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<TITLE>Customizing a primary feature</TITLE>
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<h3>Customizing a primary feature</h3>
<p>Product customization works differently when using the primary feature mechanism.
The branding information for the feature is located in a plug-in identified by
the primary feature (or the plug-in of the same
name as the primary feature if none is specified). The files that designate and
define branding information for our hypothetical acmeweb application are highlighted
in the
sample directory structure below:</p>
<b>acmeweb.exe </b><i>(product executable - invokes eclipse.exe and specifies the primary feature)</i>
<b>com.example.acme.acmefeature_1.0.0/</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <i>(primary feature)</i>
<b>com.example.acme.acmefeature_1.0.0/</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <i>(plug-in for primary feature. Contains branding info.)</i>
<p>The plug-in associated with a <a href="product_def_primary.htm">primary
feature</a> is where the branding information for a product is specified.&nbsp;
There are many customizable aspects of a product.&nbsp; Product-level
customizations are defined using the <b>about.ini</b> file and other files
described therein.&nbsp; Products can also control the default preference values
of other plug-ins.&nbsp; This is done using the <b>plugin_customization.ini</b>
<p>Referring once again to our sample product's primary feature plug-in, let's
look closer at how the product is customized.</p>
<p>We'll review the same customizations that we reviewed for the products extension point, focusing
on how the specification differs using the primary feature mechanism.</p>
<h3>About dialogs</h3>
<p>As discussed with the product-level customization, all features and plug-ins should
contribute an <b>about.html</b> file that provides information about that particular plug-in.</p>
<p>The primary feature also supplies the information and graphics for the
overall product.&nbsp; Additional files are used to specify this information.</p>
<li><b>about.ini</b> specifies the about text and images for features,
windows, and the about dialog itself.&nbsp; It also specifies the welcome
page.&nbsp; See <a href="../reference/misc/about_customization.html">Customization
using about.ini </a>for a complete description of the format of this file.&nbsp;</li>
<li><b></b> should be used to hold translated strings from the
<b>about.ini </b>file (using &quot;%var&quot; as the value in about.ini paired with an
entry for the key &quot;var&quot; in; This file is a <b></b>
format file.</li>
<li><b>about.mappings</b> can be used to fill in values for fill-in fields in
the about text.&nbsp; This is useful when the about text contains
information specific to a particular install, such as license key, install
date, or licensed user. For example, the about text could be defined as
&quot;AcmeWeb is licensed to {0}&quot;.&nbsp; The about.mappings file could
be generated at install time based on input from the user.&nbsp; The final
form should contain a mapping for the field, such as &quot;0=Joe Q. Webuser&quot;.&nbsp;
The about.mappings file is a <b></b> format file.</li>
<h3>Window images</h3>
<p>A 16x16 pixel color image can be used to brand windows created by the
product.&nbsp; It will appear in the upper left hand corner of product
windows.&nbsp; It is specified in the <b>windowImage</b> attribute in the <b>about.ini</b>
file.&nbsp; The path should be specified as a plug-in relative path.&nbsp; A
proper entry for the directory structure shown above would be as follows:</p>
<h3>Welcome page</h3>
<p>Plug-ins using the Eclipse 2.1 Welcome mechanisms should specify the welcome
page file in the welcomePage attribute in the about.ini file. The path should be specified as a plug-in
relative path.&nbsp; A proper entry for the directory structure shown above
would be as follows:</p>
<p>You can also specify an national language lookup for the file.&nbsp; (See <a href="product_def_nl.htm">Locale
specific files</a> for more detail.)</p>
<h3>Splash screens</h3>
<p>The product splash screen is supplied in a <b>splash.bmp</b> file located in
the primary feature plug-in directory.&nbsp; The image should be supplied in
24-bit color BMP format (RGB format) and should be approximately 500x330 pixels in
size.&nbsp; If splash screens need to be customized for different locales, they
can be placed in a fragment of the primary feature's plug-in.</p>
<a name="preferences"></a>
<h3>Preferences defaults</h3>
<p>The <b>plugin_customization.ini</b>
file is used to set the default preference values for preferences defined by
other plug-ins.&nbsp; This file is a <b></b> format file.
Typically this file is used to set the values for preferences that are published
as part of a plug-in's public API.&nbsp; That is, you are taking a risk if you
refer to preferences that are used by plug-ins but not defined formally in the
<p>One common customization is to set the default perspective for the
workbench.&nbsp; This preference is defined in the <b>org.eclipse.ui </b>plug-in.&nbsp;&nbsp;
following example assumes that the product should be launched with the resource
perspective as the default perspective.</p>
<p>If you discover you need to change the default value for one of another plug-in's
preferences, consult the API documentation for that plug-in to see if the
preference is considered public.</p>
<p>The <b></b> file contains translated strings
for the <b>plugin_customization.ini</b>