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<p class="style1">Configuration Tab</p>
<p>The <strong>Configuration Tab</strong> is an advanced tab that lets you override the default configuration area location and the <em>config.ini</em> file content of the runtime Eclipse application you are testing. </p>
<p class="style1"><img src="../../images/launchers/launcher_eclipse_configuration.png" alt="Configuration tab" hspace="30"> </p>
<p class="style1">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="style2">Configuration Area</p>
<p>Every Eclipse application instance has a unique configuration area which contains metadata, caches and configuration files read by the runtime and <em>Update Manager</em> upon startup.</p>
<p>Typically, the location of the configuration is not important; therefore, PDE generates a unique configuration area for every launch in its own metadata area. This configuration area is deleted when the launch configuration is deleted.</p>
<p>If desired, a user can set the location of the configuration area. Variables in the directory path are supported; thus, allowing launch configurations to be sharable among team members.</p>
<p>There is also an option to <strong>Clear the configuration area before launching</strong>, which is useful for testing how plug-ins cache data in that area. </p>
<p class="style2">Configuration File</p>
<p> Upon startup, the runtime reads a configuration file named <em>config.ini</em> located in a <em>configuration/</em> subdirectory of the configuration area associated with the Eclipse application instance. This file is a standard properties file that can configure many aspects of the runtime. For a full list of the supported properties, refer to the <a href="../../../../org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/misc/runtime-options.html">Eclipse runtime options</a> document.</p>
<p>The <strong>Generate a config.ini file with default content</strong> is the default option and is recommended unless you have some very specific needs. When this option is selected, PDE generates a <em>config.ini</em> file with the following properties:</p>
<li><strong>osgi.bundles</strong> - lists all the bundles that should be installed and optionally started once the system is up and running. This list is based on the <em>osgi.bundles</em> key found in the <em>${target_home}/configuration/config.ini</em> file. (Note, the ${target_home} variable is the location of the target platform).</li>
<li><strong>osgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel</strong> - denotes the default OSGi start level at which a bundle should start. The default value is set to <strong>4</strong></li>
<li><strong>osgi.configuration.cascaded</strong> - indicates whether this configuration is standalone or has a parent configuration to cascade up to. The default value is set to false.</li>
<li><strong>osgi.framework</strong> - specifies the URL location of the <em>org.eclipse.osgi</em> plug-in</li>
<li><strong>osgi.install.area</strong> - specifies the location of the target platform. </li>
<li><strong>osgi.splashPath</strong> - specifies one or more locations of the splash screen.</li>
<p>The <strong>Use an existing <em>config.ini</em> file as a template</strong> option takes an existing <em>config.ini</em> file and makes a copy of it. PDE neither adds nor removes properties from this file. However, PDE modifies the <strong>osgi.bundles</strong> and <strong>osgi.splashPath</strong> keys by substituting their generic bundle URL values with absolute paths that reflect the actual locations of the bundles on disk.</p>