blob: 6bd5e9ee7ed52bdfe2c7d91d3c89988bcc7ef2ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
// are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
// Contributors:
// IBM Corporation - initial implementation
package org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.process.command;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.AdapterFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.ITreeItemContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.epf.common.utils.StrUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.IConfigurationApplicator;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.Providers;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.command.BatchCommand;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.process.BreakdownElementWrapperItemProvider;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.ui.UserInteractionHelper;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.util.ProcessUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.util.Suppression;
import org.eclipse.epf.library.edit.util.TngUtil;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Activity;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Deliverable;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Descriptor;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.MethodConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Process;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Role;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.RoleDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.Task;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.TaskDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.UmaFactory;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.UmaPackage;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.VariabilityElement;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.VariabilityType;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.WorkProduct;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.WorkProductDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.epf.uma.util.AssociationHelper;
* @author Phong Nguyen Le - Nov 23, 2005
* @since 1.0
public final class ProcessCommandUtil {
public static final EStructuralFeature[] DESCRIPTOR_REFRESHABLE_FEATURES = {
// UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getNamedElement_Name(),
// UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getDescribableElement_PresentationName(),
public static final EStructuralFeature[] TASK_DESCRIPTOR_REFRESHABLE_FEATURES = {
public static final EStructuralFeature[] ROLE_DESCRIPTOR_REFRESHABLE_FEATURES = {
// public static final EStructuralFeature[] WORK_PRODUCT_REFRESHABLE_FEATURES = {
// };
* Creates a refreshable feature map for the given descriptor. A descriptor
* feature is considered refreshable if there is a similiar feature in its
* linked MethodElement
* @param descriptor
* @return the refreshable feature map for the given descriptor
public static Map createRefreshableFeatureMap(Descriptor descriptor, Set excludeFeatures) {
Map featureMap = new HashMap();
addToFeatureMap(descriptor, DESCRIPTOR_REFRESHABLE_FEATURES, featureMap, excludeFeatures);
if (descriptor instanceof TaskDescriptor) {
featureMap, excludeFeatures);
} else if (descriptor instanceof RoleDescriptor) {
featureMap, excludeFeatures);
} else if (descriptor instanceof WorkProductDescriptor) {
WorkProductDescriptor wpd = (WorkProductDescriptor) descriptor;
EStructuralFeature feature = UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
if (wpd.getWorkProduct() instanceof Deliverable && !excludeFeatures.contains(feature)) {
featureMap.put(feature, wpd.getDeliverableParts());
return featureMap;
private static void addToFeatureMap(EObject eObject,
EStructuralFeature[] features, Map featureMap, Set excludeFeatures) {
for (int i = 0; i < features.length; i++) {
EStructuralFeature feature = features[i];
if (!excludeFeatures.contains(feature)) {
Object value = eObject.eGet(feature);
if (feature.isMany()) {
value = new ArrayList((Collection) value);
featureMap.put(feature, value);
// private static boolean isValidReference(EObject e) {
// if (e.eIsProxy()) {
// return false;
// }
// if (e instanceof Descriptor) {
// MethodElement element = ProcessUtil
// .getAssociatedElement((Descriptor) e);
// if (element == null || element.eIsProxy()) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
* Clears all attributes. For references, remove only those that are
* descriptors which are not linked to any content element.
