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Retargetable editor actions
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<h4>Retargetable editor actions</h4>
<p>Recall that the <a href="../samples/org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool/doc-html/ui_readmetool_ex.html">readme
tool</a> defines its own editor which contributes actions
to the workbench menu bar using its <b>ReadmeEditorActionBarContributor</b>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
point = &quot;org.eclipse.ui.editors&quot;&gt;
id = &quot;org.eclipse.ui.examples.readmetool.ReadmeEditor&quot;
<p>Let's look closer at what happens in the contributor class.</p>
<pre>public ReadmeEditorActionBarContributor() {
action2 = new <b>RetargetAction</b>(<b>IReadmeConstants.RETARGET2</b>, MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Editor_Action2&quot;));
action3 = new <b>LabelRetargetAction</b>(<b>IReadmeConstants.LABELRETARGET3</b>, MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Editor_Action3&quot;));
<b>handler2</b> = new EditorAction(MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Editor_Action2&quot;));
<b>handler3</b> = new EditorAction(MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Editor_Action3&quot;));
<p>When the contributor is created, it creates two retargetable actions (one
that allows label update and one that does not).&nbsp; Creation of the actions
uses the same technique that the workbench uses.&nbsp; It also creates two
handlers that will be used for the actions when the editor is the active
<p>But where are the handlers for the actions registered?&nbsp; Setting the
global handlers is done a little differently when your editor defines the
retargeted actions.&nbsp; Why?&nbsp; Because your contributor is in charge of
tracking the active view and hooking different handlers as different views or
the editor itself becomes active.&nbsp; (The workbench does this for you when
you set a handler for one of its global actions).&nbsp; Here's how the <b>ReadmeEditorActionBarContributor</b>
sets things up:</p>
<pre>public void init(IActionBars bars, IWorkbenchPage page) {
super.init(bars, page);
bars.setGlobalActionHandler(IReadmeConstants.RETARGET2, handler2);
bars.setGlobalActionHandler(IReadmeConstants.LABELRETARGET3, handler3);
<p>First, the contributor registers its handlers for the retargeted
actions.&nbsp; This ensures that the contributor's actions will be run when the
editor itself is active.&nbsp; The next step is to register each <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/actions/RetargetAction.html">RetargetAction</a>
</b>as a part listener on the page.</p>
<pre> ...
// Hook retarget actions as page listeners
IWorkbenchPart activePart = page.getActivePart();
if (activePart != null) {
<p>Adding each <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/actions/RetargetAction.html">RetargetAction</a>
</b>as a part listener means that it will be notified when the active part
changes.&nbsp; The action can get the correct global handler from the newly
activated part.&nbsp; (See the implementation of <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/actions/RetargetAction.html">RetargetAction</a>
</b>for all the details.)&nbsp;&nbsp; Note that to start, the action is seeded
with the currently active part. </p>
<p>When the editor contributor is disposed, it should unhook the retargetable
actions as page listeners.</p>
<pre>public void dispose() {
// Remove retarget actions as page listeners
<p>Finally, recall that action bar contributors are shared among instances of
the same editor class.&nbsp; For this reason, the handlers must be notified when
the active editor changes so that they can connect to the proper editor
<pre>public void setActiveEditor(IEditorPart editor) {
<p>That completes the setup on the editor side.&nbsp; When the editor is open
and active, the handlers (and their labels) as defined by the <b>ReadmeEditorActionBarContributor
</b>will appear in the workbench menu bar.</p>
<p><img src="images/editorretargets.png" alt="Readme menu with three editor actions in workbench menu bar" border="0"></p>
<p>Now that the editor's contributions are in place, what does a view do to register a handler?&nbsp; The code on the client side
is similar to registering a handler for a workbench action, except that the
action id is the one defined by the plug-in's editor.&nbsp; The <b>ReadmeContentOutlinePage</b>
registers a handler for these actions.</p>
<pre>public void createControl(Composite parent) {
IReadmeConstants.RETARGET2, </b>
new OutlineAction(MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Outline_Action2&quot;)));
OutlineAction action = new OutlineAction(MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Outline_Action3&quot;));
<b>action.setToolTipText(MessageUtil.getString(&quot;Readme_Outline_Action3&quot;)); </b>
IReadmeConstants.LABELRETARGET3, </b>
<p>Note that the outliner sets tool tip text and a label on the second action,
since it allows relabeling.&nbsp; When the readme outliner view is made active,
its handlers (and their labels) will now appear in the workbench menu bar.</p>
<p><img src="images/editoroutlineretargets.png" alt="Readme menu with one renamed editor action" border="0"></p>
<p>Note that the relabeled action shows the new label.</p>