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<P CLASS="Para">The primary use of Views is to provide navigation of the information
in the Workbench. For example:</P>
<UL CLASS="UnorderedList">
<LI CLASS="Item">
The Bookmarks view displays all bookmarks in the Workbench along with the names
of the files with which the bookmarks are associated.</LI>
<LI CLASS="Item"> The Project Explorer view displays the Workbench projects, their folders and files.</LI>
<P CLASS="Para">
A view might appear by itself or stacked with other views in a tabbed notebook.&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
<P CLASS="Para" align="center">
<img src="../images/Image3_single.png" alt="Task View" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para"> To activate a view that is part of a tabbed notebook simply click
its tab.</P>
<P CLASS="Para" align="center">
<img src="../images/Image3_tabbed.png" alt="Two views with tabs, project explorer view active" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para">Views have two menus. The first, which is accessed by right clicking on the
view's tab, allows the view to be manipulated in much the
same manner as the menu associated with the Workbench window.</P>
<P CLASS="Para" align="center"><img src="../images/Image8_view.png" alt="Project Explorer view menu, top left" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para">The second menu, called the "view pull-down menu", is accessed by clicking the down arrow <img src="../images/Image9_viewdownarrow.png" alt="View down arrow" border="0" >.
The view pull-down menu typically contains operations that apply to the entire
contents of the view, but not to a specific item shown in the view. Operations
for sorting and filtering are commonly found in the view pull-down.&nbsp;</P>
<P CLASS="Para" align="center"><img src="../images/Image7_view_pulldown.png" alt="Project Explorer view menu, arrow pulldown" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para">&nbsp;</P>
<P CLASS="Para"> A view can be displayed by selecting it from the <b>Window &gt;
Show View</b> menu. A perspective determines which views may be required and
displays these on the <b>Show View</b> sub-menu. Additional views are available
by choosing
<a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.views.showView")'>
<img src="PLUGINS_ROOT/">
at the bottom of the <b>Show View</b> sub-menu. This
is just one of the many features that provide for the creation of a custom work
environment. </P>
<P CLASS="Para" align="center">
<img src="../images/Image4_showview.png" alt="Show View menu" border="0"></P>
<P CLASS="Para">&nbsp;</P>
<P CLASS="Para">Through the normal course of using the Workbench you will open, move, resize, and close views.
If you'd like to restore the perspective back to its original state, you can
select the <b>Window &gt; Reset Perspective</b> menu operation.</P>