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Modifying the workspace
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<h2>Modifying the workspace</h2>
<p>In the course of performing its function, your plug-in may need to make changes to resources in the workspace.
The workspace is an important data model for many plug-ins in the system, many of which rely on keeping up with
the current state of the workspace. Plug-ins may even be concurrently updating the workspace. It's important
for your plug-in to act as a responsible workspace citizen when making changes to resources. What makes a plug-in
a good workspace citizen?
<li><b>Batching</b> of changes where possible to avoid flooding the system with unnecessary events or triggering
unnecessary processing on an interim state.</li>
<li><b>Listening</b> to resource change events and updating models as the workspace changes.</li>
<li><b>Fine-grained locking</b> of the workspace when making modifications instead of locking the entire workspace.</li>
<p>The next few sections look at these concepts in more detail.