blob: 96f00c21d86c44c4b6dda0e6ac3934d9c16647c9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* yyyymmdd bug Email and other contact information
* -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
* 20060419 132905 - Chris Brealey
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IField;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ITypeHierarchy;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature;
* @author cbrealey
* A JDTResolver provides several convenience methods for
* navigating references between Java classes, methods,
* fields and properties. A JDTResolver is constructed
* for a Java project whose effective classpath will
* govern the scope of search operations performed by the
* JDTResolver whenever it needs to convert a signature
* into a JDT IType object.
public class JDTResolver
* Creates a new JDTResolver for the given project.
* @param project The project providing the context
* @param monitor The progress monitor for this resolver
* to use, or null if progress monitoring is not desired.
* within which this resolver will search for classes.
public JDTResolver ( IProject project, IProgressMonitor monitor )
javaProject_ = JavaCore.create(project);
monitor_ = monitor;
* Returns true if and only if the given JDT IType is an interface.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @return True if and only if the given JDT IType is an interface.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isInterface ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
return jdtType.isInterface();
* Returns true if and only if the given JDT IType is an abstract class.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @return True if and only if the given JDT IType is an abstract class.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isAbstract ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
return jdtType.isInterface();
//TODO: There's more to it than this.
* Returns true if and only if instances of the given JDT IType
* can be instantiated via a public default constructor. The class
* must have an explicit public default constructor, or have no
* explicit constructors at all to meet this criteria.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @return True if and only if instances of the type are
* public default constructable.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isConstructable ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
IMethod[] methods = jdtType.getMethods();
int numberOfConstructors = 0;
for (int m=0; m<methods.length; m++)
if (methods[m].isConstructor())
if (methods[m].getNumberOfParameters() == 0 && Flags.isPublic(methods[m].getFlags()))
return true;
return numberOfConstructors == 0;
* Returns true if and only if the given JDT IType is
* a type from the standard JDK, that is, if the given
* type belongs under the "java" or "javax" packages.
* @param jdtType
* @return True if and only if the type is a non-primitive,
* Java standard type.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isStandardType ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
String qname = jdtType.getFullyQualifiedName();
return qname.startsWith("java.") || qname.startsWith("javax.");
* Returns true if and only if the given JDT IType
* is one of the Java primitive types supported by JAX-RPC.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @return True if and only if the type is a Java primitive
* type supported by JAX-RPC.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isPrimitiveType ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
if (primitiveTypeSet_ == null)
primitiveTypeSet_ = new HashSet();
return primitiveTypeSet_.contains(jdtType.getFullyQualifiedName());
* Returns true if and only if the given JDT IType
* is one of the Java wrapper types supported by JAX-RPC.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @return True if and only if the type is a Java wrapper
* type supported by JAX-RPC.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isWrapperType ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
if (wrapperTypeSet_ == null)
wrapperTypeSet_ = new HashSet();
return wrapperTypeSet_.contains(jdtType.getFullyQualifiedName());
* Returns true if and only if the given JDT IType
* is one of the Java standard types supported by JAX-RPC.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @return True if and only if the type is a Java standard
* type supported by JAX-RPC.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT model fails to
* analyze the given type.
public boolean isSupportedType ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
if (jaxrpcTypeSet_ == null)
jaxrpcTypeSet_ = new HashSet();
return jaxrpcTypeSet_.contains(jdtType.getFullyQualifiedName());
* Returns an array of zero or more JDT IType objects
* for the public fields belonging to the given type
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @param jdtSuperTypes Any supertypes to analyze,
* or null to analyze only the <code>jdtType</code>.
* @return An array of zero or more public field types.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given types to satisfy this request.
public IField[] getPublicFields ( IType jdtType, IType[] jdtSuperClasses )
throws JavaModelException
List fieldsList = new LinkedList();
if (jdtSuperClasses != null)
for (int t=0; t<jdtSuperClasses.length; t++)
return (IField[])fieldsList.toArray(new IField[0]);
* Returns an array of zero or more JDT IMethod objects
* for the public methods belonging to the given type.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @param jdtSuperTypes Any supertypes to analyze,
* or null to analyze only the <code>jdtType</code>.
* @return An array of zero or more public methods.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given types to satisfy this request.
public IMethod[] getPublicMethods ( IType jdtType, IType[] jdtSuperClasses )
throws JavaModelException
List methodsList = new LinkedList();
if (jdtSuperClasses != null)
for (int t=0; t<jdtSuperClasses.length; t++)
return (IMethod[])methodsList.toArray(new IMethod[0]);
* Returns an array of zero or more JDT IType objects
* for the public properties (getters and/or setters)
* belonging to the given type.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @param jdtSuperTypes Any supertypes to analyze,
* or null to analyze only the <code>jdtType</code>.
