blob: e324bd562f39a9ee81ca64c98d66a097b2b5b73b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1997, 2008 by ProSyst Software GmbH
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* ProSyst Software GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.xml;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.ds.Activator;
import org.eclipse.equinox.internal.util.string.CharBuffer;
* <p>
* Class used for reading of xml files, creating tree structure of 'TagClass'
* for each xml tag. When reader reaches a closed tag it notifies a given
* 'TagListener' and sends the last tag to it. If closing tag does not
* correspond with the last open IllegalArgumentException is thrown. There is a
* debug property 'xml.debug' used to dump an Exceptions occurred while
* operation is running.
* </p>
* <p>
* The parser, in general, is a simple XML parser that implements
* &quot;Recursive descent&quot; parsing method.
* Known limitations:<br>
* <pre>
* Currently this XMLParser does not support the following special tags:
* 1. &lt;?TAG_NAME ..... ?&gt; or also &quot;Processing Instructions&quot;
* 2. &lt;!DOCTYPE .... &gt;
* 3. &lt;!ELEMENT .... &gt;
* 4. &lt;!ATTLIST .... &gt;
* 5. &lt;!ENTITY .... &gt;
* </pre>
* <br>
* The parser skippes these tags (it searches for '>' symbol and closes the
* 'special' tag).<br>
* @author Ivan Dimitrov
* @author Pavlin Dobrev
* @version 1.0
public class XMLReader {
private static final String DEBUG = "equinox.ds.xml.debug";
private static final String SET_OLD_BEHAVIOUR = "equinox.ds.xml.oldbehaviour";
private static final String SET_OLD_LEVELS = "equinox.ds.xml.oldlevels";
private static final String INTERN_ATTRIBUTES = "equinox.ds.xml.intern.attributes";
private static final String CDATA = "CDATA";
private static final String XML = "xml";
private static final String VERSION = "version";
private static final String ENCODING = "encoding";
private static final String STANDALONE = "standalone";
private static final String ERR_EOS = "End-of-stream reached before the end of XML.";
private static final String ERR_ENTITY_EXPECTED = "Entity reference or Character reference expected.";
private static final String ERR_EQUAL_EXPECTED = "'=' expected.";
private static final String ERR_QUOT_EXPECTED = "''' or '\"' expected.";
private static final String ERR_GT_EXPECTED = "'>' expected.";
private static final String ERR_LT_EXPECTED = "'<' expected.";
private static final String ERR_CLOSE_TAG1_EXPECTED = "'/' or tag name expected.";
private static final String ERR_CLOSE_TAG2_EXPECTED = "'>', '/>' or more attributes expected.";
private static final String ERR_CLOSE_TAG3_EXPECTED = "'?>' expected.";
private static final String ERR_CONTENT_EXPECTED = "Content data, new tag or closing tag expected.";
private static final String ERR_QUESTIONMARK_EXPECTED = "'?' expected.";
private static final String ERR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER = "Illegal character.";
private static final String ERR_TAGNAME_EXPECTED = "Tag name expected.";
private static final String ERR_TAGNAME2_EXPECTED = "Tag name, '?' or '!' expected.";
private static final String ERR_DASH_EXPECTED = "'-' expected.";
private static final String ERR_COMMENT_CLOSE_EXPECTED = "'-->' expected.";
private static final String ERR_CDATA_EXPECTED = "'CDATA' expected.";
private static final String ERR_OPENSQBRACKET_EXPECTED = "'[' expected.";
private static final String ERR_CLOSE_CDATA_EXPECTED = "']]>' expected.";
private static final String ERR_SEMICOLON_EXPECTED = "';' expected.";
private static final String ERR_XMLPROLOG_EXPECTED = "XML prolog '<?xml' is not expected at this position.";
private static final String ERR_VERSION_EXPECTED = "'version' attribute expected.";
private static final String ERR_ENCODING_STANDALONE_EXPECTED = "'encoding', 'standalone' or '?>' expected.";
private static final String ERR_STANDALONE_EXPECTED = "'standalone' attribute expected.";
private static final boolean fDebug = Activator.getBoolean(DEBUG);
private static final boolean fOldBehaviour = Activator.getBoolean(SET_OLD_BEHAVIOUR);
private static final boolean fOldLevels = Activator.getBoolean(SET_OLD_LEVELS);
private static final boolean fInternAttributes = Activator.getBoolean(INTERN_ATTRIBUTES);
