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<title>Product Splash</title>
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<p class="style1">Product Splash</p>
<p>The <strong>Splash</strong> page provides the ability to customize your product with
a splash screen and a template or a progress bar and message.
<p class="style2">Location</p>
<p>The <strong>splash screen</strong> is typically located at the root of the
product-defining plug-in and must be called <em><strong>splash.bmp</strong></em>.
<p><img src="../../../images/product_editor/splash_location.png" alt="Splash screen location" hspace="30"></p>
<p>Alternately, you may choose to place it at the root of any other plug-in in the
product (the name restriction stands).
<p class="style2">Customization</p>
<p>To customize the startup of a product, you can use either a splash screen
template or a progress bar and message.
<p><img src="../../../images/product_editor/splash_custom.png" alt="Splash screen location" hspace="30"></p>
<p>Splash screen templates contribute custom behavior to the splash screen that
appears during startup. The <strong>Template</strong> combo contains three templates
available for your convenience. During the export process the selected template's
required code will be added and a <em>org.eclipse.ui.splashHandlers</em> extension
will be created. Please be aware that you may only use a splash screen
template if your platform is built with 3.3 or higher.
<p>Another option to customize your product is to use the integrated progress bar
in the Eclipse splash screen by specifying the co-ordinates of the
<strong>progress bar</strong> and <strong>progress message</strong>,
as well as the text color. The integrated progress data is specified using properties
in the <em>org.eclipse.core.runtime.products</em> extension.