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Boolean expressions and action filters
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Boolean expressions and action filters</H2>
When a plug-in contributes an action to the workbench UI using one of the menu
extension points, it can specify the conditions under which the menu item is
visible and/or enabled in the menu. In addition to supplying simple enabling
conditions, such as selection counts and selection classes, plug-ins can use <b>boolean
expressions</b> for more flexibility in determining when an action should be visible or enabled.</p>
<h3>Boolean enablement expressions</h3>
<p>Boolean expressions can contain the boolean operators (NOT, AND, OR) combined with a predefined syntax
for evaluating certain conditions. Many of these conditions test a particular object. The identity of the
"object in focus" (the object being tested) depends upon the specific context of the enablement expression:
<li><b>instanceof</b> tests whether the type of the object in focus is a subtype of the specified type name.</li>
<li><b>test</b> tests whether the value of a named property of the object in focus matches the specified value.</li>
<li><b>systemTest</b> tests whether the value of a named system property matches the specified value. </li>
<li><b>equals</b> tests whether the object in focus is equal to the specified value.</li>
<li><b>count</b> tests the number of elements in a list.</li>
<li><b>with</b> changes the object in focus to the object referenced by a supplied variable.</li>
<li><b>resolve</b> changes the object in focus to the object referenced by a supplied variable, supplying additional
arguments with the variable.</li>
<li><b>adapt</b> adapts the object in focus to the type specified.</li>
<li><b>iterate</b> iterates over a variable that is a collection and combines the boolean value of each value using AND or OR.</li>
When specifying a value to be tested against any of these expressions, the value is assumed to be a string except for when
the following conversions are successful:
<li>the string "true" is converted into Boolean.TRUE</li>
<li>the string "false" is converted into Boolean.FALSE</li>
<li>if the string contains a dot, the interpreter tries to convert the value into a Float object</li>
<li>if the string only consists of numbers, the interpreter converts the value into an Integer object</li>
<li>the conversion into a Boolean, Float, or Integer can be suppressed by surrounding the string with single quotes.</li>
<p>A complete definition of enablement XML syntax can be found in the extension point reference documentation for any
extension that defines an <b>enablement</b> element, such as
<b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_popupMenus.html#e.enablement"> org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus</a></b>.
<p>Prior to R3.0, these generalized boolean expressions were not available. The following predefined expressions were used to
evaluate certain conditions without building a general expression. Note that any of these expressions could now be expressed with
the more generalized syntax. The predefined expressions can still be used as follows:</p>
<p><b>objectClass</b> - true if each object in the
selection subclasses or implements the class.</p>
<p><b>objectState</b> - true if the named attribute equals the specified value.&nbsp; <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IActionFilter.html">IActionFilter</a>
</b>assists in evaluating the expression.&nbsp; An action filter dynamically computes the enablement
criteria for an action based on the target selection and the value of named
<p><b>systemProperty</b> - true if the named system
property equals the specified value.</p>
<p><b>pluginState</b> - specifies whether the specified
plug-in (by <b>id</b>) should be <b>installed</b> or <b>activated</b> </p>
<p>For example, the following snippets represent enablement
expressions that could be used on a hypothetical action in an action set: </p>
<pre>&lt;action id=&quot;org.eclipse.examples.actionEnablement.class&quot;
label=&quot;Red Element&quot;
<b> &lt;and&gt;
&lt;objectClass name=&quot;org.eclipse.examples.actionEnablement.TestElement&quot;/&gt;
&lt;objectState name=&quot;name&quot; value=&quot;red&quot;/&gt;
</b> &lt;/enablement&gt;
<pre>&lt;action id=&quot;;
<b> &lt;systemProperty name=&quot;MyTestProperty&quot; value=&quot;puppy&quot;/&gt;
</b> &lt;/enablement&gt;
&lt;/action&gt; </pre>
<pre>&lt;action id=&quot;org.eclipse.examples.actionEnablement.pluginState&quot;
<b>&lt;pluginState id=&quot;x.y.z.anotherPlugin&quot; value=&quot;installed&quot;/&gt; </b>
&lt;/action&gt; </pre>
<p>See the reference documentation of the extension points
for more elaborate samples of these expressions and a complete description of
the XML.</p>
The following table lists extension points that contribute actions and
summarizes how XML markup attributes and boolean expressions can be used to
affect enablement.</p>
<TABLE BORDER="1" width="671">
<TH ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" width="118">
<P CLASS="CellHeading">
Extension point name</p>
<TH ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" width="359">
<P CLASS="CellHeading">
Attributes affecting enablement</p>
<TH ROWSPAN="1" COLSPAN="1" width="335">
<P CLASS="CellHeading">
Boolean expressions</p>
<TD width="118">
<a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_viewActions.html">
<p><b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_editorActions.html">editorActions</a></b>,</p>
<p><b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_actionSets.html">actionSets</a></b></p>
<TD width="359">
<b>enablesFor</b> - specifies the selection count that must be met for the
action to be enabled</p>
<b>selection</b> <b>class</b> - the class that the selected objects must
subclass or implement in order for the action to be enabled</p>
<b>selection</b> <b>name</b> - a wild card filter that can be applied to the
objects in the selection.</p>
<TD width="335">
<b>visibility</b> - a boolean expression.&nbsp; Controls whether the menu item
is visible in the menu.</p>
<b>enablement</b> - a boolean expression.&nbsp; Controls whether the menu item
is enabled in the menu.&nbsp; The <b>enablesFor</b> attribute and the <b>selection</b> <b>class</b>
and <b>name</b>, and must be
satisfied before applying the enablement expression.</p>
<TD width="118">
<a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_popupMenus.html">
<TD width="359">
(For object contributions only.)</p>
<b>objectClass</b> - specifies the class that objects in the selection must
subclass or implement</p>
(For both object and viewer contributions)</p>
<b>enablesFor</b> - specifies the selection count that must be met for the
action to be enabled</p>
<b>selection</b> <b>class</b> - the class that the selected objects must
subclass or implement to enable the action</p>
<b>selection</b> <b>name</b> - a wild card filter that can be applied to the
objects in the selection.</p>
<TD width="335">
(For both object and viewer contributions)</p>
<b>visibility</b> - a boolean expression.&nbsp; Controls whether the menu item
is visible in the menu.</p>
<p><b>enablement</b> - a boolean expression.&nbsp; Controls
whether the menu item is enabled in the menu.&nbsp;
The <b>enablesFor</b> attribute and the <b>selection</b> <b>class</b> and <b>name</b>, and must be
satisfied before applying the enablement expression.</p>
<h3>Using objectState with content types</h3>
<p>The ability to define content types (see <a href="runtime_content.htm">Content types</a>) can be combined
with boolean expressions to define very specific enablement or visibility conditions based on
the content type of a resource. For example, the following snippet makes a popup menu item visible only if the
selected file's content matches the plug-in's specialized content types.
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus"&gt;
&lt;action id="com.example.action1"
The <b>contentTypeId</b> attribute can be used in an objectState expression to check the content type of
the selected xml file. This allows a plug-in to apply very specific content checking before enabling or showing
menu actions related to specific types of files. See <a href="runtime_content.htm">Content types</a> for more detail
about the content type extension.