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<title>Fetching from Repositories</title>
<h2>Fetching from Repositories</h2>
The infrastructure offered by PDE Build provides steps to fetch the
source code and pre-built plug-ins from a repository as part of the build process (see the <a href="pde_feature_generating_antcommandline.htm#eclipseFetch">eclipse.fetch</a> task
and the <a href="../../reference/pde_builder_config.htm#fetchControl">properties to control fetching</a>).
Two possibilities are available: let PDE build automatically fetch the
source, or fetch the source code manually.</p>
<h3>First step to automation, the map file</h3>
Given the identifier of a feature or a plug-in that needs to be built, the build
infrastructure is able to fetch from a repository all the included features and
In order to know where to get things from, PDE uses map files. A map
file is a java property file which maps feature and plug-in ids to a
location and a tag in a repository. The format of map files is open and but
the <b>key</b> part is fixed by PDE Build:</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<pre>&lt;elementType&gt;@&lt;elementID&gt;[,&lt;elementVersion&gt;] = &lt;repo specific content&gt;</pre>
<p>where <tt>elementType</tt> is one of <tt>bundle</tt>, <tt>feature</tt>,
<tt>plugin</tt> or <tt>fragment</tt>, and <tt>elementId</tt> and <tt>elementVersion</tt> give the specifics of the element.</p>
<h4>Map file entry for CVS</h4>
The format of a map file entry to fetch content from CVS is the following:
<div style="text-align: center;">
<pre>&lt;key&gt; = CVS, [,args]</pre>
where <tt>args</tt> is a comma-separated list of key/value pairs described below:
<li><tt>cvsRoot</tt>, a CVS connection string;</li>
<li><tt>path</tt>, an optional CVS module and path where to get the folder containing the element. By default the element name is used as module name;</li>
<li><tt>prebuilt</tt>, an optional boolean indicating if the element downloaded is prebuilt. By default this is false;</li>
<li><tt>cvsPassFile</tt>, an option path to a cvs pass file;</li>
<li><tt>password</tt>, an optional password to use to connect to CVS;</li>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<h4>Map file entry for Ant GET</h4>
The format of a map file entry to fetch content from any URL supported by <a href="">Ant GET</a> is the following:</p>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<pre>&lt;key&gt; = GET, &lt;url&gt; [,args]</pre>
where <tt>url</tt> is the url to retrieve the data from and <tt>args</tt> is an optional comma-separated list of key/value pairs described below:
<li><tt>unpack</tt>, set to true the indicate that the downloaded element should be unzipped;</li>
<li><tt>verbose</tt>, set to true to show verbose progress information when downloading. The default value is false;</li>
<li><tt>ignoreerrors</tt>, set to true to log errors during the transport. The default value is false;</li>
<li><tt>usetimestamp</tt>, conditionally download a file based on the timestamp of the local copy (for http URLs only) when set to true. The default value is false;</li>
<li><tt>username</tt>, the username for "BASIC" http authentication;</li>
<li><tt>password</tt>, the password to perform the download.</li>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<pre>,3.4.5=GET,, unpack=true</pre>
<h4>Map file entry for other repositories</h4>
<p>PDE Build provides an <a href="../../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_pde_build_fetchFactories.html">extension point</a>
where fetch script generators for different repositories can be plugged in. When your eclipse
install contains a bundle that provides a script generator extension
for a different type of repository, you can use that repository by
specifying it in your map file entries and adhering to the format specified by the extension provider.</p>
<h3>Setting up for CVS source fetching</h3>
To set up fetching your source from CVS, you should do the following:<br>
<li>Make sure you have a cvs.exe on your system search path.&nbsp;
(Download CVS from <a href="">here</a>).<br>
<li>Create a folder called maps in the build directory.</li>
<li>Create a file with extension .map in the maps folder.</li>
<li>Fill in this map file with all the elements that need to be
fetched from a repository.</li>
<li>Edit the file from the configuration folder and
comment out the line <tt>skipFetch=true</tt>.&nbsp; If that property
is set, then PDE build will skip the entire fetch phase.&nbsp; If you
want the tag specified in the map files to be ignored you can set the
property <tt>fetchTag</tt> to a specific value. This is useful when
doing a nightly build from HEAD instead of from the tagged versions. </li>
<h4>Getting the map files from CVS</h4>
Map files are usually stored in a repository. PDE Build offers default
infrastructure to get those map files from a CVS repository.
To enable this function change the following properties in your
configuration's from your configuration directory:
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">skipMaps</span>:&nbsp; Comment
out this property.&nbsp; If this property is set, then PDE build will
not fetch the map files.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">mapsRepo</span> =; The CVS repository
from which to get the map files.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">mapsRoot</span> =
/path/to/maps.&nbsp; The path in the CVS repository to the directory
containing the map files.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">mapsCheckoutTag</span> =
HEAD.&nbsp; The CVS tag to use to checkout the map files.</li>
Fetching the map files from CVS occurs during the Pre-Build phase of
the build.&nbsp; Scripts to
fetch all the features and plug-ins included in the feature you are
building will be generated and
run during the fetch phase of the build.&nbsp;
<h3>Automatic fetching from other repositories</h3>
<p>If&nbsp; you are automatically fetching your map files from the
repository, you will need to copy the customTarget.xml file from into your configuration
directory.&nbsp; The target&nbsp; getMapFiles is used to fetch the map
files, this should be modified to fetch from your repository.</p>
<h3>Getting source code manually</h3>
You can write custom fetch targets to retrieve your plug-ins and
features which can be invoked from
the preSetup or postSetup targets in the customTargets.xml file.&nbsp;
Features and plug-ins should
be fetched to