blob: 3f43d03a42231a3c52924bfc5d43e3f367698a6d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.gymnast.prettyprinting;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
* It's intentional for this object to keep an alias to the stack List, so as to
* allow a prettyPrint method to push into it for processing with commands
* invoked on this object.
public class BoxStack {
public List<Object> stack = new ArrayList<Object>();
public Box h(int hs, int howMany) {
List<Object> args = removeNTop(howMany);
Box res = BoxLanguage.h(hs, args);
return res;
private List<Object> removeNTop(int howMany) {
List<Object> removed = new ArrayList<Object>();
int fromIndex = stack.size() - howMany;
int toIndex = stack.size();
removed.addAll(stack.subList(fromIndex, toIndex));
for (int i = 0; i < howMany; i++) {
stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
return removed;
public Box interleaveH(int beforeSep, int afterSep) {
List<Object> names = removeNTop(1);
List<Object> separators = removeNTop(1);
Box res = BoxLanguage.interleaveH(names, separators, beforeSep, afterSep);
return res;
public Box interleaveHSepConstant(int beforeSep, int afterSep) {
List<Object> names = removeNTop(1);
List<Object> separator = removeNTop(1);
Box res = BoxLanguage.interleaveHSepConstant(separator, names, beforeSep, afterSep);
return res;
public Box interleaveV(int beforeSep, int afterSep) {
List<Object> names = removeNTop(1);
List<Object> separators = removeNTop(1);
Box res = BoxLanguage.interleaveV(names, separators, beforeSep, afterSep);
return res;
public Box interleaveVSepConstant(int beforeSep, int afterSep) {
List<Object> names = removeNTop(1);
List<Object> separator = removeNTop(1);
Box res = BoxLanguage.interleaveVSepConstant(separator, names, beforeSep, afterSep);
return res;
public Box peekTop() {
Object t = stack.get(stack.size() - 1);
if (t instanceof Box) {
return (Box) t;
} else if (t instanceof PrettyPrintable) {
PrettyPrintable pp = (PrettyPrintable) t;
return pp.prettyPrint();
} else if (t != null) {
String s = t.toString();
return BoxLanguage.b(s);
return BoxLanguage.emptyBox();
public Box v(int vs, int is, int howMany) {
List<Object> args = removeNTop(howMany);
Box res = BoxLanguage.v(vs, is, args);
return res;
public void add(Object newTop) {
public Box packHorizUpToWidth(int minWidth, int hs, int howMany) {
assert minWidth > 0;
List<Object> args = removeNTop(howMany);
Box[] bs = BoxLanguage.toBoxArray(args);
List<Box> boxes = Arrays.asList(bs);
Box runningRes = BoxLanguage.emptyBox();
int i = 0;
while (i < boxes.size()) {
List<Box> horizBatch = new ArrayList<Box>();
int widthSoFar = 0;
Box current = boxes.get(i);
widthSoFar += current.getWidth();
while ((widthSoFar < minWidth) && (current.getHeight() <= 1) && (i < boxes.size())) {
current = boxes.get(i);
widthSoFar += current.getWidth();
Box boxForBatch = BoxLanguage.h(hs, horizBatch);
return runningRes;