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<title>Minimizing data loss from crashes</title>
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<h1 class="Head">Minimizing data loss from crashes</h1>
<p class="Intro">
The Workbench periodically saves a snapshot in order to reduce the risk of
losing data due to crashes.
The default period between saves is 5 minutes, but you can change this
from the <a href="ref-9.htm">Workspace preferences page</a>
(<b>Window &gt; Preferences &gt; General &gt; Workspace</b>).
From that page you can also set Eclipse to save all modified resources before
a manual build.
<p>Previously created projects and saved editor data are never lost as they are
written to disk immediately upon save. However, there is a risk of data loss in these areas:
<ul class="UnorderedList">
<li class="Item">
Unsaved data in open editors may be lost, depending on the editor implementation.</li>
<li class="Item">
Bookmarks and tasks might be lost.</li>
<li class="Item">
If a crash occurs during CVS synchronization, the Workbench may be out of sync.
You can check by performing the synchronize operation again.</li>
<p>Developers of plug-ins can also choose to participate in the autosave
lifecycle and have the Workbench also save the state of their plug-ins.
See "<b><i>Workspace save participation</i></b>" in the
<b><i>Platform Plug-in Development Guide</i></b> for details.
&lt;systemTest property="osgi.os" value="linux"/&gt;
<h2>Restarting after a crash on Linux</h2>
<p>After a crash you may find that Eclipse will not open because it
has (erroneously) detected that your workspace is in use.
To remedy this, enter:
rm workspace/.metadata/.lock
<p>You can now restart Eclipse.</p>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference"/>
<br/><a href="ref-9.htm">Workspace preferences page</a>