blob: 15092aa730a110302218041e1a0a3554e5a26e6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.util;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EModelElement;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.*;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Anchor;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Bendpoints;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Bounds;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.CanonicalStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.ConnectorStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.DescriptionStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Diagram;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.DiagramStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.DrawerStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Edge;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.FillStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.FilteringStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.FontStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Guide;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.GuideStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.IdentityAnchor;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Image;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.ImageBufferStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.ImageStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.LayoutConstraint;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.LineStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Location;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Node;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.NotationPackage;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.PageStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Ratio;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.RelativeBendpoints;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.RoutingStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.ShapeStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Size;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.SortingStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.Style;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.TitleStyle;
import org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.View;
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* The <b>Switch</b> for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
* It supports the call {@link #doSwitch doSwitch(object)}
* to invoke the <code>caseXXX</code> method for each class of the model,
* starting with the actual class of the object
* and proceeding up the inheritance hierarchy
* until a non-null result is returned,
* which is the result of the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @see org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.NotationPackage
* @generated
* @canBeSeenBy org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.notation.*
public class NotationSwitch {
* The cached model package
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
protected static NotationPackage modelPackage;
* Creates an instance of the switch.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @generated
public NotationSwitch() {
if (modelPackage == null) {
modelPackage = NotationPackage.eINSTANCE;
* Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
* @generated
public Object doSwitch(EObject theEObject) {
return doSwitch(theEObject.eClass(), theEObject);
* Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
* @generated
protected Object doSwitch(EClass theEClass, EObject theEObject) {
if (theEClass.eContainer() == modelPackage) {
return doSwitch(theEClass.getClassifierID(), theEObject);
else {
List eSuperTypes = theEClass.getESuperTypes();
eSuperTypes.isEmpty() ?
defaultCase(theEObject) :
doSwitch((EClass)eSuperTypes.get(0), theEObject);
* Calls <code>caseXXX</code> for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @return the first non-null result returned by a <code>caseXXX</code> call.
* @generated
protected Object doSwitch(int classifierID, EObject theEObject) {
switch (classifierID) {
case NotationPackage.EDGE: {
Edge edge = (Edge)theEObject;
Object result = caseEdge(edge);
if (result == null) result = caseView(edge);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(edge);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.NODE: {
Node node = (Node)theEObject;
Object result = caseNode(node);
if (result == null) result = caseView(node);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(node);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.STYLE: {
Style style = (Style)theEObject;
Object result = caseStyle(style);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.FILL_STYLE: {
FillStyle fillStyle = (FillStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseFillStyle(fillStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(fillStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.LINE_STYLE: {
LineStyle lineStyle = (LineStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseLineStyle(lineStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(lineStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.FONT_STYLE: {
FontStyle fontStyle = (FontStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseFontStyle(fontStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(fontStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.TITLE_STYLE: {
TitleStyle titleStyle = (TitleStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseTitleStyle(titleStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(titleStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.SORTING_STYLE: {
SortingStyle sortingStyle = (SortingStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseSortingStyle(sortingStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(sortingStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DESCRIPTION_STYLE: {
DescriptionStyle descriptionStyle = (DescriptionStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDescriptionStyle(descriptionStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(descriptionStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.LAYOUT_CONSTRAINT: {
LayoutConstraint layoutConstraint = (LayoutConstraint)theEObject;
Object result = caseLayoutConstraint(layoutConstraint);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.SIZE: {
Size size = (Size)theEObject;
Object result = caseSize(size);
if (result == null) result = caseLayoutConstraint(size);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.LOCATION: {
Location location = (Location)theEObject;
Object result = caseLocation(location);
if (result == null) result = caseLayoutConstraint(location);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BOUNDS: {
Bounds bounds = (Bounds)theEObject;
Object result = caseBounds(bounds);
if (result == null) result = caseLocation(bounds);
if (result == null) result = caseSize(bounds);
if (result == null) result = caseLayoutConstraint(bounds);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.RATIO: {
Ratio ratio = (Ratio)theEObject;
Object result = caseRatio(ratio);
if (result == null) result = caseLayoutConstraint(ratio);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.ANCHOR: {
Anchor anchor = (Anchor)theEObject;
Object result = caseAnchor(anchor);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BENDPOINTS: {
Bendpoints bendpoints = (Bendpoints)theEObject;
Object result = caseBendpoints(bendpoints);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.IDENTITY_ANCHOR: {
IdentityAnchor identityAnchor = (IdentityAnchor)theEObject;
Object result = caseIdentityAnchor(identityAnchor);
if (result == null) result = caseAnchor(identityAnchor);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.ROUTING_STYLE: {
RoutingStyle routingStyle = (RoutingStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseRoutingStyle(routingStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseRoundedCornersStyle(routingStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(routingStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.VIEW: {
View view = (View)theEObject;
Object result = caseView(view);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(view);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.RELATIVE_BENDPOINTS: {
RelativeBendpoints relativeBendpoints = (RelativeBendpoints)theEObject;
