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<title>Plug-in manifest</title>
<h1>Eclipse platform plug-in manifest</h1>
<p><span style='font-size:10.0pt'>Version 3.0 - Last revised June 24, 2004</span></p>
<p><b>This is an archived version of the document. The current version can be found <a href="plugin_manifest.html">here</a>.</b></p>
<p>The manifest markup definitions below make use of various naming tokens and
identifiers. To eliminate ambiguity, here are some production rules for these [are
referenced in text below]. In general, all identifiers are case-sensitive. </p>
<pre>SimpleToken := sequence of characters from ('a-z','A-Z','0-9','_')
ComposedToken := SimpleToken | (SimpleToken '.' ComposedToken)
JavaClassName := ComposedToken
PlugInId := ComposedToken
PlugInPrereq := PlugInId | 'export' PlugInId
ExtensionId := SimpleToken
ExtensionPointId := SimpleToken
ExtensionPointReference := ExtensionPointID | (PlugInId '.' ExtensionPointId)</pre>
<p>The remainder of this section describes the plugin.xml file structure as a series
of DTD fragments. File <a href="plugin_dtd_30.html">plugin.dtd</a> presents the DTD
definition in its entirety. </p>
<pre>&lt;?xml encoding=&quot;US-ASCII&quot;?&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT plugin (requires?, runtime?, extension-point*, extension*)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST plugin
provider-name CDATA #IMPLIED
<p>The &lt;plugin&gt; element defines the body of the manifest. It optionally contains
definitions for the plug-in runtime, definitions of other plug-ins required by
this one, declarations of any new extension points being introduced by the
plug-in, as well as configuration of functional extensions (configured into
extension points defined by other plug-ins, or introduced by this plug-in).
&lt;plugin&gt; attributes are as follows: </p>
<li><b>name</b> - user displayable (translatable) name for the plug-in</li>
<li><b>id</b> - unique identifier for the plug-in.
<li>To minimize potential for naming collisions, the identifier should be derived
from the internet domain id of the supplying provider (reversing the domain name
tokens and appending additional name tokens separated by dot [.]). For example,
provider could define plug-in identifier</li>
<li>[production rule: PlugInId]</li>
<li><b>version</b> - plug-in
version number. See org.eclipse.core.runtime.PluginVersionIdentifier for
details. Plug-in version format is <b>major.minor.service.qualifier</b>.
Change in the major component is interpreted as an incompatible version
change. Change in the minor component is interpreted as a compatible
version change. Change in the service component is interpreted as <i>cumulative</i>
service applied to the minor version. Change in the qualifier component is interpreted as
different source code control version of the same component.</li>
<li><b>provider-name</b> - user-displayable name of the provider supplying the plug-in.</li>
<li><b>class</b> - name of the
plug-in class for this plug-in. The class must be a subclass of
<p>The XML DTD construction rule <tt><i>element*</i></tt> means zero
or more occurrences of the element; <tt><i>element?</i></tt> means zero or
one occurrence of the element; and <tt><i>element+</i></tt> (used below) means one or more
occurrences of the element. Based on the &lt;plugin&gt; definition above, this
means, for example, that a plug-in containing only a run-time definition and no
extension point declarations or extension configurations is valid (for example,
common libraries that other plug-ins depend on). Similarly, a plug-in
containing only extension configurations and no runtime or extension points of
its own is also valid (for example, configuring classes delivered in other
plug-ins into extension points declared in other plug-ins). </p>
<p>The &lt;requires&gt; section of the manifest declares any dependencies on other plug-ins.</p>
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT requires (import+)&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT import EMPTY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST import
match (perfect | equivalent | compatible | greaterOrEqual) &quot;compatible&quot;
export (true | false) &quot;false&quot;
optional (true | false) &quot;false&quot;
<p>Each dependency is specified using an &lt;import&gt; element. It contains the
following attributes: </p>
<li><b>plugin</b> - identifier of the required plug-in</li>
<li><b>version</b> - optional version specification</li>
<li><b>match</b> - version
matching rule. Ignored if version attribute is not specified. Determines
