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<title>Target Environment</title>
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<p class="style1">Target Environment</p>
<p>The <strong>Environment</strong> page defines information about the
environment in which the target contents of the target definition should be run.
<p class="style2">Environment Settings</p>
<p><img src="../../../images/target_editor/environment.png" alt="Environment Settings" hspace="30"></p>
<p>Values specified in these combo boxes will be used to set the
<a href="../../preference_pages/target_env.htm"><strong>Target Environment</strong></a>
page. Any values that are not required to run the target should be left blank.
<p class="style2">Target JRE</p>
<p><img src="../../../images/target_editor/jre.png" alt="Target JRE" hspace="30"></p>
<p>You may define the JRE in which the target is launched in one of three ways.
You should select <strong>Default JRE</strong> if you want to use the
currently defined default JRE. Alternatively, you can specify a JRE by
<strong>JRE Name</strong>. If a JRE with the given name cannot be found,
the default JRE will be used. Lastly, you can elect to use the JRE which
is defined for a specific <strong>Execution Environment</strong>.
<p class="style2">Arguments</p>
<p><img src="../../../images/target_editor/arguments_program.png" alt="Arguments" hspace="30"></p>
<p>Use the <strong>Program</strong> and <strong>VM</strong> tabs to set
respective arguments. These arguments will be used to set the
<a href="../../preference_pages/launching_args.htm"><strong>Launching Arguments</strong></a>
page, which will be pre-populated in new Eclipse Applications, OSGi Frameworks and JUnit
Plug-in Test launch configurations. To add substitution variables, use
the <strong>Variables</strong> button.
<p class="style2">Implicit Plug-in Dependencies</p>
<p><img src="../../../images/target_editor/dependencies.png" alt="Implicit Plug-in Dependencies" hspace="30"></p>
<p>After a target definition is loaded, whenever a user clicks
<strong>Add Required Plug-ins</strong>, the plug-ins listed in the
<strong>Implicit Plug-in Dependencies</strong> section will be automatically
included as required plug-ins. For more information on Implicit Plug-in Dependencies,
please see
<a href="../../preference_pages/implicit_dependencies.htm"><strong>Implicit Dependencies</strong></a>.