private String fDefaultEncoding = "UTF-8";
// private CharBuffer c;
private CharBuffer temp = new CharBuffer();
private CharBuffer temp2 = null;
protected Reader fReader = null;
protected InputStream fStream = null;
protected char currentChar = 0;
protected TagListener fTagListener;
protected int fLine = 1;
protected int fPos = 0;
protected int fLevel = -1;
protected int fCurrentLevel = 1;
private String fVersion = "1.0";
private String fEncoding = "UTF-8";
private String fStandalone = "no";
protected static final String[] fNew_entities = {"amp", "apos", "lt", "gt", "quot"};
protected static final char[] fNew_ent_chars = {'&', '\'', '<', '>', '"'};
protected static final String[] fOld_entities = {"amp", "nbsp", "crlf", "tab", "lt", "gt", "quot", "apos"};
protected static final char[] fOld_ent_chars = {'&', ' ', '\n', '\t', '<', '>', '"', '\''};
* An empty default constructor
public XMLReader() {
* Constructs a new XMLReader. <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aInputStream
* an InputStream to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on tag close event
* @throws IOException
public XMLReader(InputStream aInputStream, TagListener aListener) {
fStream = aInputStream;
fTagListener = aListener;
* Constructs a new XMLReader. <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aReader
* a reader that will be used to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on tag close event
public XMLReader(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener) {
fReader = aReader;
fTagListener = aListener;
* Parses a XML file given through aInputStream and during the parsing
* notifies aListener for close-tag events <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aInputStream
* an InputStream to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on close-tag events
* @throws IOException
public static void read(InputStream aInputStream, TagListener aListener) throws IOException {
parseXML(aInputStream, aListener, -1);
* Parses a XML file given through aInputStream and during the parsing
* notifies aListener for close-tag events <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aInputStream
* an InputStream to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on close-tag events
* @param aLevel
* see parseXML(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener, int aLevel
* description
* @throws IOException
public static void read(InputStream aInputStream, TagListener aListener, int aLevel) throws IOException {
parseXML(aInputStream, aListener, aLevel);
* Parses a XML file given through aReader and during the parsing notifies
* aListener for close-tag events <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aReader
* a Reader to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on close-tag events
* @throws IOException
public static void read(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener) throws IOException {
parseXML(aReader, aListener, -1);
* Parses a XML file given through aReader and during the parsing notifies
* aListener for close-tag events <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aReader
* a Reader to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on close-tag events
* @param aLevel
* see parseXML(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener, int aLevel
* description
* @throws IOException
public static void read(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener, int aLevel) throws IOException {
parseXML(aReader, aListener, aLevel);
* Sets the parser's encoding. If there is a current encoding associated
* with the parser the method returns immediately
* @param aEncoding
* new encoding to be set
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* if the encoding is not supported.
protected void setEncoding(String aEncoding) {
if (fReader == null) {
try {
fReader = new InputStreamReader(fStream, aEncoding);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (fDebug) {
System.err.println("[XMLReader] Failed setting the encoding \"" + aEncoding + "\", continue parsing with the default one.");
fReader = new InputStreamReader(fStream);
* Sets the level of tags bellow which the listener will be notified for.
* For internal use only.
