Bug 531354 - Restore binary compatibility of publisher.eclipse bundle

org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher.eclipse.BundlesAction is a public not
final class exported by publisher.eclipse bundle and there are no
restrictions like x-friends, @noextend an alike. This makes it a
public API.

At binary level, changing signatures [1] of BundlesAction's protected
methods is a binary-incompatible change:
- remove old methods with first parameter of type
- add new methods with the same name but with first parameter of type

Instead of increasing a major segment of bundle's version, restore
binary compatibility by restoring original methods.

[1] 02e018c88f5307fc754ae8bc0c0467eb209dd982

Change-Id: I0c5cff87d96c58da45f98d848572271f817364e0
Signed-off-by: Mykola Nikishov <mn@mn.com.ua>
1 file changed