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<title>Building an RCP application from a product configuration file</title>
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<h1>Building an RCP application from a product configuration file</h1>
<p>PDE Build comes with infrastructure to build a complete RCP
application from a product configuration file. Most of the setup
necessary for such a build can be done through a few modifications to
the template provided in PDE build. The
following section focuses on setting up a simple product build assuming
that all plug-ins and features (both to build and pre-built) referenced
by the product file are
already locally available on disk.<br>
<h2>Basic setup</h2>
The first step in setting up a build is to create the directory in
which the build will take place.
This directory will be referred to as the <i>build directory</i> and
will contain the plug-ins and features
to build as well as all the generated artifacts. Next, copy your
plug-ins and
features respectively into "plugins" and "features" subdirectories.
product configuration file is expected to be in one of these
The second step in setting up a build is to copy the template file from to a new directory which
will be the build configuration directory (also referred to as the <i>configuration
Edit the copied file and set the following properties:<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">product</span>: the location of
your product configuration file in the form "<code>/&lt;plugin or
feature id&gt;/path/to/.product</code>"</li>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">baseLocation</span>:&nbsp; the
location of an eclipse install containing all the pre-built features
and plug-ins
that your product requires in features/ and plugins/
subdirectories.&nbsp; The RCP delta pack (it is available
from the eclipse download page) is mandatory as it includes the
org.eclipse.platform.launchers feature which
contains the launchers and root files necessary for a product.</li>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">buildDirectory</span>:&nbsp; the
directory the build will take place in.&nbsp; Set this to the full path
of the build directory created
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">configs</span>: list the
configurations for which you want your product to be built. You can
uncomment the configuration(s) provided (be careful of the line
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">archivePrefix</span>: the name
of the directory of your product once installed on disk.</li>
<h3>Overview of the directory structure</h3>
<pre>&lt;buildDirectory&gt;/<br> plugins/<br> pluginToBuildA<br> pluginToBuildB<br> myProduct.product<br> ...<br> features/<br> featureToBuild<br> ...<br><br>&lt;buildConfiguration&gt;/<br><br><br>&lt;baseLocation&gt;<br> plugins/<br> org.eclipse.core.runtime<br> org.eclipse.ui<br> ...<br> features/<br> org.eclipse.rcp<br> org.eclipse.platform.launchers<br> ...<br> <br></pre>
<h2>Running the build</h2>
To run the build you will use the org.elipse.ant.core.antRunner
application. When invoking eclipse with this application to
perform a build you need to set two arguments on the command line:<br>
<li><code>-buildfile &lt;/path/to/productBuild.xml&gt;</code>:&nbsp;
This is
the path to
the productBuild.xml provided by pde build.&nbsp; It is located in the directory.&nbsp; This is the
build file
that drives the whole product build process.</li>
<li><code>-Dbuilder=&lt;/path/to/configuration folder&gt;</code>:&nbsp;
This is
the path to the build configuration folder.</li>
Run the antRunner application using the following command:<br>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<div style="text-align: left;">
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"><code>java -jar
&lt;eclipseInstall&gt;/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_&lt;version&gt;.jar -application
org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -buildfile
-Dbuilder=&lt;path to the build configuration folder&gt;</code><br>
<h2>Advanced scenarios</h2>
<p>Behind the scenes this setup will generate a feature containing the
plugins or features specified in your product configuration file.&nbsp;
This generated feature is then used to drive a normal feature based
headless build. If you require more customization of the build,
ie fetching from a repository, see the <a
PDE Build topics</a> for
more information.