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<TITLE>Platform debug model</TITLE>
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<h3>Platform debug model</h3>
<p>The platform debug model defines generic debug interfaces that are intended
to be implemented and extended in concrete, language-specific implementations.</p>
<p>The model includes classes that represent different artifacts in a program
under debug.&nbsp; All of the artifacts implement <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IDebugElement.html"><b>IDebugElement</b></a>
in addition to their own interfaces.&nbsp; The model includes definitions for
the following artifacts:</p>
<li>Debug targets (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IDebugTarget.html"><b>IDebugTarget</b></a>)
- a debuggable execution context, such as a process or virtual machine</li>
<li>Expressions (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IExpression.html"><b>IExpression</b></a>)
- a snippet of code that can be evaluated to produce a value</li>
<li>Memory blocks (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IMemoryBlock.html"><b>IMemoryBlock</b></a>)
- a contiguous segment of memory in an execution context</li>
<li>Registers (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IRegister.html"><b>IRegister</b></a>)
- a named variable in a register group</li>
<li>Register groups (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IRegisterGroup.html"><b>IRegisterGroup</b></a>)
- a group of registers assigned to a stack frame</li>
<li>Stack frames (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IStackFrame.html"><b>IStackFrame</b></a>)
- an execution context in a suspended thread containing local variables and
<li>Threads (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IThread.html"><b>IThread</b></a>)
- a sequential flow of execution in a debug target containing stack frames</li>
<li>Values (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IValue.html"><b>IValue</b></a>)
- the value of a variable</li>
<li>Variables (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IVariable.html"><b>IVariable</b></a>)
- a visible data structure in a stack frame or value</li>
<li>Watch expressions (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IWatchExpression.html"><b>IWatchExpression</b></a>)
- an expression that updates its value when provided with a particular context</li>
<p>Plug-ins that implement language-specific debuggers typically extend these
interfaces to include language-specific behavior.&nbsp; All debug elements can
return the id of the plug-in that originated them.&nbsp; This is important for
registering other classes that are associated with a debug model, such as UI
<p>The model also includes interfaces that define a set of debug actions that
are common behaviors among debug artifacts.&nbsp; These interfaces are
implemented by debug elements where appropriate.&nbsp; They include the
following actions:</p>
<li>Disconnect (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IDisconnect.html"><b>IDisconnect</b></a>)
- the ability to end a debug session with a target program and allow the target
to continue running</li>
<li>Step (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IStep.html"><b>IStep</b></a>)
- the ability to step into, over, and return from the current execution point</li>
<li>Step filters (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IStepFilters.html"><b>IStepFilters</b></a>)
- the ability to enable or disable filtering of step operations so that a debug target can apply filters to
steps when appropriate</li>
<li>Suspend and resume (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/ISuspendResume.html"><b>ISuspendResume</b></a>)
- the ability to suspend and resume execution</li>
<li>Terminate (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/ITerminate.html"><b>ITerminate</b></a>)
- the ability to terminate an execution context</li>
<li>Modify a value (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/model/IValueModification.html"><b>IValueModification</b></a>)
- the ability to modify the value of a variable</li>
<p>If you look at the definitions for the platform debug elements, you will see
that different elements implement different debug actions.&nbsp; Standard
interfaces for the elements and their behaviors allow the platform to provide
abstract implementations of utility classes and UI support that can be extended
for concrete implementations of debuggers.</p>
<p>Debug events (<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/DebugEvent.html"><b>DebugEvent</b></a>)
are used to describe events that occur as a program is being debugged.&nbsp;
Debug events include the debug element that is associated with the event.&nbsp;
Each kind of debug element has a specific set of events that it supports as
documented in <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/DebugEvent.html"><b>DebugEvent</b></a>.
Debugger implementations can add application specific debug events using a designation of
<b>DebugEvent.MODEL_SPECIFIC</b> as the kind of event. A client data field can be used in this case
to add model-specific information about the event.</p>
<p>Debugger UI classes typically listen to specific events for elements in order
display information about changes that occur in the elements.&nbsp; Debug events
arrive in groups called <b>debug event sets</b>.&nbsp; Events that occur at the
same point of execution in a program arrive in the same set.&nbsp; Clients
should implement an <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/IDebugEventSetListener.html"><b>IDebugEventSetListener</b></a>
and register the listener with the <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/package-summary.html"><b>org.eclipse.debug.core</b></a>
plug-in in order to receive debug events.</p>