* @param aLevel
protected void setLevel(int aLevel) {
fLevel = aLevel;
/* A helper function to reuse a temp CharBuffers without recreating it */
protected CharBuffer getCharBuffer() {
if (temp.length() <= 0) {
return temp;
} else if (temp2 == null) {
temp2 = new CharBuffer(0);
return temp2;
} else if (temp2.length() <= 0) {
return temp2;
return new CharBuffer(0);
protected char prev_char = 0;
protected char[] fBuffer = new char[4096];
protected int fBufferLen = 0;
protected int fBufferPos = 0;
* Reads the next char from the input stream and sets it to private field
* <code>currentChar</code>
* @return true if the next char is successfully read of false if
* End-Of-Stream is reached
* @throws IOException
* if some error occurs during reading the character or if the
* caller tries to read beyond the End-Of-Stream.
protected boolean getNextChar() throws IOException {
// // Reading characters without buffering
// int ichar = 0;
// int count = 0;
// while (ichar == 0 && count < 100) {
// ichar =;
// count++;
// }
// if (ichar == 0)
// throw new IOException("Failed to read from the input file.");
// if (ichar < 0 && prev_char == 0)
// throw new IOException(ERR_EOS);
// char ch = (char) ichar;
char ch;
if (fReader == null) { // If there is no associated reader,
int ach =; // then reads from the InputStream until
if (ach < 0) { // the rigth encoding is recognized
ach = 0;
ch = (char) ach;
if (ch == 0 && prev_char == 0) {
throw new IOException(ERR_EOS);
} else {
if (fBufferLen < 0) {
throw new IOException(ERR_EOS);
if ((fBufferPos) >= fBufferLen) {
// Refetch the buffer
fBufferLen = 0;
fBufferPos = 0;
int count = 0;
while (fBufferLen == 0 && count < 100) {
fBufferLen =;
ch = (fBufferLen > 0) ? fBuffer[fBufferPos++] : 0;
if (fBufferLen == 0) {
fBufferLen = -1;
} else {
ch = fBuffer[fBufferPos++];
prev_char = currentChar;
currentChar = ch;
switch (ch) {
case '\n' :
if (prev_char != '\r') {
fPos = 0;
case '\r' :
fPos = 0;
return (currentChar != 0);
* Parses the attribute value and if it's successful then adds it to the
* CharBuffer. If there are EntityReferences of CharReferences in the
* attribute value, they will be turned to their equivalent symbols.<br>
* attr_value ::= (acceptable_char | EntityRef | CharRef)* - quot_symbol
* @see parse_attr
* @see parse_CharRef
* @see parse_EntityRef
protected void parse_attr_value(CharBuffer sb, char quot) throws IOException {
while (currentChar != quot && currentChar != '<') {
if (accept_char('&')) {
if (!parse_CharRef(sb)) {
if (!parse_EntityRef(sb, true)) {
} else {
if (!getNextChar()) {
* Parses an attribute with the given simplified grammar:<br>
* <pre>
* attribute ::= S* + attr_name + S* + '=' + S* + ('\'' + (attr_value - '\'') + '\'')) | ('&quot;' + (attr_value - '&quot;') + '&quot;'))
* attr_value ::= (acceptable_char | EntityRef | CharRef)*
* attr_name ::= identifier
* </pre>
* @param aParent
* the parent tag where the correctly parsed attribute will be
* added
* @throws IOException
* @see parse_identifier
* @see parse_attr_value
protected boolean parse_attr(CharBuffer cb) throws IOException {
cb.append(' ');
int length = parse_identifier(cb);
if (length > 0) {
if (!accept_char('=')) {
char quot = 0;
if (accept_char('"')) {
quot = '"';
} else if (accept_char('\'')) {
quot = '\'';
} else {
parse_attr_value(cb, quot);
if (!accept_char(quot)) {
err("'" + quot + "' expected.");
return true;
return false;
* Parses a tag attribute list with the following simplified grammar:
* <pre>
* attr_list ::= attribute*
* @param aParent the parent tag that the parsed attributes will be added to
* @return true if at least one attribute is parsed correctly and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see parse_attr
protected boolean parse_attr_list(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
