blob: e3a19b8b79aa2a2c94cbaaf99d39bbc309e5da3a [file] [log] [blame] = SWT Launcher Example Plugin = SWT Examples = SWT Example Launcher = Launch Items = Workbench Views
launchcategory.SWTViewExamples.description = \
A collection of Standard Widget Toolkit examples that run as Views inside the Workbench. \
These examples will create a new View in the current Perspective. = Launcher
launchitem.LauncherExample.description = \
The Example Launcher is a tool for enumerating, running and browsing a variety of examples. \
While these operations may be performed manually (with some difficulty), the Example Launcher \
offers a convenient interface. For information on how to manipulate particular examples \
manually, please consult their related documentation.\n\n\
Running the Example Launcher\n\
To run the Example Launcher, pull down the Perspective menu, select the \
Show View menu item, then select Other from the submenu. A dialog \
will come up with a list of views. Expand SWT Examples and select \
the view named SWT Example Launcher. A view containing a list of examples to \
choose will appear.\n\n\
About the examples\n\
The Example Launcher can launch two different types of examples: Workbench Views, \
and Standalone applications. Examples will generally be organized into categories to \
distinguish the one from the other.\n\n\
Workbench Views are GUI panels that sit inside a given perspective. When the Launcher \
starts a program that is written to interact with the Workbench as a view, it is opened and \
embedded into the currently active perspective.\n\n\
Standalone applications are programs that run using the platform's event loop. The
open() method of these programs is invoked from the launcher.\n\n\
The example launcher view contains a tree list, a text area, and 2 buttons. \
The tree list contains a list of all the SWT examples you can choose \
to run. When an example is selected from the tree, the text area \
shows a short description of each example. The selected example can \
be executed by clicking on the Run button, which can be found just below \
the tree list.\n\n\
Depending on the example and on the configuration of your system, it may be \
necessary to alter Project build paths or to define classpath variables to compile \
or run examples that have been imported to the Workspace.
error.CouldNotLoadResources = Unable to load resources
error.CouldNotFindRegisteredExtensions = Could Not Find Registered Extensions
error.IncompleteProgramLaunchItem = Incomplete XML ProgramLaunchItem definition, id = {0}
error.IncompleteViewLaunchItem = Incomplete XML ViewLaunchItem definition, id = {0}
error.IncompleteLaunchItem = Incomplete or unrecognized XML LaunchItem definition, id = {0}
launchitem.Null.description = <<no item selected>> = <<unnamed>>
launchitem.Missing.description = <<no description available>>
view.launchGroup.text = Examples
view.launchButton.text = Run
view.descriptionGroup.text = Description
run.error.Invocation = A fatal error occurred while launching the program.
run.error.DoesNotImplementMethod = The class does not implement the open() method.
run.error.CouldNotFindClass = Could not find the class to run.
run.error.CouldNotInstantiateClass = Could not instantiate the class to run.