whether the dependency is satisfied only with a plug-in that has this exact
specified version, with a plug-in
that has a service or qualifier more recent than this one, with any
compatible version (including a more recent minor version of the plug-in)
or with any more recent version of this plug-in</li>
<li><b>export</b> - specifies
whether the dependent plug-in classes are made visible (are (re)exported)
to users of this plug-in. By default, dependent classes are not exported
(are not made visible)</li>
<li><b>optional</b> - specifies
whether or not this dependency will be strictly enforced. If set to &lt;true&gt; and this
dependency cannot be satisfied, the dependency will be ignored</li>
<p><a name=runtime></a>The &lt;runtime&gt; section of the manifest contains a
definition of one or more libraries that make up the plug-in runtime. The
referenced libraries are used by the platform execution mechanisms (the plug-in
class loader) to load and execute the correct code required by the plug-in. </p>
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT runtime (library+)&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT library (export*, packages?)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST library
type (code | resource) &quot;code&quot;
&lt;!ELEMENT export EMPTY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST export
&lt;!ELEMENT packages EMPTY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST packages
<p>The &lt;runtime&gt; element has no attributes. </p>
<p>The &lt;library&gt; elements collectively define the plug-in runtime. At least one
&lt;library&gt; must be specified. Each &lt;library&gt; element has the
following attributes: </p>
<li><b>name</b> - string
reference to a library file or directory containing classes (relative to
the plug-in install directory). Directory references must contain trailing
file separator.</li>
<li><b>type</b> - specifies
whether this library contains executable code (&lt;code&gt;) or just
resources.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>If the library is
of type &lt;code&gt; accessing anything in this library will cause activation of
the plug-in.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>Accessing a
&lt;resource&gt; will not cause plug-in activation (a potential for significant
performance improvement).<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> </span>It
should be noted that specifying a library of type &lt;code&gt; allows it to
contain both code and resources.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">
</span>But specifying a library of type &lt;resource&gt; assumes it will only be
used for resources.</li>
<p>Each &lt;library&gt; element can specify which portion of the library should be
exported. The export rules are specified as a set of export masks. By default
(no export rules specified), the library is considered to be private. Each export mask
is specified using the <b>name</b> attribute, which can have the following values:
<li><b>*</b> - indicates all contents of library are exported (public)</li>
<li><b>*</b> - indicates
all classes in the specified package are exported. The matching rules are
the same as in the Java import statement.</li>
<li><b></b> - fully qualified java class name</li>
<b>Eclipse 2.1 plug-ins only:</b> Each library can also specify the package prefixes. These are used to enhance
the classloading performance for the plug-in and/or fragment. If the &lt;packages&gt;
element is not specified, then by default the classloading enhancements are
not used. The &lt;packages&gt; element has the following attribute:</p>
<li><b>prefixes</b> - a comma-separated
list of package prefixes for the runtime library</li>
<p>The platform's architecture is based on the notion of configurable extension
points. The platform itself predefines a set of extension points that cover the
task of extending the platform and desktop (for example, adding menu actions,
contributing embedded editor). In addition to the predefined extension points,
each supplied plug-in can declare additional extension points. By declaring an
extension point the plug-in is essentially advertising the ability to configure
the plug-in function with externally supplied extensions. For example, the Page
Builder plug-in may declare an extension point for adding new Design Time
Controls (DTCs) into its builder palette. This means that the Page Builder has
defined an architecture for what it means to be a DTC and has implemented the
code that looks for DTC extensions that have been configured into the extension
points. </p>