* @param descriptor
* @return
public static Map clearRefreshableFeatures(Descriptor descriptor, Set excludeFeatures) {
Map featureMap = createRefreshableFeatureMap(descriptor, excludeFeatures);
for (Iterator iter = featureMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
EStructuralFeature feature = (EStructuralFeature);
if (feature instanceof EAttribute) {
descriptor.eSet(feature, feature.getDefaultValue());
} else {
if (feature.isMany()) {
// work around to avoid ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
List list = ((List) descriptor.eGet(feature));
switch (list.size()) {
case 0:
case 1:
} else {
descriptor.eSet(feature, feature.getDefaultValue());
// if(feature.isMany()) {
// List list = ((List)descriptor.eGet(feature));
// List elementsToRemove = new ArrayList();
// for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator
// .hasNext();) {
// EObject e = (EObject);
// if(!isValidReference(e)) {
// elementsToRemove.add(e);
// }
// }
// if(!elementsToRemove.isEmpty()) {
// list.removeAll(elementsToRemove);
// System.out
// .println("ProcessCommandUtil.clearRefreshableFeatures():
// changed");
// }
// }
// else {
// EObject obj = (EObject) descriptor.eGet(feature);
// if(obj != null && obj != feature.getDefaultValue() &&
// !isValidReference(obj)) {
// descriptor.eSet(feature, feature.getDefaultValue());
// System.out
// .println("ProcessCommandUtil.clearRefreshableFeatures():
// changed");
// }
// }
return featureMap;
* Clears all the refreshable features of the given descriptor
* @param descriptor
* @param descriptorToOldRefreshableFeaturesMap
* @param excludeFeatures features to exclude from refreshing
public static boolean clearDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor,
Map descriptorToOldRefreshableFeaturesMap,
Set excludeFeatures) {
if (descriptorToOldRefreshableFeaturesMap != null) {
// need to clear all the refreshable features of the existing
// descriptor
if (!descriptorToOldRefreshableFeaturesMap.containsKey(descriptor)) {
.put(descriptor, clearRefreshableFeatures(descriptor, excludeFeatures));
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isValidDescriptorOf(Object element, MethodConfiguration config, Object descriptor, boolean excludeSuppressed) {
if(descriptor instanceof Descriptor) {
Descriptor desc = ((Descriptor)descriptor);
if(excludeSuppressed && desc.getSuppressed().booleanValue()) {
return false;
Object elementObj = ProcessUtil.getAssociatedElement(desc);
elementObj = Providers.getConfigurationApplicator().resolve(elementObj, config);
return element == elementObj;
return false;
* Checks if the given <code>object</code> is a valid descriptor or descriptor wrapper of the given <code>element</code>
* @param element
* @param config
* @param object
* @return
private static boolean isValidDescriptorOrDescriptorWrapperOf(Object element, MethodConfiguration config, Suppression suppression, Object object) {
if(object instanceof BreakdownElementWrapperItemProvider) {
if(suppression.isInSuppressedList((BreakdownElementWrapperItemProvider) object)) {
return false;
else {
return isValidDescriptorOf(element, config, TngUtil.unwrap(object), false);
return isValidDescriptorOf(element, config, object, true);
* Gets the unsuppressed descriptor from a descriptor list. The descriptor list is usually
* the breakdown elements of an activity.
* @param obj
* @param descriptorList
* @return
public static Object getDescriptor(Object obj, List descriptorList, MethodConfiguration config) {
return getDescriptor(obj, descriptorList, config, true);
static Object getDescriptor(Object obj, List descriptorList, MethodConfiguration config, boolean excludeSuppressed) {
int size = descriptorList.size();
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
// iterate thru list to see whether a valid descriptor linked with the given object
// already exists
Object object = descriptorList.get(j);
if(isValidDescriptorOf(obj, config, object, excludeSuppressed)) {
return object;
return null;
* Gets the valid descriptor, either local or inherited, of the given object under the given activity
* @param obj
* @param activity
* @return
public static Descriptor getValidDescriptor(Object obj, Activity activity, AdapterFactory adapterFactory) {
Process proc = TngUtil.getOwningProcess(activity);
MethodConfiguration config = proc.getDefaultContext();
ITreeItemContentProvider adapter = (ITreeItemContentProvider) adapterFactory.adapt(activity, ITreeItemContentProvider.class);
for (Iterator iter = adapter.getChildren(activity).iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Object child =;
if(isValidDescriptorOrDescriptorWrapperOf(obj, config, Suppression.getSuppression(proc), child)) {
return (Descriptor) TngUtil.unwrap(child);
return null;
* Gets the local unsuppressed descriptor of the given role, task, or workProduct.
