blob: 2b8fe3cece5d5dda47d61d830e7c6449b273b57b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright: 2004, 2010 1&1 Internet AG, Germany,,
* and EclipseSource
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
* distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* 1&1 Internet AG and others - original API and implementation
* EclipseSource - adaptation for the Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform
* This class contains code based on the following work:
* * Yahoo! UI Library
* Version 2.2.0
* Copyright:
* (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc.
* License:
* BSD:
* Includes library functions to work with the client's viewport (window).
statics :
* Returns the current width of the viewport (excluding a eventually visible scrollbar).
* <code>clientWidth</code> is the inner width of an element in pixels. It includes padding
* but not the vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered), border or margin.
* The property <code>innerWidth</code> is not useable as defined by the standard as it includes the scrollbars
* which is not the indented behavior of this method. We can decrement the size by the scrollbar
* size but there are easier possibilities to work around this.
* Safari 2 and 3 beta (3.0.2) do not correctly implement <code>clientWidth</code> on documentElement/body,
* but <code>innerWidth</code> works there. Interesting is that webkit do not correctly implement
* <code>innerWidth</code>, too. It calculates the size excluding the scroll bars and this
* differs from the behavior of all other browsers - but this is exactly what we want to have
* in this case.
* Opera as of 9.21 only works well using <code>body.clientWidth</code>.
* Verified to correctly work with:
* * Mozilla Firefox
* * Opera 9.2.1
* * Safari 3.0 beta (3.0.2)
* * Internet Explorer 7.0
* @type static
* @signature function(win)
* @param win {Window?window} The window to query
* @return {Integer} The width of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars).
getWidth :"qx.client",
"opera" : function(win) {
return (win||window).document.body.clientWidth;
"webkit" : function(win) {
return (win||window).innerWidth;
"default" : function(win)
var doc = (win||window).document;
return doc.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : doc.body.clientWidth;
* Returns the current height of the viewport (excluding a eventually visible scrollbar).
* <code>clientHeight</code> is the inner height of an element in pixels. It includes padding
* but not the vertical scrollbar (if present, if rendered), border or margin.
* The property <code>innerHeight</code> is not useable as defined by the standard as it includes the scrollbars
* which is not the indented behavior of this method. We can decrement the size by the scrollbar
* size but there are easier possibilities to work around this.
* Safari 2 and 3 beta (3.0.2) do not correctly implement <code>clientHeight</code> on documentElement/body,
* but <code>innerHeight</code> works there. Interesting is that webkit do not correctly implement
* <code>innerHeight</code>, too. It calculates the size excluding the scroll bars and this
* differs from the behavior of all other browsers - but this is exactly what we want to have
* in this case.
* Opera as of 9.21 only works well using <code>body.clientHeight</code>.
* Verified to correctly work with:
* * Mozilla Firefox
* * Opera 9.2.1
* * Safari 3.0 beta (3.0.2)
* * Internet Explorer 7.0
* @type static
* @signature function(win)
* @param win {Window?window} The window to query
* @return {Integer} The Height of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars).
getHeight :"qx.client",
"opera" : function(win) {
return (win||window).document.body.clientHeight;
"webkit" : function(win) {
return (win||window).innerHeight;
"default" : function(win)
var doc = (win||window).document;
return doc.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : doc.body.clientHeight;
* Returns the scroll position of the viewport
* All clients except MSHTML supports the non-standard property <code>pageXOffset</code>.
* As this is easier to evaluate we prefer this property over <code>scrollLeft</code>.
* For MSHTML the access method differs between standard and quirks mode;
* as this can differ from document to document this test must be made on
* each query.
* Verified to correctly work with:
* * Mozilla Firefox
* * Opera 9.2.1
* * Safari 3.0 beta (3.0.2)
* * Internet Explorer 7.0
* @type static
* @signature function(win)
* @param win {Window?window} The window to query
* @return {Integer} Scroll position from left edge, always a positive integer
getScrollLeft :"qx.client",
"mshtml" : function(win)
var doc = (win||window).document;
return doc.documentElement.scrollLeft || doc.body.scrollLeft;
"default" : function(win) {
return (win||window).pageXOffset;
* Returns the scroll position of the viewport
* All clients except MSHTML supports the non-standard property <code>pageYOffset</code>.
* As this is easier to evaluate we prefer this property over <code>scrollTop</code>.
* For MSHTML the access method differs between standard and quirks mode;
* as this can differ from document to document this test must be made on
* each query.
* Verified to correctly work with:
* * Mozilla Firefox
* * Opera 9.2.1
* * Safari 3.0 beta (3.0.2)
* * Internet Explorer 7.0
* @type static
* @signature function(win)
* @param win {Window?window} The window to query
* @return {Integer} Scroll position from left edge, always a positive integer
getScrollTop :"qx.client",
"mshtml" : function(win)
var doc = (win||window).document;
return doc.documentElement.scrollTop || doc.body.scrollTop;
"default" : function(win) {
return (win||window).pageYOffset;