Object result = caseRelativeBendpoints(relativeBendpoints);
if (result == null) result = caseBendpoints(relativeBendpoints);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DIAGRAM: {
Diagram diagram = (Diagram)theEObject;
Object result = caseDiagram(diagram);
if (result == null) result = caseView(diagram);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(diagram);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.IMAGE: {
Image image = (Image)theEObject;
Object result = caseImage(image);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.CANONICAL_STYLE: {
CanonicalStyle canonicalStyle = (CanonicalStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseCanonicalStyle(canonicalStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(canonicalStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.SHAPE_STYLE: {
ShapeStyle shapeStyle = (ShapeStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseShapeStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseFontStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseDescriptionStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseFillStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseLineStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseRoundedCornersStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(shapeStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.CONNECTOR_STYLE: {
ConnectorStyle connectorStyle = (ConnectorStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseConnectorStyle(connectorStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseRoutingStyle(connectorStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseLineStyle(connectorStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseRoundedCornersStyle(connectorStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(connectorStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.PAGE_STYLE: {
PageStyle pageStyle = (PageStyle)theEObject;
Object result = casePageStyle(pageStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(pageStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DRAWER_STYLE: {
DrawerStyle drawerStyle = (DrawerStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDrawerStyle(drawerStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(drawerStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.GUIDE_STYLE: {
GuideStyle guideStyle = (GuideStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseGuideStyle(guideStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(guideStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.GUIDE: {
Guide guide = (Guide)theEObject;
Object result = caseGuide(guide);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.NODE_ENTRY: {
Map.Entry nodeEntry = (Map.Entry)theEObject;
Object result = caseNodeEntry(nodeEntry);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.FILTERING_STYLE: {
FilteringStyle filteringStyle = (FilteringStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseFilteringStyle(filteringStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(filteringStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DIAGRAM_STYLE: {
DiagramStyle diagramStyle = (DiagramStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDiagramStyle(diagramStyle);
if (result == null) result = casePageStyle(diagramStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseGuideStyle(diagramStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseDescriptionStyle(diagramStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(diagramStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.IMAGE_STYLE: {
ImageStyle imageStyle = (ImageStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseImageStyle(imageStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(imageStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.IMAGE_BUFFER_STYLE: {
ImageBufferStyle imageBufferStyle = (ImageBufferStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseImageBufferStyle(imageBufferStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseImageStyle(imageBufferStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(imageBufferStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.PROPERTIES_SET_STYLE: {
PropertiesSetStyle propertiesSetStyle = (PropertiesSetStyle)theEObject;
Object result = casePropertiesSetStyle(propertiesSetStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(propertiesSetStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(propertiesSetStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
Map.Entry stringToPropertyValueMapEntry = (Map.Entry)theEObject;
Object result = caseStringToPropertyValueMapEntry(stringToPropertyValueMapEntry);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.PROPERTY_VALUE: {
PropertyValue propertyValue = (PropertyValue)theEObject;
Object result = casePropertyValue(propertyValue);
if (result == null) result = caseStringObjectConverter(propertyValue);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.SINGLE_VALUE_STYLE: {
SingleValueStyle singleValueStyle = (SingleValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseSingleValueStyle(singleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseDataTypeStyle(singleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(singleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStringObjectConverter(singleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(singleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.LIST_VALUE_STYLE: {
ListValueStyle listValueStyle = (ListValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseListValueStyle(listValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseDataTypeStyle(listValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(listValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStringObjectConverter(listValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(listValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.NAMED_STYLE: {
NamedStyle namedStyle = (NamedStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseNamedStyle(namedStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(namedStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.STRING_OBJECT_CONVERTER: {
StringObjectConverter stringObjectConverter = (StringObjectConverter)theEObject;
Object result = caseStringObjectConverter(stringObjectConverter);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DATA_TYPE_STYLE: {
DataTypeStyle dataTypeStyle = (DataTypeStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDataTypeStyle(dataTypeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(dataTypeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStringObjectConverter(dataTypeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(dataTypeStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.INT_VALUE_STYLE: {
IntValueStyle intValueStyle = (IntValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseIntValueStyle(intValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(intValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(intValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.INT_LIST_VALUE_STYLE: {
IntListValueStyle intListValueStyle = (IntListValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseIntListValueStyle(intListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(intListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(intListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BOOLEAN_VALUE_STYLE: {
BooleanValueStyle booleanValueStyle = (BooleanValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseBooleanValueStyle(booleanValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(booleanValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(booleanValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DOUBLE_VALUE_STYLE: {
DoubleValueStyle doubleValueStyle = (DoubleValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDoubleValueStyle(doubleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(doubleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(doubleValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DOUBLE_LIST_VALUE_STYLE: {
DoubleListValueStyle doubleListValueStyle = (DoubleListValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDoubleListValueStyle(doubleListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(doubleListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(doubleListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.STRING_VALUE_STYLE: {
