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<title>Project checked out with another CVS tool</title>
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<H1>Project checked out with another CVS tool</H1>
<P CLASS="Para">It is possible to use a CVS project checked out using another
CVS tool into Eclipse. A common concern for those migrating to Eclipse is that
they already have their CVS project checked out on their local machine. You
<em>don't</em> have to check out the contents again to create a project in Eclipse.
When such a project is imported into Eclipse, the CVS plug-in may detect that
CVS folders exist and auto-share the project. However, there are some instance
were this does not occur and the project will need to be shared manually within
Eclipse in order to enable the CVS Team menu operations.</P>
<P>To share an CVS project that was already checked out:</P>
<li>In one of the navigation views, select the project to be shared.</li>
<li>Select <b>Team &gt;</b> <b>Share Project...</b> from the project's pop-up
menu. The Share Project wizard opens.</li>
<li>From the list of available repository providers, choose <b>CVS</b> and click
<b>Next </b>to go to the next page. (<b>Note</b>: If CVS is not present in
the list, it may be disabled. Clicking on the <strong>Show All Wizards</strong>
button should make it visible.)</li>
<li>The next page displays the sharing information stored in the CVS folder
of the project. Click <strong>Finish</strong> to share the project and enable
the CVS Team menu operations.</li>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.png" alt="Related concepts" ><br>
<a href="../concepts/concepts-26.htm">Team programming with CVS</a><br>
<a href="../concepts/concepts-30.htm">Synchronizing with a CVS repository</a>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelt.png" alt="Related tasks" ><br>
<a href="tasks-117.htm">Sharing a new project using CVS</a>
<p><img border="0" src="../images/ngrelr.png" alt="Related reference" ><br>
<a href="../reference/ref-47.htm">CVS</a>