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Derived resources
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<h2>Derived resources</h2>
<p>Many resources get created in the course of translating, compiling, copying,
or otherwise processing files that the user creates and edits.&nbsp; <b>Derived
resources</b> are resources that are not original data, and can be recreated
from their source files.&nbsp; It is common for derived files to be excluded
from certain kinds of processing.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p>For example, derived resources are typically not kept in a team repository,
since they clutter the repository, change regularly, and can be recreated from
their source files.&nbsp; It is not practical for team providers to make
decisions about which files are derived.&nbsp; The resource API provides a
common mechanism for plug-ins to indicate the resources they create that are
<p>Plug-ins may use <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IResource.html"><b>IResource</b></a>.<b>setDerived(boolean)
</b>to indicate that a resource is derived from other resources. Newly created resources are not
derived by default, so this
method must be used to explicitly mark the resource as derived.&nbsp; A
common use is to mark a subfolder of the project as derived when an
&quot;output&quot; folder (such as the &quot;bin&quot; folder in Java projects)
is created by the plug-in.</p>
<p>Other plug-ins, usually team providers, can use <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IResource.html"><b>IResource</b></a>.<b>isDerived
</b>to determine whether a particular resource should be managed by the
repository.&nbsp; Attempts to mark projects or the workspace root as derived will be
<p><i>Note:&nbsp; The concept of derived resources is provided for other
(non-team) plug-ins to indicate which resources are inappropriate for repository
management.&nbsp; Special files created by team implementations to manage their
data should not be marked as derived resources.&nbsp; See <a href="team_resources_private.htm">Team
private resources</a> for a technique for marking team-related implementation
resources hidden.</i></p>