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<p>A <b>command</b> is the declaration of a user action by <b>id</b>.&nbsp;
Commands are used to declare semantic actions so that action implementations defined
in action sets and editors can associate themselves with a particular semantic
command.&nbsp; The separation of the command from the action
implementation allows multiple plug-ins to define actions that implement the
same semantic command.&nbsp; The command is what gets associated with a
particular key binding.</p>
<p>The workbench defines many common commands in its <b>plugin.xml</b>
file, and plug-ins are encouraged to associate their own actions with these
commands where it makes sense.&nbsp; In this way, semantically similar
actions implemented in different plug-ins may share the same key binding.</p>
<h4>Defining a command</h4>
<p>Commands are defined using the <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_commands.html">org.eclipse.ui.commands</a></b>
extension point.&nbsp; The following comes from the workbench markup:</p>
<p>The command definition specifies a <b>name</b>, <b>description</b>, and <b>id</b> for
the action.&nbsp;&nbsp; It also specifies the id of a category for the command, which is
used to group commands in the preferences dialog.&nbsp; The categories are also
defined in the <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_commands.html">org.eclipse.ui.commands</a>
extension point:</p>
</pre><p>Note that there is no implementation specified for a
command.&nbsp; A command only becomes concrete when a plug-in
associates its action with the command id.</p>