blob: 711745921a39cc71bef3b5cdbcbb0cde1e1f3639 [file] [log] [blame]
<%= render :partial => 'header' %>
<p>Hi <%= %>,</p>
<p>A authorisation problem was detected when user <%= link_to, "mailto:#{}" %>
was using <%= link_to ENV['EPFWIKI_APP_NAME'] , "http://#{ENV['EPFWIKI_HOST']}/" %>. This could mean
many things. It could mean there is a problem in the application. Or maybe the user needs extra privileges (admin privileges).
Or the user tried to hack the system. Details of the event are below to help you analyse the event</p>
Your <%= ENV['EPFWIKI_APP_NAME'] %> Server</p>
<table border="0">
<tr><th>Location</th><td><%= @env['REQUEST_URI'] %></td></tr>
<tr><th>Action</th><td><%= @params.delete('action') %></td></tr>
<tr><th>Controller</th><td><%= @params.delete('controller') %></td></tr>
<tr><th>Query</th><td><%= @env['QUERY_STRING'] %></td></tr>
<tr><th>Method</th><td><%= @env['REQUEST_METHOD'] %></td></tr>
<tr><th>SSL</th><td><%= @env['SERVER_PORT'].to_i == 443 ? "true" : "false" %></td></tr>
<tr><th>Agent</th><td><%= @env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] %></td></tr>
<% for key, val in @params -%>
<p><b><%= key %></b></p>
<p><%= val.to_yaml.to_a.join("</p>\n<p> ") %></p>
<% end if @params -%>
<% for key, val in @session -%>
<p><b><%= key %></b></p>
<p><%= val.to_yaml.to_a.join("</p>\n<p> ") %></p>
<% end if @session -%>
<table border="0">
<% for key, val in @env -%>
<small><b><%= key %></b></small>
<small><%= val %></small>
<% end if @env -%>
<%= render :partial => 'footer' %>