boolean result = false;
CharBuffer cb = getCharBuffer();
while (parse_attr(cb)) {
result = true;
aParent.fAttributes = ((fInternAttributes) ? cb.toString().intern() : cb.toString());
return result;
private static final char bA = 'A' - 1;
private static final char aZ = 'Z' + 1;
private static final char ba = 'a' - 1;
private static final char az = 'z' + 1;
private static final char b0 = '0' - 1;
private static final char a9 = '9' + 1;
* This method returns true is the passed character may be used as starting
* character for tag name and attribute name
* @param ch
* the tested character
* @return true if the character could be used as starting character for a
* tag name and an attribute name and false otherwise
public final static boolean isNameStartChar(char ch) {
return (ch > bA && ch < aZ) || (ch > ba && ch < az) || (ch == ':') || (ch == '_') || (ch > 0xBF && ch < 0xD7) || (ch > 0xD7 && ch < 0xF7) || (ch > 0xF7 && ch < 0x300) || (ch > 0x36F && ch < 0x37E) || (ch > 0x37E && ch < 0x2000) || (ch > 0x200B && ch < 0x200E) || (ch > 0x206F && ch < 0x2190) || (ch > 0x2BFF && ch < 0x2FF0) || (ch > 0x3000 && ch < 0xD800) || (ch > 0xF900 && ch < 0xFDD0) || (ch > 0xFDEF && ch < 0xFFFE) || (ch > 0x0FFFF && ch < 0xF0000);
* This method returns true if the passed characted may be used as part of a
* tag name or an attribute name
* @param ch
* the tested character
* @return true is the characted could be used as part of a tag name or an
* attribute name and false otherwise
public final static boolean isNameChar(char ch) {
return (ch == '-') || (ch == '.') || (ch == 0xB7) || (ch > b0 && ch < a9) || isNameStartChar(ch) || (ch > 0x02FF && ch < 0x0370) || (ch > 0x203E && ch < 0x2041);
* Parses an identifier.
* @return an identifier as a string if it is parsed successfully and null
* otherwise
* @throws IOException
* if an exception occurs during read operations from the Reader
* or the InputStream
protected String parse_identifier() throws IOException {
if (isNameStartChar(currentChar)) {
CharBuffer sb = getCharBuffer();
while (isNameChar(currentChar)) {
if (!getNextChar()) {
String result = sb.toString().intern();
return result;
return null;
* Parses an identifier and places it into the passed CharBuffer
* @param cb
* CharBuffer where the parsed identifier will be placed into
* @return the length of the parsed identifier
* @throws IOException
* if an exception occurs during read operations from the Reader
* or the InputStream
protected int parse_identifier(CharBuffer cb) throws IOException {
if (isNameStartChar(currentChar)) {
int length = 0;
while (isNameChar(currentChar)) {
if (!getNextChar()) {
return length;
return 0;
* Parses a tag name and if it is successfully parsed the method sets it as
* a name of the parent tag
* @param aParent
* parent tag
* @return true if the name is parsed successfully and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see parse_identifier
protected boolean parse_tag_name(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
String name = parse_identifier();
if (name != null) {
return name != null;
* Helper function that notify listeners depending on certain conditions
* such as if the tag event is on-close or on-open
* @param aTag
* The tag that the notification event is valid for.
* @param isStart
* true if the event is on-open and false if it is on-close
protected void notifyListeners(TagClass aTag) {
try {
if (fLevel <= 0 || fLevel == fCurrentLevel) {
} catch (RuntimeException re) {
if (fDebug) {
System.err.println("An outside exception occurred while processing a tag on line " + aTag.getLine() + ", the tag name is: " + aTag.getName() + ", the level is: " + fCurrentLevel);
throw re;
* Parses a normal tag. There are two cases - (1) the tag has separate open
* and close tag elements and (2) the tag is simple suchas &lt;tag_name ...
