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<title>Using version qualifiers</title>
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<h1>Using Version Qualifiers<br>
<p>Eclipse bundles and features have version numbers of the form <span
style="font-style: italic;">major</span>.<span
style="font-style: italic;">minor</span>.<span
style="font-style: italic;">micro</span>.<span
style="font-style: italic;">qualifier</span>.&nbsp; The qualifier
segment of the version is often used to indicated a specific
build.&nbsp; If you set your feature or plug-in version qualifier to
"<tt style="font-weight: bold;">qualifier</tt>" (ie a version of <tt>1.0.0.qualifier</tt>),
then PDE build
automatically replace the word "qualifier" with a generated qualifier.<br>
<h2>Controlling the Generated Qualifier</h2>
The value of the generated qualifier is determined by the first of the
following items that apply:<br>
<li>If the property <tt style="font-weight: bold;">forceContextQualifier</tt><span
style="font-weight: bold;"> </span>is set in your build
configuration file,&nbsp; then the value of this
property is used as the qualifier.&nbsp; This property can also be set
on the command line with -D when invoking ant.<br>
<li>If you are using map files to fetch your bundles from a
then the tag that was used to fetch the bundle will be used as the
<li>If neither forceContextQualifier nor map files are used, then the
qualifier will be a time stamp in the form YYYYMMDDHHMM (ie
<h2>Feature Version Suffixes</h2>
You can turn on the generation of qualifier suffixes for features by
setting the property <tt style="font-weight: bold;">generateFeatureVersionSuffix=true
</tt>in the build configuration file.<br>
The idea of a version is that it should increment each time something
changes, the version qualifier increments and captures changes from
build to build.&nbsp; Features rarely change, however, they do contain
plug-ins which may change often.&nbsp; When version suffixes are turned
on, a feature version will have the form <span
style="font-style: italic;">major.minor.micro.qualifier-suffix</span>.&nbsp;&nbsp;
The suffix is in effect the sum of the version qualifiers of all the
features and plug-ins included by the feature.&nbsp; This means that
when one of the included plug-ins increments its version, then the
version of the feature will automatically increment as well.&nbsp; This
is particularly useful when the feature is deployed via an update site.<br>
<h2>Final Versions</h2>
Occasionally there may be custom build steps that may require the
actual final version used in the build.&nbsp; PDE Build will generate
properties files containing the versions of the features and plug-ins
that were built.&nbsp; These properties files can be loaded using the ant property task.</p>
The files are named:,
finalPluginsVersions.&lt;config&gt;.properties,, and&nbsp;
finalFeaturesVersions.&lt;config&gt;.properties.&nbsp; and
contain the versions for all of the plug-ins and features that were
built.&nbsp; The &lt;config&gt; properties files contain the versions
of plug-ins and features for specific build configurations.</p>
The properties in these files have the form:<br>
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;bundleSymbolicName&gt; = &lt;version&gt;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &lt;bundleSymbolicName&gt;_&lt;first 3 segments of version&gt; = &lt;version&gt;</pre>
If more than one versions of a plug-in or feature exists, then
<tt>&lt;bundleSymbolicName&gt;=&lt;version&gt;</tt> refers to the plug-in or
feature with the highest version.
<pre>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; = 3.3.0.v20070524<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; org.eclipse.pde.build_3.3.0=3.3.0.v20070524<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; org.eclipse.pde.build_3.2.1=3.2.1.r321_v20060823</pre>