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Setting a global action handler
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<h3>Setting a global action handler</h3>
<p>A plug-in contributes a <a href="wrkAdv_retarget.htm">retargetable action</a>
for a view or editor part by implementing an <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/jface/action/IAction.html"><b>IAction</b></a>
and registering it as a global action handler with the part's action bars.&nbsp;
In views, this is usually done at the time that the part creates its actions and
controls. For editors see <a href="wrkAdv_retarget_contribute_editors.htm">Retargetable editor actions</a>.
The name of the retargeted action (as defined in <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/IWorkbenchActionConstants.html"><b>IWorkbenchActionConstants</b></a>)
is used to specify which action the handler is intended for.&nbsp; The following
shows how the workbench task list view registers its handler for the <b>PROPERTIES</b>
<pre>public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
// Add global action handlers.
<p>The properties action is created in the local method <b>makeActions</b>:</p>
<pre>void makeActions() {
// properties
propertiesAction = new TaskPropertiesAction(this, &quot;properties&quot;);
<p>That's all that is needed.&nbsp; Your action will be run when the user
chooses the action from the workbench menu bar or tool bar and your view or
editor is active.&nbsp; The workbench handles the details of ensuring that the
retargeted action is always associated with the currently active view. The
same applies to editor actions supplied through the EditorActionBarContributor.