* /&gt;
* @param aParent
* The parent tag that this tag will be added to if the parsing
* is successful
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see clearWhiteSpaces
* @see parse_tag_name
* @see parse_attr_list
* @see notifyListeners
* @see accept_char
* @see accept_seq
* @see parse_PCDATA
protected boolean parse_tag_normal(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
// Looking for a tag_name (identifier)
if (isNameStartChar(currentChar)) {
TagClass tag = new TagClass();
if (accept_char('/')) {
if (!accept_char('>')) {
if (!fOldBehaviour) {
return true;
} else if (accept_char('>')) {
while (true) {
int pos = fPos;
if (currentChar == '<') { // Normal tag, Special tag or
// closing tag
if (!parse_tag(tag)) { // It may be a special tag.
if (!accept_char('/')) {
err(pos + 1, ERR_CLOSE_TAG1_EXPECTED);
// trying to accept: tag_name + S* + '>'
pos = fPos;
if (!accept_seq(tag.getName())) {
err(pos, '\'' + tag.getName() + "' string expected.");
if (!accept_char('>')) {
return true;
} else {
if (!parse_PCDATA(tag))
} else {
return false;
* Parses special tags, such that begins with:<br>
* <pre><code>
* &lt;!-- comments
* &lt;!tag_name Parsing instructions
* &lt;![ CDATA element
* &lt;? DOCTYPE, etc.
* </code></pre>
* @param aParent
* The parent tag that this tag will be added to if the parsing
* is successful
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see accept_char
* @see clearWhiteSpaces
* @see parse_tag_CDATA
* @see parse_tag_name
* @see parse_comment
protected boolean parse_tag_special(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
if (accept_char('!')) {
TagClass tag = new TagClass();
if (parse_tag_name(tag)) {
while (true) {
if (accept_char('>')) {
return true;
} else if (parse_tag_CDATA(aParent)) { // parse CDATA tag
return true;
} else if (parse_comment(tag)) {
return true;
} else if (accept_char('?')) {
TagClass tag = new TagClass();
int pos = fPos;
if (parse_tag_name(tag)) {
if (tag.getName().equals(XML)) {
char prevCh = 0;
while (true) {
if (currentChar == '>') {
if (prevCh == '?') {
return true;
prevCh = currentChar;
return false;
* Parses an attribute value and returns it as a string
* @return the parsed attribute value as a string.
* @throws IOException
* if an exception occurs during read operations from the Reader
* or the InputStream
protected String getAttrValue() throws IOException {
CharBuffer cb = getCharBuffer();
if (currentChar != '\'' && currentChar != '"') {
char quot = currentChar;
parse_attr_value(cb, quot);
if (!accept_char(quot)) {
err("'" + quot + "' expected.");
String result = cb.toString();
return result;
* Parses the XML prolog tag, i.e.<br>
* <code> &lt;?xml version="..." encoding="..." standalone="..." ?&gt; </code><br>
* @param parent
* the parent tag (in this case this is the root "fake" tag,
* which the listeners will never be informed for...)
* @throws IOException
* if an exception occurs during read operations from the Reader
* or the InputStream
protected boolean parse_xml_prolog(TagClass parent) throws IOException {
if (accept_char('?')) {
TagClass tag = new TagClass();
if (parse_tag_name(tag)) {
if (tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(XML)) {
if (fOldLevels)
int pos = fPos;
String s = parse_identifier();
boolean bEncoding = false;
boolean bStandalone = false;
if (VERSION.equals(s)) {
fVersion = getAttrValue();
s = parse_identifier();
} else {
if (ENCODING.equals(s)) {
fEncoding = getAttrValue().toUpperCase();
s = parse_identifier();
bEncoding = true;
if (STANDALONE.equals(s)) {
fStandalone = getAttrValue();
s = parse_identifier();
bStandalone = true;
if (s != null) {
if (bEncoding && bStandalone)
if (!bEncoding && !bStandalone)
if (bEncoding)
pos = fPos;
if (!accept_seq("?>"))
return true;
char prevCh = 0;
while (true) {
if (currentChar == '>') {
if (prevCh == '?') {
return true;
} else if (currentChar == '<') {
err(ERR_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER + " ('<')");
prevCh = currentChar;
return false;
* Parses a comment. The grammar is:<br>
* Comment ::= '&lt;!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '--&gt;'<br>
* Note that the grammar does not allow a comment ending in ---&gt;. The
* following example is not well-formed.<br>
* <code>
* &lt;!-- B+, B, or B---&gt;</code>
* @param aParent
* The parent tag
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see accept_char
protected boolean parse_comment(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
if (accept_char('-')) {
if (!accept_char('-')) {
while (true) {
if (accept_char('-')) {
if (accept_char('-')) {
if (accept_char('>')) {
if (!getNextChar()) {
return true;
return false;
* Parses either normal or special tag
* @param aParent
* The parent tag that the successfully parsed tag will (if it is
* normal tag or CDATA element) be added
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see accept_cahr
* @see parse_tag_normal
* @see parse_tag_special
* @see clearWhiteSpaces
protected boolean parse_tag(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
try {
if (accept_char('<')) {
if (parse_tag_normal(aParent) || parse_tag_special(aParent)) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
* Parses the content of the tag (including sub-tags and sub-elements)
* @param aParent
* The parent tag that the content and tags will be added to
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see parse_PCDATA
* @see parse_tag
protected boolean parse_content(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
return (parse_PCDATA(aParent) || parse_tag(aParent));
* Parses a CDATA tag (or CDATA content element).
