blob: 4c170c7a62d200e1de0762cb6113eee2f668a175 [file] [log] [blame]
* a folder test (regular expression) for baseline process creation (#Site.validate_on_create)
* link for cadmin to a checkout, so we can reverse a test checkout
* new layout 'site' for intro page and code in OtherController
* Redirect_to_path deprecated in Rails 2.0.2, replaced with to redirect_to(path)
* Removed terms of use, privacy policy from
* Removed migration code used for to migration
* Removed PinEdit support
* Removed backup stuff
* Removed ability to download_logfiles
* Removed code to remove white/empty lines on save in the HTML Editor, this was a workaround for PinEdit
* Removed CSDIFF dependencies (note: not all changes for CSDIFF replacement with XHTMLDiff have been made)
* LogicaCMG -> Logica
* Created TinyMCE plugin for EPF Wiki
* Refactored HTML editor form parameter (removed save parameter created different actions: save, checkin, undocheckout, preview)
* Checkin dialog nows redirects to 'View' not 'Info'
* Added Templates plugin
* Now using using uma.type, uma.presentationName, not content type, title element
* Removed footer (site help and feedback) from layouts/wiki.rhtml
* Discussion
* Add me to this list
* Brief description for a template
* Removed 'Recent Uploads' from right bar in site.rhtml and removed app/views/uploads/_recent.rhtml
* Replaced 'Help Area' with 'Toolbox'
* Removed stuff about EPF Wiki downloads
* Removed 005_feedback.rb
* '/' and '/other/home' redirect to 'login' when there are no users
* Renamed column 'site_id' to 'wiki_id' in table 'versions'. Added new column 'baseline_process_id'
* Refactored page.html and version.html
* Removed baselines_controller.rb, baseline.rb, /app/views/baselines/*
, /test/functional/baselines_controller_test.rb, enhancements_controller.rbs
(NOT REMOVED FROM CVS or in CVS operation)
* Renamed Page.find_or_new to Page.new_from_epfc
* Welcome messages, Help Message, About Page etc can be customized by the central administrator
* Removed treebrowser.js from wiki.rhtml
* Most Recent on Home page displays last 15 comments, versions, uploads and/or new pages
* Cleanup of login page. Note that the welcome message can now also be changed.
* Users are now automatically subscribed to a page if they add a comment or version
* Added Hall of Fame: Monthly and Overall
* Replaced application helpers url_for_site, url_for_page with #Page.url, #WikiPage.url, #BaselineProcess.url
* Removed ApplicationHelper.tabs and replaced with #ApplicationHelper.menulink_to. This helper uses better CSS techniques for rendering tabs
* Removed use of 'activate' in Controller code
* Removed Site.find_wikis, replaced with Wiki.find(:all, :conditions => ['obsolete_on is null'])
* Created PortalController, moved about, archives, feedback, home, search, wikis to portal
* Implemented new toolbar for EPFC pages: discussion, edit, new, history home (right), manage (right)
* Implemented new menu links for Management: my EPF Wiki, home ,about(admin), logout
* link_to_site shouldn't allow a site to get 'framed' (using popup now)
* Split Version into BaselineProcessVersion and UserVersion for a clean seperation. Also don't create copies of html files in Wiki.