* @param obj
* @param activity
* @return The descriptor of the object, or null if not exist.
public static Object getDescriptor(Object obj, Activity activity, MethodConfiguration config) {
return getDescriptor(obj, activity.getBreakdownElements(), config);
// /**
// * Return true if the descriptor of the given object already exists in the
// * breakdown element list of the given activity
// *
// * @param obj
// * @param activity
// * @return
// */
// public static boolean descriptorExists(Object obj, Activity activity) {
// return (getDescriptor(obj, activity) != null);
// }
* Create Role descriptor for the responsible role of the given work product
* descriptor
* @param wpDesc
* @param activity
* @param roleDescriptors
* @return
public static RoleDescriptor createRoleDescriptor(
WorkProductDescriptor wpDesc, Activity activity,
List roleDescriptors, Set descriptorsToRefresh, MethodConfiguration config) {
if (wpDesc != null) {
WorkProduct wp = wpDesc.getWorkProduct();
if (wp != null) {
if (TngUtil.isContributor(wp)) {
wp = (WorkProduct) TngUtil.getBase(wp);
// get responsible role for work product
Role role = null; //AssociationHelper.getResponsibleRole(wp);
List roles = AssociationHelper.getResponsibleRoles(wp);
//FIXME: what if the work product have many responsible roles ???
if(!roles.isEmpty()) {
role = (Role) roles.get(0);
if (role != null) {
if (TngUtil.isContributor(role)) {
role = (Role) TngUtil.getBase(role);
boolean isNewDescriptor = false;
// check for roledescriptor whether it's present in activity
// breakdown elements
RoleDescriptor roleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) getDescriptor(
role, activity, config);
if (roleDesc == null) {
// check for roledescriptor whether it's present in base
// activity.
roleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) ProcessCommandUtil.getInheritedDescriptor(
role, activity, config);
if (roleDesc == null) {
// check for roledescriptor whether it's present in
// list of roledescriptors passed in
roleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) getDescriptor(role,
roleDescriptors, config);
if (roleDesc == null) {
roleDesc = ProcessUtil.createRoleDescriptor(role);
isNewDescriptor = true;
if (!isNewDescriptor && descriptorsToRefresh != null
&& roleDesc.getIsSynchronizedWithSource().booleanValue()) {
// this is taken cared of by
// BSDropCommand#setResponsibleRole()
// wpDesc.setResponsibleRole(roleDesc);
if(isNewDescriptor) {
return roleDesc;
return null;
* Collects work product descriptors for the given
* <code>taskDescriptorFeature</code> based on the corresponding feature
* in the linked task of the given <code>taskDescriptor</code>
* @param task the task that the task descriptor is linked to
* @param taskDescriptor the task descriptor whose work product descriptors in the given <code>taskDescriptorFeature</code>
* will be collected
* @param taskFeature the task feature that is corresponding to the task descriptor feature
* @param taskDescriptorFeature the feature of task descriptor that holds references to
* the work product descriptor to collect
* @param activity the activity of descriptors
* @param config the selected configuration
* @param wpDescriptors
* @param wpdToDeliverablePartsMap
* @param wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap
* @param descriptorsToRefresh
* ouput that keeps the descriptor features that need to be
* refreshed
* @param descriptorToNewFeatureValuesMap
* output that keeps the collected work product descriptors
private static void collectWorkProductDescrtiptors(
Task task,
TaskDescriptor taskDescriptor, EReference taskFeature,
EStructuralFeature taskDescriptorFeature,
MethodConfiguration config, Activity activity, List wpDescriptors,
Map wpdToDeliverablePartsMap, Map wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap,
Set descriptorsToRefresh, Map descriptorToNewFeatureValuesMap) {
List workProducts = (List) Providers.getConfigurationApplicator()
.getReference(task, taskFeature, config);
List list = new ArrayList();
ProcessCommandUtil.createWorkProductDescriptors(workProducts, list, activity,
wpDescriptors, wpdToDeliverablePartsMap,
wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap, descriptorsToRefresh, config);
if (!list.isEmpty()) {
BatchCommand.addFeatureValues(descriptorToNewFeatureValuesMap, taskDescriptor,
