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<title>Composite Cheat Sheet Page</title>
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<h2>Composite Cheat Sheet Page</h2>
<h3>About This Page</h3>
This form page allows you to edit the structure, order and properties of cheat sheet elements.
The structure and order of cheat sheet elements are edited in
the <strong>Content</strong> section.
This section occupies the entire left-hand portion of the editor area.
The properties of cheat sheet elements are edited in the <strong>Definition</strong> sections.
These sections are activated in the right-hand portion of the editor area depending
on the type of cheat sheet element selected in the <strong>Content</strong> section.
<h3>Page Sections</h3>
This page is comprised of the following sections:
<a href="#content">Content Section</a>
<a href="#title">Title Section</a>
<a href="#group">Group Section</a>
<a href="#task">Task Section</a>
<a href="#enclosing">Enclosing Text Section</a>
<a name="content"></a>
<h3>Content Section</h3>
This section allows you to do the following:
Visualize and edit the structure and order of the cheat sheet's
Activate the corresponding <strong>Definition</strong> section used to edit the
properties of a selected cheat sheet element.
Preview and test the edited cheat sheet within the
<strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view.
This section is directly accessible through the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> form page.
<h3>Content Section Fields</h3>
Use the cheat sheet element viewer field to do the following:
Visualize the structure and order of the cheat sheet's
title, groups and tasks
as they appear in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view.
Edit the structure and order of the cheat sheet's groups and tasks.
Activate the corresponding <strong>Definition</strong> section used to edit the
properties of a selected title, group or task.
This viewer contains the following nodes:
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.pde.ui/icons/obj16/cheatsheet_composite_obj.gif" alt="Root Cheat Sheet Node">
- Select the <em>Root</em> node, to activate the title <strong>Definition</strong> section.
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.pde.ui/icons/obj16/cheatsheet_taskgroup_obj.gif" alt="Group Cheat Sheet Node">
- Select the <em>Group</em> node, to activate the group <strong>Definition</strong> section.
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.pde.ui/icons/obj16/cheatsheet_simple_obj.gif" alt="Task Cheat Sheet Node">
- Select the <em>Task</em> node, to activate the task <strong>Definition</strong> section.
<img src="../../../images/composite_cs_editor/section_content.png" alt="Content Section">
<h3>Content Section Actions</h3>
Click the <strong>Add Task</strong> button to add a new task to the
cheat sheet.
This action is available when a group or task node is selected.
If a task node is selected, the new task will be added
as the last child node of the task's parent group.
If a group node is selected, the new task will be added
as the last child node of that group.
Click the <strong>Add Group</strong> button to add a new group to the
cheat sheet.
This action is available when a group or task node is selected.
If a task node is selected, the new group will be added
as the last child node of the task's parent group.
If a group node is selected, the new group will be added
as the last child node of that group.
Note: In order to maintain cheat sheet validity, a new
group requires at least one child node.
Click the <strong>Remove</strong> button to remove a group or task.
This action is available when any of following nodes are selected:
task, group.
Note: In order to maintain cheat sheet validity,
neither the root node nor its immediate child group can be removed.
Click the <strong>Up</strong> button to move a group or task
up one position in order above their respective siblings.
This action is available when a group or task node is selected.
Click the <strong>Down</strong> button to move a group or task
down one position in order below their respective siblings.
This action is available when a group or task node is selected.
Click the <strong>Preview</strong> button to preview and test the saved or unsaved
contents of the edited cheat sheet in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view.
This convenient action allows you to observe how the edited cheat sheet
actually appears and operates within its deployed environment without having to
register the cheat sheet and launch another Eclipse runtime instance.
<a name="title"></a>
<h3>Title Section</h3>
This <strong>Definition</strong> section allows you to edit the title of the cheat sheet.
It is activated by selecting the root node in the <strong>Content</strong> section.
<img src="../../../images/composite_cs_editor/section_title.png" alt="Title Section">
<h3>Title Section Fields</h3>
Edit the <strong>Name</strong> field to specify the cheat sheet title.
<a name="group"></a>
<h3>Group Section</h3>
This <strong>Definition</strong> section allows you to edit the properties of a group.
It is activated by selecting a group node in the <strong>Content</strong> section.
<img src="../../../images/composite_cs_editor/section_group.png" alt="Group Section">
<h3>Group Section Fields</h3>
Edit the <strong>Name</strong> field to specify the title of the group.
