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<P >
The <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_popupMenus.html"> org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus</a></b> extension
point allows a plug-in to contribute to the popup menus of other
views and editors.</P>
<P >
You can contribute an action to a specific popup menu by its id (<b>viewerContribution</b>), or
by associating it with a particular object type (<b>objectContribution</b>).&nbsp;</P>
<li>An <b>objectContribution</b> will cause the menu
item to appear in popup menus for views or editors where objects of
the specified type are selected.</li>
<li>A <b>viewerContribution</b> will cause the menu
item to appear in the popup menu of a view or editor specified by id in the
You can add commands to context menus for a similar result, see the
<b>Contributing to popup menus</b> section in
<a href="workbench_cmd_menus.htm" class="XRef">org.eclipse.ui.menus</a>.
<P >
The readme tool defines both. Let's look at the object contribution
&lt;extension point = &quot;org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus&quot;&gt;
&lt;action id=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool.action1&quot;
Object contribution
<P >
The action &quot;Show Readme Action&quot; is contributed for the object class <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IFile.html"><b>IFile</b></a>. This means that any view containing
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IFile.html"><b>IFile</b></a>
objects will show the contribution if <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IFile.html"><b>IFile</b></a>
objects are selected. We see that the selection criteria is restricted further with a name filter
(<b>nameFilter=&quot;*.readme&quot;</b>) and for single selections (<b>enablesFor=&quot;1&quot;</b>). As we've discussed before, the registration of this menu does not run any code from our plug-in until the menu item is actually selected. </P>
<P >
When the menu item is selected, the workbench will run the specified class.&nbsp;
Since the popup is declared as an <b>objectContribution</b>,
the supplied class must implement <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IObjectActionDelegate.html">IObjectActionDelegate</a></b>.&nbsp;</P>
<P >
The action is implemented in <b>PopupMenuActionDelegate</b>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
public void run(IAction action) {
&quot;Readme Example&quot;,
&quot;Popup Menu Action executed&quot;);
<P >
We can see the popup menu contribution when we select a readme file from the resource navigator.</P>
<img src="images/readmepopupmenu.png" alt="" border="0">
<h4>Viewer contribution</h4>
A viewer contribution is used to contribute to a specific view or editor's popup menu
by using its id.
Here is the readme tool's viewer contribution:</p>
<pre> ...
&lt;action id=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool.action1&quot;
Note:&nbsp; The name <b> viewerContribution</b> is somewhat misleading, as it does not relate to JFace viewers. A better name would
be <b>popupMenuContribution</b>.</i></blockquote>
<P >
When the extension is a <b>viewerContribution</b>, the
supplied class must implement the
<b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IEditorActionDelegate.html"> IEditorActionDelegate</a></b> or
<b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IViewActionDelegate.html"> IViewActionDelegate</a></b> interface, depending on whether the
action is contributed to an editor's or view's popup menu.&nbsp;</P>
<P >
The <b>targetID</b> specifies the view whose popup menu will be altered.&nbsp; In this
case, we are adding an action to one of the readme tool views, the
outliner.&nbsp; The action itself is similar to others that we've seen.&nbsp; We specify the <b>id</b>,
<b>definitionId</b>, <b>label</b>, and <b>icon</b> of the action, and
the <b>path</b> within the popup for our contribution.&nbsp; The action will be
shown only in the readme outline view's popup menu.</P>
<P >
<img src="images/readmeoutlinerpopup.png" alt="" border="0"></P>
The interfaces required to contribute a <b>viewerContribution</b>
to the <b> popupMenus</b> extension
point are the same as those required by the <b> viewActions</b> and <b> editorActions</b> extension points. If you want to contribute the same action to the popup menu and the local menu of a view or editor, you can use the same class for both extensions.