blob: fdd2ea092f30b121247e81a7473c2f06b59a0ebf [file] [log] [blame]
(: Name: fn-resolve-qname-16 :)
(: Description: Evaluation of fn:resolve-qname function for which the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:string-join and there is a namespace binding with prefix for the element. :)
(: uses fn:namespace-uri-from-qname to get namespace-uri part. Element is given as direct element:)
(: insert-start :)
declare variable $input-context1 external;
(: insert-end :)
fn:string(fn:namespace-uri-from-QName(fn:resolve-QName(fn:string-join(('p1:','anElement'),''), <anElement xmlns:p1="">Some content</anElement>)))