StringValueStyle stringValueStyle = (StringValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseStringValueStyle(stringValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(stringValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(stringValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.STRING_LIST_VALUE_STYLE: {
StringListValueStyle stringListValueStyle = (StringListValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseStringListValueStyle(stringListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(stringListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(stringListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.EOBJECT_VALUE_STYLE: {
EObjectValueStyle eObjectValueStyle = (EObjectValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseEObjectValueStyle(eObjectValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(eObjectValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(eObjectValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.EOBJECT_LIST_VALUE_STYLE: {
EObjectListValueStyle eObjectListValueStyle = (EObjectListValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseEObjectListValueStyle(eObjectListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(eObjectListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(eObjectListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BYTE_ARRAY_VALUE_STYLE: {
ByteArrayValueStyle byteArrayValueStyle = (ByteArrayValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseByteArrayValueStyle(byteArrayValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(byteArrayValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(byteArrayValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BOOLEAN_LIST_VALUE_STYLE: {
BooleanListValueStyle booleanListValueStyle = (BooleanListValueStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseBooleanListValueStyle(booleanListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseNamedStyle(booleanListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(booleanListValueStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.HINTED_DIAGRAM_LINK_STYLE: {
HintedDiagramLinkStyle hintedDiagramLinkStyle = (HintedDiagramLinkStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseHintedDiagramLinkStyle(hintedDiagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseDiagramLinkStyle(hintedDiagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(hintedDiagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DIAGRAM_LINK_STYLE: {
DiagramLinkStyle diagramLinkStyle = (DiagramLinkStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseDiagramLinkStyle(diagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(diagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.MULTI_DIAGRAM_LINK_STYLE: {
MultiDiagramLinkStyle multiDiagramLinkStyle = (MultiDiagramLinkStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseMultiDiagramLinkStyle(multiDiagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(multiDiagramLinkStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.TEXT_STYLE: {
TextStyle textStyle = (TextStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseTextStyle(textStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(textStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.LINE_TYPE_STYLE: {
LineTypeStyle lineTypeStyle = (LineTypeStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseLineTypeStyle(lineTypeStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(lineTypeStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.ARROW_STYLE: {
ArrowStyle arrowStyle = (ArrowStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseArrowStyle(arrowStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(arrowStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.SHAPE: {
Shape shape = (Shape)theEObject;
Object result = caseShape(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseShapeStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseView(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseFontStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseDescriptionStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseFillStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseLineStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseRoundedCornersStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(shape);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(shape);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.COMPARTMENT: {
Compartment compartment = (Compartment)theEObject;
Object result = caseCompartment(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicCompartment(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseCanonicalStyle(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseTitleStyle(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDecorationNode(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDrawerStyle(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicDecorationNode(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseView(compartment);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(compartment);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.LIST_COMPARTMENT: {
ListCompartment listCompartment = (ListCompartment)theEObject;
Object result = caseListCompartment(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicCompartment(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseSortingStyle(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseFilteringStyle(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseTitleStyle(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDecorationNode(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDrawerStyle(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicDecorationNode(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseView(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(listCompartment);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.CONNECTOR: {
Connector connector = (Connector)theEObject;
Object result = caseConnector(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseEdge(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseConnectorStyle(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseView(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseRoutingStyle(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseLineStyle(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseRoundedCornersStyle(connector);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(connector);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.STANDARD_DIAGRAM: {
StandardDiagram standardDiagram = (StandardDiagram)theEObject;
Object result = caseStandardDiagram(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseDiagram(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseDiagramStyle(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseView(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = casePageStyle(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseGuideStyle(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseDescriptionStyle(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(standardDiagram);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.DECORATION_NODE: {
DecorationNode decorationNode = (DecorationNode)theEObject;
Object result = caseDecorationNode(decorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicDecorationNode(decorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(decorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseView(decorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(decorationNode);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BASIC_DECORATION_NODE: {
BasicDecorationNode basicDecorationNode = (BasicDecorationNode)theEObject;
Object result = caseBasicDecorationNode(basicDecorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(basicDecorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseView(basicDecorationNode);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(basicDecorationNode);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.BASIC_COMPARTMENT: {
BasicCompartment basicCompartment = (BasicCompartment)theEObject;
Object result = caseBasicCompartment(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDecorationNode(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDrawerStyle(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicDecorationNode(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseView(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(basicCompartment);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
