Bug 491174 - Last stack entry in Debug view missing

We have (at least) two jobs started during the proxy initialization:
AbstractModelProxy.initialize() and JavaDebugTargetProxy.installed().
Both of them must complete before ThreadEventHandler can send the
"suspended" event, otherwise the "installed" event sent by proxy could
override the "suspended" event, which should be logically the last one.

The job in JavaDebugTargetProxy implements now belongsTo() to allow
ThreadEventHandler to wait for the job to complete.

To fix bug 491174, a second change in platform.debug is needed
(ThreadEventHandler must wait for this job).

Change-Id: Ieb1de416fd5b86ad702333412dabde25541e8076
Signed-off-by: Andrey Loskutov <loskutov@gmx.de>
3 files changed