blob: 9222c5de0d30d3bdcb9f03910336047996ad9cb4 [file] [log] [blame]
# ==============================================================================
#*| Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
#*| All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
#*| are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
#*| which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
#*| |
#*| |
#*| Contributors: |
#*| IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation |
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# MSL UI Plugin - Translation Instruction: section to be translated
# ==============================================================================
# --- Commands displayed in undo/redo text ---
CreateOrSelectElementCommand_Label = Get Element From User
# --- Modeling Assistant Popup Menus ---
CreateOrSelectElementCommand_PopupMenu_UnspecifiedMenuItem_Text = Unspecified
CreateOrSelectElementCommand_PopupMenu_CreateMenuItem_Text = Create {0}
CreateOrSelectElementCommand_PopupMenu_SelectExistingElementMenuItem_Text = Select Existing Element
CreateOrSelectElementCommand_PopupMenu_CreateWithoutBindingMenuItem_Text = Create Unspecified
# --- Dialogs ---
SelectElementDialog_title=Select Element
SelectElementDialog_selection=Currently selected element:
# Validation preferences page strings
# ================================ BEGIN ==================================================
Validation_liveValidationGroupLabel = Live validation problems
Validation_liveValidationDestinationPrompt = Show live validation errors in:
Validation_liveValidationDestination_dialogComboItem = Pop-up dialog
Validation_liveValidationDestination_consoleComboItem = Console
Validation_liveValidationShowConsolePrompt = Show console when live validation problems occur
Validation_liveValidationWarnDialogPrompt = Include live warnings
# ==================================== END =================================================
# Messages pertaining to reporting of problems in live validation.
# In all cases, the {0} argument is the error message provided by the
# validation service.
# ================================ BEGIN ==================================================
Validation_error=\ ERROR: {0}
Validation_warn=\ Warning: {0}
Validation_note=\ Note: {0}
Validation_problems=Problems encountered in updating the model.
Validation_rollback=\ *** The change was not applied to the model. ***
Validation_liveError=The system cannot perform the requested action because it violates the integrity of the model.
# Fragmenting the following message so as to not use hard return characters (\n) in translatable strings
Validation_liveWarning_part1=This change to the model does not violate structural integrity but may cause unexpected problems in the application.
Validation_liveWarning_part2=Press 'Ctrl+Z' or select the 'Edit > Undo' menu to undo the change if it is a problem.
Validation_liveDialogTitle=Model Validation
Validation_dontShowCheck=Don't show this dialog again
# ==================================== END =================================================
# Output view category for live validation problem messages.
Validation_outputProviderCategory=Rational Modeling
# Messages pertaining to the assigning pathmaps to existing eclipse path variables
# to be used in modeling. These messages are used in a preference page.
# ================================ BEGIN ==================================================
PathmapsPreferencePage_mainDescription=Use the check boxes to select path variables to use in modeling artifacts.\n\
These are a subset of the path variables in the ''<a>{0}</a>'' preferences page.
PathmapsPreferencePage_availablePathVariables=Available path &variables:
PathmapsPreferencePage_incompatiblePathVariableErrorMessage=The selected path variable(s) cannot be supported in a modeling environment.
PathmapsPreferencePage_registeredPathVariableErrorMessage=The selected path variable(s) are defined by the system; they cannot be removed.
PathmapsPreferencePage_promptTitle=Path Map Variables
PathmapsPreferencePage_updateFailed=Failed to update workspace path variables.
# Pattern for display of path variables in the preference page. {0} is the
# variable name and {1} is its value (the folder location). This pattern
# corresponds to the display of Path Variables in the Linked Resources
# preference page provided by the Eclipse Platform
PathmapsPreferencePage_variablePattern={0} - {1}
# ==================================== END =================================================
# Messages pertaining to the creation and editing of path variables
# to be used in modeling. These messages are used in a modal dialog launched by
# the preference page.
# ================================ BEGIN ==================================================
PathVariableDialog_newDialogTitle=Create Path Variable
PathVariableDialog_editDialogTitle=Edit Path Variable
PathVariableDialog_newTitle=Define a new path variable
PathVariableDialog_editTitle=Change an existing path variable
PathVariableDialog_newMessage=Enter the name and location of a path variable.
PathVariableDialog_editMessage=Edit the name and/or location of the path variable.
PathVariableDialog_browseDialogTitle=Folder Selection
PathVariableDialog_browseDialogMessage=Select a folder for the path variable location.
PathVariableDialog_alreadyDefined_ERROR_=Path variable already defined.
PathVariableDialog_invalidSegment_ERROR_=Path variable name is not a valid URI segment.
PathVariableDialog_notFolder_ERROR_=Path variables for modeling must be folder locations.
PathVariableDialog_noSuchFolder_ERROR_=Specified folder does not exist.
PathVariableDialog_sameLocation_WARN_=Another path variable is already defined for this location.
# ==================================== END =================================================