BasicSemanticCompartment basicSemanticCompartment = (BasicSemanticCompartment)theEObject;
Object result = caseBasicSemanticCompartment(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicDecorationNode(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDrawerStyle(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseView(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(basicSemanticCompartment);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
SemanticListCompartment semanticListCompartment = (SemanticListCompartment)theEObject;
Object result = caseSemanticListCompartment(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicSemanticCompartment(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseSortingStyle(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseFilteringStyle(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseTitleStyle(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseBasicDecorationNode(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseDrawerStyle(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseNode(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseView(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = caseEModelElement(semanticListCompartment);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
case NotationPackage.ROUNDED_CORNERS_STYLE: {
RoundedCornersStyle roundedCornersStyle = (RoundedCornersStyle)theEObject;
Object result = caseRoundedCornersStyle(roundedCornersStyle);
if (result == null) result = caseStyle(roundedCornersStyle);
if (result == null) result = defaultCase(theEObject);
return result;
default: return defaultCase(theEObject);
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Edge</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Edge</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseEdge(Edge object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Node</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Node</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseNode(Node object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseStyle(Style object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Fill Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Fill Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseFillStyle(FillStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Line Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Line Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseLineStyle(LineStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Font Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Font Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseFontStyle(FontStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Title Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Title Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseTitleStyle(TitleStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Sorting Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Sorting Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseSortingStyle(SortingStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Description Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Description Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDescriptionStyle(DescriptionStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Layout Constraint</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Layout Constraint</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseLayoutConstraint(LayoutConstraint object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Size</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Size</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseSize(Size object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Location</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Location</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseLocation(Location object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Bounds</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Bounds</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseBounds(Bounds object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Ratio</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Ratio</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseRatio(Ratio object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Anchor</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Anchor</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseAnchor(Anchor object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Bendpoints</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Bendpoints</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseBendpoints(Bendpoints object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Identity Anchor</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Identity Anchor</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseIdentityAnchor(IdentityAnchor object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Routing Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Routing Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseRoutingStyle(RoutingStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>View</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>View</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseView(View object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Relative Bendpoints</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Relative Bendpoints</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseRelativeBendpoints(RelativeBendpoints object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Canonical Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Canonical Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseCanonicalStyle(CanonicalStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Shape Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Shape Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseShapeStyle(ShapeStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Connector Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Connector Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseConnectorStyle(ConnectorStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Diagram</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Diagram</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDiagram(Diagram object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Image</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Image</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseImage(Image object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Page Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Page Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object casePageStyle(PageStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Drawer Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Drawer Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDrawerStyle(DrawerStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Guide Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Guide Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseGuideStyle(GuideStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Guide</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Guide</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseGuide(Guide object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Node Entry</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Node Entry</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseNodeEntry(Map.Entry object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Filtering Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Filtering Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseFilteringStyle(FilteringStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Diagram Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Diagram Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDiagramStyle(DiagramStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Image Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Image Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseImageStyle(ImageStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Image Buffer Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Image Buffer Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseImageBufferStyle(ImageBufferStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Properties Set Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Properties