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Navigate to a Java element's declaration
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Navigate to a Java element's declaration
<li> Open the
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.jdt.ui.commands.openElementInEditor(elementRef=JUnit/")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/" alt="Open file">
file in the Java editor.
<li> On the first line of the <em>MoneyTest</em> class declaration, select the
superclass <em>TestCase</em> and either
<li> from the menu bar select Navigate &gt; Open Declaration or </li>
<li> press <kbd>F3</kbd>. </li>
<img src="images/navigate_opendeclaration.png" alt="Menu open declaration">
The TestCase class opens in the editor area and is also represented in
the Outline view. <br><em>Note: This command also works on methods and fields.</em>
<img src="images/editor_testcase.png" alt="Opened declaration">
<li> With the <em></em> editor open and the class declaration
<li> from the menu bar select Navigate &gt; Open Type Hierarchy or </li>
<li> press <kbd>F4</kbd>. </li>
<img src="images/navigate_open_typehieracrchy.png" alt="Menu open type hierarchy">
The Hierarchy view opens with the TestCase class displayed.
<img src="images/view_typehierarchy_testcase.png" alt="Type hierarchy view">
<em>Note: You can also open editors on types and methods in the Hierarchy view.</em>
<P class="nav_footer" id="nav_footer">Next Section: <A href="qs-6.htm">Viewing the type hierarchy</A>
<img src="../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" border="0" >
<a href="../tasks/tasks-73.htm">Opening an editor for a selected element</a><br>
<img src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference">
<a href="../reference/ref-type-hierarchy.htm">Type Hierarchy View</a><br>