Select a value from the <strong>Type</strong> field to change
how the group is completed within the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong>
view. The following selections are available:
Set: The group is complete when all of its children are completed.
Sequence: The group is complete when all of its children are completed in order.
Choice: The group is complete when any one of its children are completed.
Check the <strong>This group is optional</strong> field to make the
completion of the group and all of its child tasks optional
in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view.
A non-optional group includes a <strong>Go To 'Task'</strong>
action in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view to go to the group's first
child task.
An optional group includes a <strong>Skip this group of tasks</strong>
action in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view to skip the group and
all of its child tasks.
<a name="task"></a>
<h3>Task Section</h3>
This <strong>Definition</strong> section allows you to edit the properties of a task
and create simple cheat sheets on the fly.
It is activated by selecting a task node in the <strong>Content</strong> section.
<img src="../../../images/composite_cs_editor/section_task.png" alt="Task Section">
<h3>Task Section Fields</h3>
Edit the <strong>Name</strong> field to specify the title of the task.
Edit the <strong>Path</strong> field to specify the relative path from the composite
cheat sheet file being edited to an existing simple cheat sheet file.
The use of an absolute path to an existing simple cheat sheet file is forbidden.
Also, the simple cheat sheet file must be contained within the same plug-in
project as the composite cheat sheet file being edited.
Forward slashes ('/') are used to separate file segments on all platforms.
Check the <strong>This task is optional</strong> field to make the
completion of the task optional in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view.
A non-optional task includes a <strong>Start working on this task</strong>
action in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view to go to the
simple cheat sheet referred to by the task.
An optional task includes a <strong>Skip this task</strong>
action in the <strong>Cheat Sheet</strong> view to skip the task.
<h3>Task Section Actions</h3>
If the relative path specified in the <strong>Path</strong>
field refers to an existing simple cheat sheet file, clicking on the
<strong>Path</strong> hyperlink opens that cheat sheet in the
<strong>Simple Cheat Sheet Editor</strong>.
If the relative path specified in the <strong>Path</strong>
field refers to a non-existing simple cheat sheet file, clicking
on the <strong>Path</strong> hyperlink opens a streamlined
version of the <strong>New Cheat Sheet Wizard</strong>.
This version of the wizard can only create simple cheat sheets.
In the wizard, the <strong>File name</strong> field is automatically populated
with the simple cheat sheet file name from the <strong>Path</strong>
field (if specified).
Click the <strong>Browse</strong> button to open the
<strong>Cheat Sheet Selection</strong> dialog in order to select
an existing simple cheat sheet file.
The dialog presents a hierarchical view of all simple cheat
sheet files contained within the plug-in
project that contains the composite cheat sheet file being edited.
After a selection is made, the relative path
from the composite cheat sheet file to the
selected simple cheat sheet file is automatically computed and
entered into the <strong>Path</strong> field.
<img src="../../../images/composite_cs_editor/dialog_cheat-sheet-selection.png" alt="Cheat Sheet Selection Dialog">
<a name="enclosing"></a>
<h3>Enclosing Text Section</h3>
This section allows you to do the following:
Specify an introduction for a group or task.
Specify a conclusion for a group or task.
This section is accessible by selecting a group or task node
in the <strong>Content</strong> section.
<img src="../../../images/composite_cs_editor/section_enclosing-text.png" alt="Enclosing Text Section">
<h3>Enclosing Text Section Fields</h3>
Edit the <strong>Introduction</strong> field to specify an introduction for a group or task.
The text may be formatted using valid <em>Form Text Mark-up</em>.
For instance, to bold text, enclose text with HTML-style bold tags: &lt;b&gt;&lt;/b&gt;.
Edit the <strong>Conclusion</strong> field to specify a conclusion for a group or task.
The text may be formatted using valid <em>Form Text Mark-up</em>.
For instance, to break text, use HTML-style break tags: &lt;br/&gt;.
<h3>Relevant Links</h3>
<a href="editor.htm">Composite Cheat Sheet Editor</a>
<a href="../simple_cs_editor/editor.htm">Simple Cheat Sheet Editor</a>
<a href="../../file_wizards/new_cheat_sheet.htm">New Cheat Sheet Wizard</a>
<a href="../../../../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/guide/forms_controls_text_markup.htm">
Form Text Mark-up