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT extension-point EMPTY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST extension-point
<p>The &lt;extension-point&gt; element has the following attributes:</p>
<li><b>name</b> - user-displayable (translatable) name for the extension point</li>
<li><b>id</b> - simple id token,
unique within this plug-in. The token cannot contain dot (.) or
<li>[production rule: ExtensionPointId]</li>
<li><b>schema</b> - schema
specification for this extension point. The exact details are being
defined as part of the Plug-In Development Environment (PDE). The schema
is currently not used at runtime. The reference is a file name relative to
the plug-in installation location.</li>
<p>Actual extensions are configured into extension points (predefined, or newly declared
in this plug-in) in the &lt;extension&gt; section. The configuration
information is specified as well-formed XML contained between the &lt;extension&gt;
and &lt;/extension&gt; tags. The platform does not specify the actual form of
the configuration markup (other than requiring it to be well-formed XML). The
markup is defined by the supplier of the plug-in that declared the extension
point. The platform does not actually interpret the configuration markup. It
simply passes the configuration information to the plug-in as part of the
extension point processing (at the time the extension point logic queries all
of its configured extensions). </p>
<pre>&lt;!ELEMENT extension ANY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST extension
<p>The &lt;extension&gt; element has the following attributes: </p>
<li><b>point</b> - reference to
an extension point being configured. The extension point can be one
defined in this plug-in or another plug-in
<li>[production rule: ExtensionPointReference]</li>
<li><b>id</b> - optional
identifier for this extension point configuration instance. This is used
by extension points that need to uniquely identify (rather than just
enumerate) the specific configured extensions. The identifier is specified
as a simple token unique within the definition of the declaring plug-in.
When used globally, the extension identifier is qualified by the plug-in
<li>[production rule: ExtensionId]</li>
<li><b>name</b> - user-displayable (translatable) name for the extension</li>
The content of the &lt;extension&gt; element is declared using the <tt>ANY</tt> rule.
This means that any well-formed XML can be specified within the extension
configuration section (between &lt;extension&gt; and &lt;/extension&gt; tags). </p>
<p>Fragments are used to increase the scope of a plug-in.
An example would be to incorporate data such as messages or labels in another language.</p>
<pre>&lt;?xml encoding=&quot;US-ASCII&quot;?&gt;
&lt;!ELEMENT fragment (requires?, runtime?, extension-point*, extension*)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST fragment
provider-name CDATA #IMPLIED
plugin-version CDATA #REQUIRED
match (perfect | equivalent | compatible | greaterOrEqual) &quot;compatible&quot;
<p>Each fragment must be associated with a specific plug-in.
The associated plug-in is identified with &lt;plugin-id&gt;, &lt;plugin-version&gt; and optionally, &lt;match&gt;.
Note that if this specification matches more than one plug-in, the matching plug-in with the highest version number will be used.
<p>The &lt;requires&gt;, &lt;runtime&gt;, &lt;extension-point&gt;, and &lt;extension&gt; components of a fragment will be logically added to the matching plug-in.
<p>&lt;fragment&gt; attributes are as follows: </p>
<li><b>name</b> - user displayable (translatable) name for the fragment</li>
<li><b>id</b> - unique identifier for the fragment.
<li>To minimize potential
for naming collisions, the identifier should be derived from the id of
the associated plug-in in addition to something which identifies the
scope of this fragment. For example, org.eclipse.core.runtime.nl1
could define a natural language fragment
for the org.eclipse.core.runtime plug-in</li>
<li>[production rule: PlugInId]</li>
<li><b>version</b> - fragment
version number. See org.eclipse.core.runtime.PluginVersionIdentifier for
details. Fragment version format is the same as plug-in version format.</li>
<li><b>provider-name</b> - user-displayable name of the provider
supplying the fragment.</li>
<li><b>plugin-id</b> - matches the id of the associated plug-in</li>
<li><b>plugin-version</b> - matches the version of the associated plug-in</li>
<li><b>match</b> - the matching rule used to find an
associated plug-in using &lt;plugin-id&gt; and &lt;plugin-version&gt;. See
the definition of &lt;match&gt; in the &lt;requires&gt; clause for
complete details.</li>