* @param aParent
* The parent tag that the content will be added to
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
protected boolean parse_tag_CDATA(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
if (accept_char('[')) {
int pos = fPos;
if (!accept_seq(CDATA))
if (!accept_char('['))
do {
if (currentChar != '>') {
} else {
CharBuffer sb = aParent.getContentBuffer();
int l = sb.length();
if (l >= 2) {
if (sb.charAt(l - 1) == ']' && sb.charAt(l - 2) == ']') {
sb.setLength(l - 2); // Truncates the extra "]]"
// symbols appended at the
// end
return true;
} while (getNextChar());
return false;
* Parses PCDATA content (Parseable Content DATA). The EntityRefs and
* CharRefs that are parsed will be turned to its symbol equivalent.
* @param aParent
* The parent tag that the PCDATA will be added to
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* @see accept_char
* @see parse_CharRef
* @see parse_EntityRef
protected boolean parse_PCDATA(TagClass aParent) throws IOException {
boolean result = false;
while (currentChar != '<') {
result = true;
CharBuffer sbContent = aParent.getContentBuffer();
if (accept_char('&')) {
int pos = fPos;
if (!parse_CharRef(sbContent))
if (!parse_EntityRef(sbContent, false))
err(pos - 1, ERR_ENTITY_EXPECTED);
} else {
if (!getNextChar())
return result;
* Accepts one character from the input stream and if it's successful moves
* one character forward.
* @param ch
* The character that should be accepted
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
protected boolean accept_char(char ch) throws IOException {
if (currentChar == ch) {
return true;
return false;
* Accepts a sequence of characters given by seq parameter. If the sequence
* is accepted successfully then the currentChar field will contain the
* character immediately after the accepted sequence.
* @param seq
* The character sequence that should be accepted
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
protected boolean accept_seq(String seq) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < seq.length(); i++) {
if (!accept_char(seq.charAt(i)))
return false;
return true;
private static final String[] fEntities = (fOldBehaviour) ? fOld_entities : fNew_entities;
private static final char[] fEnt_chars = (fOldBehaviour) ? fOld_ent_chars : fNew_ent_chars;
* <code>
* EntityRef ::= '&' + EntityValue + ';'<br>
* EntityValue ::= 'amp' | 'quot' | 'apos' | 'gt' | 'lt' | identifier
* </code>
* @param sb
* The string buffer that the recognized entity will be appended
* to
* @throws IOException
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @see parse_identifier
* @see accept_char
protected boolean parse_EntityRef(CharBuffer sb, boolean inAttribute) throws IOException {
String ent = parse_identifier();
if (!accept_char(';')) {
if (!inAttribute) {
int length = fEntities.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (fEntities[i] == ent) { // 'ent' is interned by
// parse_identifier() function
return true;
if (ent != null) {
return true;
* Parses a CharReference and if it is successful then appends it to the
* passed CharBuffer
* @param sb
* CharBuffer that the parsed CharReference will be added to
* @return true on success and false otherwise
* @throws IOException
protected boolean parse_CharRef(CharBuffer sb) throws IOException {
if (accept_char('#')) {
// TODO - Postponed...
