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<h1>Plug-in Development Environment Overview</h1>
The Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) provides a rich set of
tools to create, develop, test, debug and deploy Eclipse plug-ins, fragments,
features, update sites and RCP products.
PDE also provides comprehensive OSGi tooling, which makes it an ideal
environment for component programming, not just Eclipse plug-in development.
Some of the PDE tools include:
<b>Form-Based Manifest Editors</b>: Multi-page editors that centrally manage all manifest files of a plug-in or feature.
<b>RCP Tools</b>: Wizards and a form-based editor that allow you to define, brand, test and export products to multiple platforms.
<b>New Project Creation Wizards</b>: Create a new plug-in, fragment, feature, feature patch and update sites.
<b>Import Wizards</b>: Import plug-ins and features from the file system.
<b>Export Wizards</b>: Wizards that build, package and export plug-ins, fragments and products with a single click.
<b>Launchers</b>: Test and debug Eclipse applications and OSGi bundles.
<b>Views</b>: PDE provides views that help plug-in developers inspect different aspects of their development environment.
<b>Miscellaneous Tools</b>: Wizards to externalize and clean up manifest files.
<b>Conversion Tools</b>: Wizard to convert a plain Java project or plain JARs into a plug-in project.
<b>Integration with JDT</b>: Plug-in manifest files participate in Java search and refactoring.
To get started, try out the following cheatsheets:
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(cheatSheetId=org.eclipse.pde.helloworld)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"><strong>Creating an Eclipse Plug-in</strong></a>
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(cheatSheetId=org.eclipse.pde.rcpapp)")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/"><strong>Creating a Rich Client Application</strong></a>
Looking for more? Discover the latest features in the
<a href="../../whatsNew/pde_whatsnew.htm">What's New</a> section.