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The Hello World manifests
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<H2>The Hello World manifests</H2>
<p>Before we run the new view, let's take a look at the manifest files that were
generated for us. First, double-click the plugin.xml file to open the plug-in
editor and select the <strong>plugin.xml</strong> tab.</p>
<pre>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;?eclipse version=&quot;3.2&quot;?&gt;
&lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.views&quot;&gt;
name=&quot;Hello Category&quot;
name=&quot;Hello View&quot;
The information about the view that we provided when we created the plug-in project was used to generate
an entry in the plugin.xml file that defines our view extension. In the extension definition,
we define a <b>category</b> for the view, including its <b>name</b> and <b>id</b>. We then define the view
itself, including its <b>name</b> and <b>id</b>, and we associate it with the <b>category</b> using the id we
defined for our category. We also specify the <b>class</b> that implements our view, <b>HelloWorldView</b>.
As you can see, the plug-in manifest file wraps up all the information about our extension and how to run it into
a nice, neat package.
<p>The other manifest file that is generated by the PDE is the OSGi manifest, MANIFEST.MF. This file is created
in the META-INF directory of the plug-in project, but is most easily viewed by clicking on the
<strong>MANIFEST.MF</strong> tab of the plug-in editor. The OSGi manifest describes lower-level information
about the packaging of the plug-in, using the OSGi bundle terminology. It contains information such as
the name of the plug-in (bundle) and the bundles that it requires.