while (currentChar != ';') {
if (!accept_char(';')) {
return true;
return false;
* Clears the white spaces starting from the current position
* @throws IOException
protected void clearWhiteSpaces() throws IOException {
while (Character.isWhitespace(currentChar)) {
if (!getNextChar())
* Throws an IOException with a given message. The current line number and
* line position are appended to the error message
* @param message
* The message of the exception
* @throws IOException
protected void err(String message) throws IOException {
err(fPos, message);
* Throws an IOException with the given message for the given line position.
* The current line number and position (pos) are appended to the exception
* message
* @param pos
* The line position that the error will be reported for
* @param message
* @throws IOException
protected void err(int pos, String message) throws IOException {
throw new IOException("[Line: " + fLine + ", Pos: " + pos + "] " + message);
* Initiates parsing of the XML file given through aInputStream or aReader
* in the given constructor when creating XMLReader object.
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurs during reading the XML file or if a
* parsing error eccurs.
protected void parseXML() throws IOException {
TagClass rootTag = new TagClass();
try {
boolean start = false;
while (accept_char('<')) {
start = true;
int pos = fPos;
if (fPos == 2 && fLine == 1) {
if (parse_xml_prolog(rootTag)) {
// System.out.println("XML Prolog found.");
// System.out.println("XML Version: " + fVersion + ",
// encoding: " + fEncoding);
} else {
if (!parse_tag_special(rootTag)) {
if (parse_tag_normal(rootTag)) {
// TODO da se proveri dali e dostignat kraja na file-a,
// ako ne e -
// togava ot tuk natatuk moje da ima samo komentari.
if (!start) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (fDebug) {
throw ioe;
* Parses a XML file given through aInputStream and during the parsing
* notifies aListener for close-tag events <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aInputStream
* an InputStream to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on close-tag event
* @param aLevel
* see parseXML(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener, int aLevel
* description
* @throws IOException
* if some IO error occurs when reading the XML file or if a
* parser error occurs.
public static void parseXML(InputStream aInputStream, TagListener aListener, int aLevel) throws IOException {
XMLReader xml = new XMLReader(aInputStream, aListener);
* Parses a XML file given through aReader and during the parsing notifies
* aListener for close-tag events <br>
* <br>
* <b>Note: The XMLReader does not close the passed Reader or InputStream
* @param aReader
* a reader that will be used to read the XML file from
* @param aListener
* TagListener that will be notified on close-tag event
* @param aLevel
* indicates the tag level that the listener will be invoked for.
* For example if the XML is:<br>
* <pre>
* &lt;a&gt;
* &lt;b&gt;
* &lt;c /&gt;
* &lt;/b&gt;
* &lt;/a&gt;
* </pre>
* <br>
* and the passed aLevel is 2 then the listener will be invoked
* only for tags that have level 2, i.e. in our example the
* listener will be invoked only for tag &lt;b&gt;<br>
* <ul>
* <li>Value less than 0 indicates &quot;invoke listener for all
* tags no matter what are their levels&quot;</li>
* <li>Value of 0 indicates that the listener must not be
* invoked in general no matter what is the tag level</li>
* <li>Value greater than 0 indicates the tag level that the
* listener will be invoked for</li>
* @throws IOException
* if some IO error occurs when reading the XML file or if a
* parser error occurs.
public static void parseXML(Reader aReader, TagListener aListener, int aLevel) throws IOException {
XMLReader xml = new XMLReader(aReader, aListener);
* Returns the XML version attribute
* @return the XML file version attribute
public String getVersion() {
return fVersion;
* Returns the XML encoding attribute
* @return the XML encoding attribute
public String getEncoding() {
return fEncoding;
* Returns the value of XML standalone attribute
* @return the value of XML standalone attribute
public String getStandalone() {
return fStandalone;