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<title>Simple compare</title>
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Simple compare</h3>
<p CLASS="Head"> In one of the navigation views select file1.txt and file2.txt
choose <b>Compare With &gt; Each Other</b> from the context menu.&nbsp;</p>
<p CLASS="Head"> A dialog will appear indicating that the two files are the same.&nbsp;</p>
<p CLASS="Head"><img src="../images/Image80_compare.png" alt="Compare popup" border="0" ></p>
<p CLASS="Head">Edit file1.txt as follows:</p>
delete&nbsp; line 1&nbsp; &quot;<i>This is line 1.&quot;</i></li>
change line 3 to be &quot;This is a much better line
insert a line 4a (before line 5) that reads &quot;This is
line 4a and it is new&quot; </li>
<p CLASS="Head">The file (file1.txt) should now read as follows:&nbsp; </p>
<p><i>This is line 2.<br>
This is a much better line 3.<br>
This is line 4.<br>
This is line 4a and it is new<br>
This is line 5.</i></p>
<p>Save the contents of the file by choosing <b>File &gt; Save</b> (or pressing
<p>To compare the files, once again select file1.txt and file2.txt and choose
<b>Compare With &gt; Each Other</b> in the navigation view context menu.</p>
<p>A special compare editor opens. The next section will explain how to use this
compare editor.</p>
<P><img src="../images/Image80_compare_editor.png" alt="Compare Editor" border="0" >