taskDescriptorFeature, list);
* Creates work product descriptors from the given work products for the
* given activity if it does not have them already
* @param workProducts
* WorkProduct list
* @param featureValue
* target WorkProductDescriptor list for the given WorkProduct
* list
* @param activity
* @param wpDescriptors
* newly created work product descriptor (output)
static void createWorkProductDescriptors(List workProducts,
List featureValue, Activity activity, List wpDescriptors,
Map wpdToDeliverablePartsMap, Map wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap,
Set descriptorsToRefresh, MethodConfiguration config) {
if (workProducts != null) {
boolean wasEmpty = featureValue.isEmpty();
for (int j = 0; j < workProducts.size(); j++) {
WorkProduct wpObj = (WorkProduct) workProducts.get(j);
if (wpObj != null) {
if (TngUtil.isContributor(wpObj)) {
wpObj = (WorkProduct) TngUtil.getBase(wpObj);
WorkProductDescriptor wpDesc = (WorkProductDescriptor) getDescriptor(wpObj, activity, config);
if (wpDesc == null) {
// get inherited work product descriptors
wpDesc = (WorkProductDescriptor) ProcessCommandUtil
.getInheritedDescriptor(wpObj, activity, config);
if (wpDesc == null) {
wpDesc = (WorkProductDescriptor) getDescriptor(wpObj, wpDescriptors, config);
if (wpDesc == null) {
wpDesc = ProcessCommandUtil.createWorkProductDescriptor(wpObj,
config, wpdToDeliverablePartsMap);
// automatic adding to the existing deliverable
// descriptor in the activity's scope if there
// is
// any
// valid one.
WorkProductDescriptor descriptor = UserInteractionHelper
.getDeliverable(activity, wpObj);
if (descriptor != null) {
} else {
if (descriptorsToRefresh != null) {
if (wpObj instanceof Deliverable
&& wpdToDeliverablePartsMap != null) {
(Deliverable) wpObj, config,
wpdToDeliverablePartsMap, descriptorsToRefresh);
if (wasEmpty || !featureValue.contains(wpDesc)) {
* Creates a task descriptor for the given task within the activity if it
* does not exist already, and update the roleDescriptors and wpDescriptors lists
* associated with this Task descriptor. Caller should add the new task
* descriptor and the otherDescriptors into the activity's breakdown element
* list.
* @param task
* @param activity
* @param roleDescriptors
* List to hold the created role descriptors associated with this
* new task descriptor, no role descriptor will be created if
* roleDescriptors is null
* @param wpDescriptors
* List to hold the created workproduct descriptors associated
* with this new task descriptor, no workproduct descriptor will
* be created if wpDescriptors is null
* @param wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap
* Map to hold work product descriptor and deliverable descriptor to assign
* the work product descriptor to
* @return TaskDescriptor or null if the task descriptor for the given task
* already exists, and updated the roleDescriptors and wpDescriptors
* lists
public static TaskDescriptor createTaskDescriptor(Task task,
Activity activity, List roleDescriptors, List wpDescriptors,
Map wpdToDeliverablePartsMap, Map wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap,
Set descriptorsToRefresh, Map descriptorToNewFeatureValuesMap,
MethodConfiguration config, boolean useExistingDescriptor, Set synchFeatures) {
if (TngUtil.isContributor(task)) {
task = (Task) TngUtil.getBase(task);
// create task descriptor object
TaskDescriptor taskDesc = null;
if (useExistingDescriptor)
taskDesc = (TaskDescriptor) getDescriptor(task, activity, config);
boolean isNewTaskDescriptor = false;
// if ( taskDesc != null )
// {
// return taskDesc;
// }
// taskDesc = createTaskDescriptor(task);
if (taskDesc == null) {
taskDesc = ProcessCommandUtil.createTaskDescriptor(task);
isNewTaskDescriptor = true;
} else {
if (descriptorsToRefresh != null && taskDesc.getIsSynchronizedWithSource().booleanValue()) {
IConfigurationApplicator configApplicator = Providers
if (isNewTaskDescriptor) {
// add all task steps to TaskDescriptor step selection
List steps = (List) configApplicator.getReference(task
.getPresentation(), task, UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getContentDescription_Sections(), config);
// moved this code to BSDropCommand#execute() to support undo and
// progress monitor
// else {
// for (Iterator iter = steps.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// Object step =;