* Removed PageLocation (was not really used)
* Implemented new menu links for Management layout: Sites, Users, My EPF Wiki, About (admin) -> home (right), logout(right)
* Removed auto_update.rb (used for
* New method for creating new pages WikiPage.new_using_template
* Don't use size, use count (mainly a problem in test code)
* Removed difference analysis stuff
* Changed tidy config to not show errors and warnings (in the console). Value was show-errors: 1 and show-warnings: 1, added quiet: yes
* Remove the ability to checkout to another Wiki
* Replaced the markdown stuff for VersionsController.text using only strip_tags and simple_format
* users/show/:id made public, changed helper link_to_to user always displays a link
* Made link_to_notification_toggle user aware + cadmin can now change notification of user. Removed link_to_notificication helper
* Made link_to_change_report_notification_toggle user aware, same as previous
* Removed helper link_to_user_actions
* Added Terms of Use and Privacy Policy dmin messages
* Creating a new page now creates a notification subscription, see WikiPage.new_using_template
* New pages created by users are 'enhanced' now with Page.enhance_file, see WikiPage.new_using_template
* Error when creating new page based on template: "No checkout created; new page operation should have created a checkout" fixed in WikiPage (has_one :checkout)
* Contributors will be notified about harvested contributions when the Wiki is updated with a new baseline. So no update means users are not notified
* Improved generating of diffs, HTML is prepared for diff and stored in a separate directory 'diffs'. This way we don't have to manipulate the HTML of a BaselineProcess. The directory can be purged at any time.
* Replaced Python markdown functionaliy with plain Rails helpers strip_tags and simple_format, see VersionsController.text
* Improvement: notify immediate users receive notification of new uploads, comments, changes, updates
* Validate presence of :user, :wiki, :page in Version
* Fixed SystemStackError bug when updating a site with unharvested versions
* Users can open checked out pages, they get a message that the file is checked out and cannot be saved
* Removed Version.new_basedonversion
* Improved archives
* Removed comments_count versions_count in 001_initial.rb
* Disable the terms of use restriction on sign up
* More simple change reports (+ renamed report.rhtml to summary.rhtml)
* Changed tidy config: indent: no + sort-attributes: alpha for better diffs
* Creating a Comment about a new WikiPage will cause an error. This should not be allowed and we should display a user friendly message
* Expire all pages on do_update
* Public page for user (column is in table: users.text)
* "Couldn't find User without an ID" when sending report
* No link to ordinary users when using link_to_user
* Also expire public/index.html (same as portal/home)
* Use not
* Added tab4 image
* Checkin fails with "No such file or directory - app/models/page_head_snippet.txt". Should use File.expand_path in Page.get_snippets
* Removed 'Free' from "Free software...anyone can edit"
* Allow users to add free text to public user page
* Cleanup of unused, unnecessary things in checkout
* Email view files 'new_password.rhtml' and 'confirmation_link.rhtml' replaced with 'welcome.rhtml'
* Site.templates: checked out template causes "You have a nil object when you didn't expect it. The error occurred while evaluating" when trying to create a new page
* "undefined method `versions_in_site' for #" on update of a Wiki
* UserController.send_report: redirect to 'account', not 'show'
* Enhanced Wiki.enhance_files to prevent wrapping of elements after TinyMCE modifies content (pageTitle, expandCollapseLink)
* Undo checkout when it is a new page should also delete the page (not only version) (Checkout.undo, PagesControllerTest.test_undocheckout, PagesController.undocheckout)
* Bug 238010 - Allow all admin user to trigger a Wiki update (SitesController)
* Deleted resend functionality (Notifier, LoginController, LoginControllerTest)
* Bug 238009 - Support deleting and archiving wikis and baselines (ApplicationHelper.link_to_site, sites/list.rhtml, SitesContoller.obsolete
* Support different port numbers than 80, use + (request.port == 80 ? '' : ':' + request.port.to_s) and not only LoginController, PagesController, UploadsController, other/env.rhtml, versions/show.rhtml, CommentsControllerTest, LoginControllerTest, PagesControllerTest
* Use error FLASH_USE_POST_NOT_GET with verify method post in controllers (FeedbacksController, LoginController, SitesController, UploadsController, UsersController)
* When creating new pages, make the filename unique when it isn't unique (WikiPage.new_using_template, WikiPage.make_rel_path_unique)
* Moved arrow.gif (for comment div) to images (default.css, wiki.css)
* Other workaround for rjs caching problem (changed wiki.js, generic.expire_all_pages)
* Removed support for index.html, we now explicitly assume EPFC will use index.htm
* Added plugin for EPF Practices Library, this will replace OpenUP