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The plug-in class
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The plug-in class</H2>
<P >
So far, we've been looking at the different extensions that are provided by the readme tool. Let's look at the general
definition of the readme tool plug-in.</P>
Plug-in definition</H3>
<P >
The readme tool plug-in is defined in the <b>MANIFEST.MF</b> file.</P>
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool; singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 3.3.0.qualifier
Bundle-ClassPath: readmetool.jar
Bundle-Activator: org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool.ReadmePlugin
Bundle-Vendor: %Plugin.providerName
Bundle-Localization: plugin
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui,
Eclipse-AutoStart: true
Eclipse-AutoStart-comment: Use Eclipse-AutoStart instead of Eclipse-LazyStart because the readme example should run against 3.1 as well as 3.2.
<P >
The plug-in definition includes the <b>Bundle-Name</b>, <b>Bundle-SymbolicName</b> (plug-in id),
<b>Bundle-Version</b>, and <b>Bundle-Vendor</b> of the plug-in. We
saw most of these parameters before in our hello world plug-in. The readme tool also defines a specialized plug-in class,
<b>ReadmePlugin</b>. </P>
<P >
The name of the jar file is also provided. File names specified in <b>Bundle-ClassPath</b> are relative to the
plug-in's directory, so the readme tool's jar file should be located directly in the plug-in's directory.</P>
<P >
The <b>Require-Bundle</b> element informs the platform of the readme tool's dependencies.
The workbench UI plug-ins are listed as required plug-ins, along with the various core, jface, and text plug-ins. </P>
<P >
The<b> ReadmePlugin</b> class represents the readme
tool plug-in and manages the life cycle of the plug-in.&nbsp; As we saw in the
Hello World example, you don't have to specify a plug-in class.&nbsp; The
platform will provide one for you.&nbsp; In this case, our plug-in needs to
initialize UI related data when it starts up.&nbsp; The platform class <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/plugin/AbstractUIPlugin.html"><b>AbstractUIPlugin</b></a>
provides a structure for managing UI resources and is extended by <b>
<P >
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/plugin/AbstractUIPlugin.html"><b>AbstractUIPlugin</b></a>
uses the generic startup and shutdown methods to manage images, dialog settings, and a preference store during the lifetime of the plug-in.&nbsp;
We'll look at the specifics of the <b>ReadmePlugin</b> class when we work with dialogs and preferences.</P>