blob: 18fa8d4caa731f3df95cfe6aaf8a20f368837ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE=""?>
<context id="new_cvs_connection_action_context" >
<topic label="Repositories - Concept" href="concepts/concepts-27c.htm"/>
<topic label="Repositories - Reference" href="reference/ref-47.htm"/>
<topic label="CVS Repositories" href="reference/ref-47.htm"/>
<topic label="Create a Repository Location" href="tasks/tasks-92.htm"/>
<topic label="Disconnecting from a Repository" href="tasks/tasks-94.htm"/>
<!-- ********************************** -->
<!-- TagConfiguration -->
<!-- ********************************** -->
<context id="tag_configuration_overview" >
<description>Configure the branch and version tags that are shown in the workbench. By browing remote CVS files for tags you can selectively choose, from the list of tags on each file, which tags should be remembered and which ones shouldn't. You can also select the files that will be automatically examined for tags.
<context id="tag_configuration_refreshlist" >
<description>This lists the files that are automatically examined for tags. By default, the .project file is examined. But in some cases other files may have a more complete tag history and should be examined instead.
<context id="tag_configuration_refreshaction" >
<description>This will fetch branch and version tags from the files that have been configured to be automatically searched for tags. If tags that you expected to see don't appear, try changing the list of files to examined via the tag configuration dialog.</description>
<!-- ********************************** -->
<!-- Dialogs -->
<!-- ********************************** -->
<context id="release_comment_dialog_context">
<description>Enter a comment to describe the contents of this release.</description>
<!-- Below copied from old VCM
<topic label="%context_ref_vcm_releasing" href="tasks/tasks-114.htm" />
<context id="user_validation_dialog_context">
<description>In this dialog, enter the appropriate information to log in to the repository.
<!-- Below copied from old VCM
<topic label="%context_ref_vcm_repositories_concept" href="concepts/concepts-27c.htm" />
<topic label="%context_ref_vcm_create_repository_location" href="tasks/tasks-92.htm" />
<topic label="%context_ref_vcm_repositories_reference" href="reference/ref-47.htm" />
<context id="tag_local_as_version_dialog_context">
<description>Enter the name of the version tag to be applied to the revisions that exist locally.
<context id="branch_dialog_context">
<description>Enter the name of the branch tag to be applied to the revisions that exist locally.
<!-- ********************************** -->
<!-- Preference Pages -->
<!-- ********************************** -->
<context id="prune_empty_directories_pref" >
<description>Enables pruning of empty directories on update and in the synchronization view. Although pruned directories aren't shown in the workbench there is actually still an empty directory in the repository.
<context id="quietness_level_pref" >
<description>Sets the amount of status information CVS prints for a command. In "Somewhat quiet" mode the printing of unimportant informational messages is supressed. The consideration of what is important depends on each command. In "Very quiet" mode all output except what is absolutely necessary to complete the command is suppressed. In "Very Quiet" mode, some cvs servers may not communicate important information about errors that have occured. You may want to consider using "Somewhat quiet" mode instead.
<context id="compression_level_pref" >
<description>Sets the compression level on communications with the server if it is supported by the server. Level 1 is minimal compression (very fast/low compression) and level 9 maximum compression (very slow/maximum compression).
<context id="default_keywordmode_pref" >
<description>Sets the default keyword substitution mode to use for text files.
<context id="comms_timeout_pref" >
<description>Sets the amount of time in seconds to wait before timing out from a connection to the CVS server.
<context id="consider_content_pref" >
<description>Sets the default compare method for comparing and synchronizing CVS resources. By default timestamps are used to compare CVS files, and this is by far the fastest method. However, in some cases a more accurate comparison can be achieved by comparing file content. This setting can be toggled from within a compare editor or the synchronization view.
<context id="markers_enabled_pref" >
<description>Enables markers to be added to the task view for resources that have been locally removed but not committed and resources that have been locally added but not placed under CVS control.
<context id="replace_deletion_of_unmanaged_pref" >
<description>Allows resources not under CVS control to be deleted when replacing with resources from the repository.
<!-- ********************************** -->
<!-- Views -->
<!-- ********************************** -->
<context id="console_view_context" >
<description>This view shows the output of CVS operations.
<context id="repositories_view_context" >
<description>This view allows the browsing of a remote CVS repository.
<context id="resource_history_view_context" >
<description>This view shows the revision history of a resource under CVS control.
<context id="catchup_release_viewer_context" >
<description>This view shows the incoming, outgoing and conflicting changes.