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Wizard dialogs
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Wizard dialogs</h2>
<P >
The previous example supplied a wizard for a specified extension point. Another, perhaps more common,
case is that you want to launch your own plug-in's wizard from some action that you have defined. (In
<a HREF="workbench_menus.htm" CLASS="XRef"> Workbench menu contributions</a>, we discuss the ways you can contribute actions to the workbench.) </P>
<P >Wizards are displayed in the UI by placing them in a containing
dialog.&nbsp; This detail is handled for you when you contribute to a wizard
extension.&nbsp; When you are launching your own wizard, you must display it
yourself by wrapping it in a <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/jface/wizard/WizardDialog.html"><b>WizardDialog</b></a>.</P>
<P >
For example, the <b> ReadmeCreationWizard</b> could be launched independently by creating a wizard dialog and associating it with the
<b>ReadmeCreationWizard</b>. The following code snippet shows how this could be done from some action delegate. (The method assumes that we know the workbench and the selection.)</P>
public void run(IAction action) {
// Create the wizard
ReadmeCreationWizard wizard = new ReadmeCreationWizard();
wizard.init(getWorkbench(), selection);
// Create the wizard dialog
WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog
// Open the wizard dialog;
<p>If you need to embed a wizard anywhere else in your plug-in's user
interface, the interface <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/jface/wizard/IWizardContainer.html"><b>IWizardContainer</b></a>
defines the necessary protocol for hosting a wizard.</p>