// if (!taskDesc.getSelectedSteps().contains(step)) {
// taskDesc.getSelectedSteps().add(step);
// }
// }
// }
if (roleDescriptors != null) {
// get/create role descriptor for primary performer
EReference ref = UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask_PerformedBy();
Role role = synchFeatures.contains(ref) ? (Role) configApplicator.getReference(task,
ref, config) : null;
if (role != null) {
// if (TngUtil.isContributor(role)) {
// role = (Role) TngUtil.getBase(role);
// }
// check for local descriptor
RoleDescriptor primaryRoleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) getDescriptor(
role, activity, config);
boolean isNewRoleDescriptor = false;
if (primaryRoleDesc == null) {
// check for inherited descriptor
primaryRoleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) ProcessCommandUtil.getInheritedDescriptor(
role, activity, config);
if (primaryRoleDesc == null) {
// check for descriptor in passed in descriptor list
primaryRoleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) getDescriptor(role,
roleDescriptors, config);
if (primaryRoleDesc == null) {
primaryRoleDesc = ProcessUtil.createRoleDescriptor(role);
isNewRoleDescriptor = true;
if (descriptorsToRefresh != null && !isNewRoleDescriptor
&& primaryRoleDesc.getIsSynchronizedWithSource().booleanValue()) {
if (isNewTaskDescriptor && isNewRoleDescriptor) {
} else {
BatchCommand.addFeatureValue(descriptorToNewFeatureValuesMap, taskDesc,
// get/create role descriptors for additional performing roles
ref = UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask_AdditionallyPerformedBy();
List additionalPerformers = synchFeatures.contains(ref) ? (List) configApplicator.getReference(
task, ref, config) : null;
if (additionalPerformers != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < additionalPerformers.size(); j++) {
Role roleObj = (Role) additionalPerformers.get(j);
// check for local descriptor
RoleDescriptor roleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) getDescriptor(
roleObj, activity, config);
boolean isNewRoleDescriptor = false;
if (roleDesc == null) {
// check for inherited descriptor
roleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) ProcessCommandUtil.getInheritedDescriptor(
roleObj, activity, config);
if (roleDesc == null) {
roleDesc = (RoleDescriptor) getDescriptor(roleObj,
roleDescriptors, config);
if (roleDesc == null) {
roleDesc = ProcessUtil.createRoleDescriptor(roleObj);
isNewRoleDescriptor = true;
if (descriptorsToRefresh != null && !isNewRoleDescriptor
&& roleDesc.getIsSynchronizedWithSource().booleanValue()) {
if (isNewTaskDescriptor && isNewRoleDescriptor) {
} else {
if (wpDescriptors != null) {
if (!isNewTaskDescriptor && !synchFeatures.contains(UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getDeliverable_DeliveredWorkProducts())) {
wpdToDeliverablePartsMap = null;
// create work product descriptor for input workproducts
if (isNewTaskDescriptor || synchFeatures.contains(UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask_MandatoryInput())) {
collectWorkProductDescrtiptors(task, taskDesc, UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getTask_MandatoryInput(), UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getTaskDescriptor_MandatoryInput(), config, activity,
wpDescriptors, wpdToDeliverablePartsMap,
wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap, descriptorsToRefresh,
if (isNewTaskDescriptor || synchFeatures.contains(UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask_OptionalInput())) {
collectWorkProductDescrtiptors(task, taskDesc, UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getTask_OptionalInput(), UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getTaskDescriptor_OptionalInput(), config, activity,
wpDescriptors, wpdToDeliverablePartsMap,
wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap, descriptorsToRefresh,
// create work product descriptor for output workproducts
if (isNewTaskDescriptor || synchFeatures.contains(UmaPackage.eINSTANCE.getTask_Output())) {
collectWorkProductDescrtiptors(task, taskDesc, UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getTask_Output(), UmaPackage.eINSTANCE
.getTaskDescriptor_Output(), config, activity,
wpDescriptors, wpdToDeliverablePartsMap,
wpdToDeliverableDescriptorMap, descriptorsToRefresh,
if (isNewTaskDescriptor) {
