blob: 3794cec47f3bc02a59f256526955db70a0863ab5 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<org.eclipse.epf.uma:ArtifactDescription xmi:version="2.0"
xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:org.eclipse.epf.uma=""
xmlns:rmc="" rmc:version="7.5.0" xmlns:epf=""
epf:version="1.5.0" xmi:id="_zHTQUKYSEdmvhNXG0Oc2uA"
name="vision,_0WVxcMlgEdmt3adZL5Dmdw" guid="_zHTQUKYSEdmvhNXG0Oc2uA" changeDate="2007-10-24T09:47:27.000-0700"
<keyConsiderations>&lt;p> It&#xD;
is good practice to keep this artifact brief, so you can release it to stakeholders&#xD;
as soon as possible, and to make the artifact easy for stakeholders to read&#xD;
and understand. You can accomplish this by including only the most important&#xD;
features and avoiding details of requirements. &lt;/p> &lt;p> Projects that focus&#xD;
on product development might extend the marketing section and include a more&#xD;
detailed product position statement that is based on their needs and research. &lt;/p></keyConsiderations>
> This artifact provides a high-level basis for more detailed technical requirements.&#xD;
It captures the technical solution by describing the high-level stakeholder&#xD;
requests and constraints that give an overview of the reasoning, background,&#xD;
and context for detailed requirements. The vision serves as input for communicating&#xD;
the fundamental &quot;what and why&quot; for the project and provides a strategy against&#xD;
which all future decisions can be validated. &lt;/p> &lt;p>The vision should rally&#xD;
team members behind an idea and give them the context for decision-making&#xD;
in the requirements area. The vision must be visible to everyone on the team.&lt;br/> &lt;/p></purpose>
you do not state a vision, stakeholders and the development team might have&#xD;
different expectations of the project. This can lead to cancellation of the&#xD;
project. Misunderstandings and miscommunication about the strategy can cause&#xD;
the project to move from the original vision and create discrepancies in stakeholder&#xD;
this artifact for all but trivial projects.</reasonsForNotNeeding>
>Typically, the vision is represented in a document. If key stakeholder needs&#xD;
are captured in a requirements management tool, this part of the document&#xD;
can be generated by using reporting capabilities. &lt;/p> &lt;p>If the vision serves&#xD;
a set of projects or an entire program, the overall vision might be divided&#xD;
into several vision work products. In this &lt;?Pub Caret?>case, the vision&#xD;
of the program brings the visions together by providing program-specific content&#xD;
and referencing the subordinate visions.&lt;br/> &lt;/p></representationOptions>