Set Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object casePropertiesSetStyle(PropertiesSetStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String To Property Value Map Entry</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String To Property Value Map Entry</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseStringToPropertyValueMapEntry(Map.Entry object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Property Value</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Property Value</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object casePropertyValue(PropertyValue object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Single Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Single Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseSingleValueStyle(SingleValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>List Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>List Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseListValueStyle(ListValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Named Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Named Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseNamedStyle(NamedStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String Object Converter</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String Object Converter</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseStringObjectConverter(StringObjectConverter object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Data Type Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Data Type Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDataTypeStyle(DataTypeStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Int Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Int Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseIntValueStyle(IntValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Int List Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Int List Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseIntListValueStyle(IntListValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Boolean Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Boolean Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseBooleanValueStyle(BooleanValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Double Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Double Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDoubleValueStyle(DoubleValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Double List Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Double List Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDoubleListValueStyle(DoubleListValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseStringValueStyle(StringValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String List Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>String List Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseStringListValueStyle(StringListValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseEObjectValueStyle(EObjectValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject List Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject List Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseEObjectListValueStyle(EObjectListValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Byte Array Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Byte Array Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseByteArrayValueStyle(ByteArrayValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Boolean List Value Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Boolean List Value Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseBooleanListValueStyle(BooleanListValueStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Hinted Diagram Link Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Hinted Diagram Link Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseHintedDiagramLinkStyle(HintedDiagramLinkStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Diagram Link Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Diagram Link Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseDiagramLinkStyle(DiagramLinkStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Multi Diagram Link Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Multi Diagram Link Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseMultiDiagramLinkStyle(MultiDiagramLinkStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Text Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Text Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseTextStyle(TextStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Line Type Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Line Type Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseLineTypeStyle(LineTypeStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Arrow Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Arrow Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseArrowStyle(ArrowStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Shape</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Shape</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseShape(Shape object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Compartment</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Compartment</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseCompartment(Compartment object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>List Compartment</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>List Compartment</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseListCompartment(ListCompartment object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Connector</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Connector</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseConnector(Connector object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Standard Diagram</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Standard Diagram</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseStandardDiagram(StandardDiagram object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Decoration Node</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Decoration Node</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseDecorationNode(DecorationNode object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Basic Decoration Node</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Basic Decoration Node</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseBasicDecorationNode(BasicDecorationNode object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Basic Compartment</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Basic Compartment</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseBasicCompartment(BasicCompartment object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Basic Semantic Compartment</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Basic Semantic Compartment</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseBasicSemanticCompartment(BasicSemanticCompartment object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Semantic List Compartment</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Semantic List Compartment</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
* @since 1.2
public Object caseSemanticListCompartment(SemanticListCompartment object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Rounded Corners Style</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>Rounded Corners Style</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseRoundedCornersStyle(RoundedCornersStyle object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EModel Element</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EModel Element</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject) doSwitch(EObject)
* @generated
public Object caseEModelElement(EModelElement object) {
return null;
* Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
* <!-- begin-user-doc -->
* This implementation returns null;
* returning a non-null result will terminate the switch, but this is the last case anyway.
* <!-- end-user-doc -->
* @param object the target of the switch.
* @return the result of interpreting the object as an instance of '<em>EObject</em>'.
* @see #doSwitch(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject)
* @generated
public Object defaultCase(EObject object) {
return null;
} //NotationSwitch