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<title>Defining a custom IntroURL action</title>
<h2>Defining a custom IntroURL action</h2>
Using the <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_intro_configExtension.html">org.eclipse.ui.intro.configExtension</a></b>
extension point, plug-ins can contribute their own custom actions that can be used as a <b>url</b> value for a link element in a page.
For example, consider the following link:
<p>This IntroURL will run an action class called <b>ShowSampleAction</b>, which is in a package "org.eclipse.pde.ui.internal.samples" in the plug-in
"org.eclipse.pde.ui". The id of the sample to run is "org.eclipse.sdk.samples.swt.examples".
<p>To define a custom version of this intro URL, you can use the following markup:</p>
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.ui.intro.configExtension"&gt;
With the above extension you can now use the following URL to run the same action:
The action "myCommand" will be replaced by the value of the <b>replaces</b> attribute and any remaining URL
parameters will be appended to the end. Once the substitution is made, the resulting URL will be expanded back into:</p>