return taskDesc;
return null;
private static TaskDescriptor createTaskDescriptor(Task task) {
TaskDescriptor taskDesc = UmaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTaskDescriptor();
.isBlank(task.getPresentationName()) ? task.getName() : task
// taskDesc.setBriefDescription(task.getBriefDescription());
return taskDesc;
* Creates deliverable parts for the given work product descriptor from the
* deliverable work products of the given deliverable add put them in
* <code>wpDescToDeliverableParts</code>
* @param wpd
* @param deliverable
* @param wpDescToDeliverableParts
* (output) map of work product descriptor to its newly created
* deliverable parts
public static void createDeliverableParts(WorkProductDescriptor wpd,
Deliverable deliverable, MethodConfiguration config,
Map wpDescToDeliverableParts, Set descriptorsToRefresh) {
IConfigurationApplicator configApplicator = Providers
List deliveredWPs = (List) configApplicator.getReference(deliverable,
List parts = new ArrayList();
if (wpd.getDeliverableParts().isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator iter = deliveredWPs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
(WorkProduct), config,
} else {
for (Iterator iter = deliveredWPs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
WorkProduct workProduct = (WorkProduct);
WorkProductDescriptor desc = (WorkProductDescriptor) getDescriptor(workProduct, wpd.getDeliverableParts(), config);
if (desc == null) {
desc = ProcessCommandUtil.createWorkProductDescriptor(
workProduct, config, wpDescToDeliverableParts);
} else {
if(descriptorsToRefresh != null) {
if (workProduct instanceof Deliverable) {
createDeliverableParts(desc, (Deliverable) workProduct,
config, wpDescToDeliverableParts, descriptorsToRefresh);
if (!parts.isEmpty()) {
wpDescToDeliverableParts.put(wpd, parts);
* Creates work product descriptor for the given work product
* @param wp
* @param config
* @param wpDescToDeliverableParts
* (output) map of work product descriptor to its newly created
* deliverable parts
* @return new WorkProductDescriptor or <code>null</code> if the
* descriptor for the given work product already exists
public static WorkProductDescriptor createWorkProductDescriptor(
WorkProduct wp, MethodConfiguration config,
Map wpDescToDeliverableParts) {
WorkProductDescriptor wpd = ProcessUtil.createWorkProductDescriptor(wp);
if (wp instanceof Deliverable && wpDescToDeliverableParts != null) {
createDeliverableParts(wpd, (Deliverable) wp, config,
wpDescToDeliverableParts, null);
return wpd;
* Get inhertied descriptor for the given role, task or workProduct. Unlike local descriptor, an inherited
* descriptor that is externally suppressed is considered valid.
* @param obj
* @param activity
* @return descriptor of the object, null if not exists
public static Object getInheritedDescriptor(Object obj, Activity activity, MethodConfiguration config) {
for (VariabilityType variabilityType = activity.getVariabilityType();
variabilityType == VariabilityType.EXTENDS_LITERAL || variabilityType == VariabilityType.LOCAL_CONTRIBUTION_LITERAL;
variabilityType = activity.getVariabilityType()) {
VariabilityElement element = activity.getVariabilityBasedOnElement();
if (element instanceof Activity) {
Activity baseActivity = (Activity) element;
Object desc = getDescriptor(obj, baseActivity.getBreakdownElements(), config, false);
if(desc != null) {
return desc;
activity = baseActivity;
else {
return null;
* Get the map of task to features that contain the work product
* (input or output of the task)
* @param tasks
* @param wp
* @return Map of task to features that contain the work product
public static Map getFeaturesMap(List tasks, WorkProduct wp, MethodConfiguration config) {
Map featuresMap = new HashMap();
EReference[] taskFeatures = {
for (int i = tasks.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
Task task = (Task) tasks.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < taskFeatures.length; j++) {
EReference feature = taskFeatures[j];
Object value = Providers.getConfigurationApplicator().getReference(task, feature, config);
if((feature.isMany() && ((List)value).contains(wp)) ||
value == wp)
Collection features = (Collection) featuresMap.get(task);
if(features == null) {
features = new ArrayList();
featuresMap.put(task, features);
return featuresMap;