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<title>Target Overview</title>
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<p class="style1">Target Overview</p>
<p>The <strong>Overview</strong> page allows you to view and edit the name
and locations of your target definition. As well, the <strong>Overview</strong>
page provides hot links to <a href="content.htm"><strong>Content</strong></a>
and <a href="environment.htm"><strong>Environment</strong></a> information.
<p>A target definition can be used utilized directly out of the workspace or
contributed by a plug-in with a
<a href="../../../../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_pde_core_targets.html">org.eclipse.pde.core.targets</a>
extension running in the platform.
<p class="style2">Target Definition</p>
<p><img src="../../../images/target_editor/definition.png" alt="Target Definition" hspace="30"></p>
<p>The <strong>Target Name</strong> identifies
your target definition in the Target Selection combo box on the
<a href="../../preference_pages/target_platform.htm">Target Platform</a>
preference page. This name will be displayed if the target is referenced
directly from the workspace.
<p>The <strong>Target Location</strong> specifies the location to which the
target platform location should be set. For convenience, the editor provides
the option to specify that <strong>The target platform is the same as the host (running)
platform</strong>. This option should be used if you wish to develop plug-ins
for your current host environment. Users can also specify an absolute
<strong>Location</strong> other than the host. To aid in portability of
target definitions, the path may include substitution variables.
<p class="style2">Additional Locations</p>
<p><img src="../../../images/target_editor/locations.png" alt="Additional Locations" hspace="30"></p>
<p>Target definitions allow you to include required plug-ins from
<strong>Additional Locations</strong> other than the main target location.
Plug-ins found in these locations will be included in the target platform.
These locations need to be absolute, but can consist of substitution variables
to enhance portability.