No common next protocol should fail handshake

There is currently no means to fail the SSL handshake due to there being no common next protocol.
The current treatment of a  return value from  also results in no NextProtocolMessage being sent to the server.
According to [NPN RFC section 3]( and [Google's NPN Spec, Next Protocol Negotiation Extension Section](  if the server included a  extension.

-Returning  from  should result in a failed SSL handshake with alert no_application_protocol(120)
-Add unit test for this scenario

jetty npn-boot is compatible with specifications and allows a means to fail the handshake if no common next procotols found.

Signed-off-by: Scott Mitchell <>
1 file changed
tree: f31fa4f42874f218df6d0535cac18745cba1caeb
  1. src/
  2. pom.xml