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<title>Show References</title>
<h1>Show References</h1>
<p> Select the <strong>Show References</strong> command [ <img src="../../../images/org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui/elcl16/all_references.png" alt="Show All References"> ] to change if references should be displayed as variables in the view. When turned on, each Java variable that supports references will have a new child item with the name &quot;'&lt;variable name&gt;' referenced from:&quot;. This new variable contains a list of all Java objects that hold a reference to the parent object. You can get a text list in the detail pane by clicking on the reference list variable or explore the details of each referencing object by expanding the variables. </p>
<p>References will only appear in the view if the Java Virtual Machine you are using supports reference retrieval.</p>
<p>This command applies to:</p>
<li> <a href="../../../reference/views/expressions/ref-expressions_view.htm"><strong>Expressions View</strong></a></li>
<li><a href="../../../reference/views/variables/ref-variables_view.htm"><strong>Variables View</strong></a> </li>
<p>The Variables View with Show References turned on. In this case, the Map is references by one object, a HashMap$EntrySet. </p>
<p><img src="../../../reference/views/shared/images/ref-showreferences.PNG" alt="Show References"></p>
<p><img src="../../../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related Reference"></p>
<p><a href="../../../reference/views/shared/ref-viewdisplaycommands.htm">View Display Commands</a></p>