null ]
{ Id name = null; Attrs attrs = null; }
list_KW:"list" name=id ( attrs=attrs )? colon:COLON
{ retVal = new ListRuleDecl(list_KW, name, attrs, colon); }
listRuleBody returns [ ListRuleBody retVal = null ]
{ SimpleExpr listExpr = null; SimpleExpr separator = null; SimpleExpr listExpr2 = null; ListMark listMark = null; }
listExpr=simpleExpr ( lparen:LPAREN separator=simpleExpr listExpr2=simpleExpr rparen:RPAREN )? listMark=listMark
{ retVal = new ListRuleBody(listExpr, lparen, separator, listExpr2, rparen, listMark); }
listMark returns [ ListMark retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( STAR
{ retVal = new ListMark(tok); }
seqRule returns [ SeqRule retVal = null ]
{ SeqRuleDecl decl = null; Seq body = null; }
decl=seqRuleDecl body=seq semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new SeqRule(decl, body, semi); }
seqRuleDecl returns [ SeqRuleDecl retVal = null ]
{ Id name = null; Attrs attrs = null; }
sequence_KW:"sequence" name=id ( attrs=attrs )? colon:COLON
{ retVal = new SeqRuleDecl(sequence_KW, name, attrs, colon); }
seq returns [ Seq retVal = new Seq() ]
{ Expr expr = null; }
( expr=expr { retVal.addChild(expr); } )+
tokenRule returns [ TokenRule retVal = null ]
{ TokenRuleDecl decl = null; Alts body = null; }
decl=tokenRuleDecl body=alts semi:SEMI
{ retVal = new TokenRule(decl, body, semi); }
tokenRuleDecl returns [ TokenRuleDecl retVal = null ]
{ Id name = null; Attrs attrs = null; }
token_KW:"token" name=id ( attrs=attrs )? colon:COLON
{ retVal = new TokenRuleDecl(token_KW, name, attrs, colon); }
expr returns [ Expr retVal = null ]
( retVal=optSubSeq
| retVal=simpleExpr
optSubSeq returns [ OptSubSeq retVal = null ]
{ Seq seq = null; }
lparen:LPAREN seq=seq rparen:RPAREN qmark:QMARK
{ retVal = new OptSubSeq(lparen, seq, rparen, qmark); }
simpleExpr returns [ SimpleExpr retVal = null ]
{ Id name = null; Atom value = null; Attrs attrs = null; }
( name=id equals:EQUALS )? value=atom ( attrs=attrs )?
{ retVal = new SimpleExpr(name, equals, value, attrs); }
attrs returns [ Attrs retVal = null ]
{ AttrList attrList = null; }
lsquare:LSQUARE attrList=attrList rsquare:RSQUARE
{ retVal = new Attrs(lsquare, attrList, rsquare); }
attrList returns [ AttrList retVal = new AttrList() ]
id1:ID { retVal.addChild(id1); }
( comma:COMMA idn:ID { retVal.addChild(comma); retVal.addChild(idn); } )*
atom returns [ Atom retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( ID
| "abstract"
| "container"
| "interface"
| "language"
| "list"
| "options"
| "sequence"
| "token"
{ retVal = new Atom(tok); }
id returns [ Id retVal = null ]
{ Token tok = LT(1); }
: ( ID
| "abstract"
| "container"
| "interface"
| "language"
| "list"
| "options"
| "sequence"
| "token"
{ retVal = new Id(tok); }
class GymnastLexer extends Lexer;
LCURLY : '{';
RCURLY : '}';
LSQUARE : '[';
RSQUARE : ']';
LPAREN : '(';
RPAREN : ')';
DOT : '.';
COMMA : ',';
COLON : ':';
SEMI : ';';
PIPE : '|';
STAR : '*';
PLUS : '+';
EQUALS : '=';
QMARK : '?';
BANG : '!';
STRING_LITERAL : '"' (ESC | ~'"')* '"' ;
// TODO: The (DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT) is cheesy it should be something like
// ( options { warnWhenFollowAmbig = false; } : (DIGIT)+ )
// but I don't want to deal with parsing that yet.
protected ESC :
'\\' ('t' | 'f' | 'r' | 'n' | '"' | '\'' | '\\' | (DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT) )
ID options { testLiterals=true; }
: ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' | DIGIT)* ;
protected DIGIT : '0'..'9';
WS : (' ' | '\t' | '\f' | '\r' | '\n')+
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT : "//" (~('\n'|'\r'))* ('\n'|'\r')?
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }
MULTI_LINE_COMMENT : "/*" ("*/" | (~'!' (~'*' | '*' ~'/')* "*/"))
{ $setType(Token.SKIP); }