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This section contains topics related to installing, configuring, and customizing
the help system to work in different environments and products.
<h3>Help modes</h3>
The help system can run in three modes: workbench (normal),
<a href="ua_help_setup_infocenter.htm">infocenter</a>, and
<a href="ua_help_setup_standalone.htm">standalone</a>. Workbench mode is used
for serving help integrated with the product, usually via a Help menu. This mode
also offers context help and the help view, which are not available in the two other
modes. <strong>Standalone</strong> mode has the same goal as workbench mode, but is
for products that are not eclipse-based (the help will be less integrated).
<strong>Infocenter</strong> mode is used to serve help content to the masses
over the Web. Consult the links above for details.
<h3>Rich Client Platform (RCP) support</h3>
The Help system is an <em>optional</em> Rich Client Platform (RCP) component. That
is, it is not part of the minimal RCP, but <a href="ua_help_setup_rcp.htm">can be
added</a> to it to provide help in your RCP application.
<h3>Product customization</h3>
Help provides <a href="ua_help_setup_preferences.htm">preferences</a> that products
can use to <strong>customize</strong> the help system to their needs. These include
ways to customize branding, appearance, turn on/off functionality, etc.
For products that offer a large number of help documents, the initial indexing
phase that occurs when searching for the first time can be lengthy. To avoid this
delay, you can <a href="ua_help_setup_preindex.htm">pre-index</a> your help contents
and ship the pre-built index along with your documentation. This is a trade-off
between performance (avoiding the indexing phase) and space (to store the index).