* @return An array of zero or more public property types.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given types to satisfy this request.
public IJavaBeanProperty[] getPublicProperties ( IType jdtType, IType[] jdtSuperClasses )
throws JavaModelException
IMethod[] methods = getPublicMethods(jdtType,jdtSuperClasses);
Map properties = new HashMap();
for (int m=0; m<methods.length; m++)
String name = getGetterName(methods[m]);
if (name != null)
JavaBeanProperty property = (JavaBeanProperty)properties.get(name);
if (property == null)
property = new JavaBeanProperty();
name = getSetterName(methods[m]);
if (name != null)
JavaBeanProperty property = (JavaBeanProperty)properties.get(name);
if (property == null)
property = new JavaBeanProperty();
return (IJavaBeanProperty[])properties.values().toArray(new JavaBeanProperty[0]);
* Returns the JDT IType object for the given field.
* @param jdtField The field to analyze.
* @return The field type.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given field to satisfy this request.
public IType getFieldType ( IField jdtField )
throws JavaModelException
String signature = jdtField.getTypeSignature();
String typeName = getTypeNameFromSignature(signature);
return findType(typeName);
* Returns the JDT IType object for the given bean property.
* @param javaBeanProperty The bean property to analyze.
* @return The property type.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given bean property to satisfy this request.
public IType getPropertyType ( IJavaBeanProperty javaBeanProperty )
throws JavaModelException
IMethod method = javaBeanProperty.getGetter();
if (method != null)
return getReturnType(method);
method = javaBeanProperty.getSetter();
if (method != null)
IType[] parameters = getParameterTypes(method);
if (parameters.length > 0)
return parameters[0];
return null;
* Returns the JDT IType object for the return type
* of the given method, or null if the method is void.
* @param jdtMethod The method to analyze.
* @return The method return type, or null if none.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given method to satisfy this request.
public IType getReturnType ( IMethod jdtMethod )
throws JavaModelException
String signature = jdtMethod.getReturnType();
String typeName = getTypeNameFromSignature(signature);
return findType(typeName);
* Returns an array of zero or more JDT IType objects
* for the parameters of the given method.
* @param jdtMethod The method to analyze.
* @return An array of zero or more parameter types.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given method to satisfy this request.
public IType[] getParameterTypes ( IMethod jdtMethod )
throws JavaModelException
String[] signatures = jdtMethod.getParameterTypes();
IType[] types = new IType[signatures.length];
for (int s=0; s<signatures.length; s++)
String typeName = getTypeNameFromSignature(signatures[s]);
types[s] = findType(typeName);
return types;
* Returns an array of zero or more JDT IType objects
* for the exceptions thrown by the given method.
* @param jdtMethod The method to analyze.
* @return An array of zero or more exception types.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given method to satisfy this request.
public IType[] getExceptionTypes ( IMethod jdtMethod )
throws JavaModelException
String[] signatures = jdtMethod.getExceptionTypes();
IType[] types = new IType[signatures.length];
for (int s=0; s<signatures.length; s++)
String typeName = getTypeNameFromSignature(signatures[s]);
types[s] = findType(typeName);
return types;
* Returns an array of zero or more types representing
* the superclasses, if any, of the given IType.
* @param jdtType The type to analyze.
* @param jdtSuperTypes Any supertypes to analyze,
* or null to analyze only the <code>jdtType</code>.
* @return An array of zero or more superclass types.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given type to satisfy this request.
public IType[] getSuperClasses ( IType jdtType )
throws JavaModelException
ITypeHierarchy hierarchy = jdtType.newSupertypeHierarchy(monitor_);
IType[] superClasses = hierarchy.getAllSuperclasses(jdtType);
int n = superClasses.length - 1;
if (n >= 0 && superClasses[n].getFullyQualifiedName().equals("java.lang.Object"))
IType[] superClassesExcludingObject = new IType[n];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
superClassesExcludingObject[i] = superClasses[i];
return superClassesExcludingObject;
return superClasses;
* Extracts the qualified type name from a JDT signature.
* @param signature The signature to examine.
* @return The qualified type name from the signature.
public String getTypeNameFromSignature ( String signature )
String packageName = Signature.getSignatureQualifier(signature);
String baseName = Signature.getSignatureSimpleName(signature);
String typeName = (packageName.trim().equals("")?"":packageName+".") + baseName;
return typeName;
* Attempts to find a JDT IType object for the given
* fully qualified type name.
* @param typeName The qualified name of the type to find.
* @return The IType object of the given qualified name,
* or null if no type could be found in the workspace.
public IType findType ( String typeName )
throws JavaModelException
IType type = javaProject_.findType(typeName);
return type;
SearchEngine engine = new SearchEngine();
IJavaSearchScope scope = SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(new IJavaElement[] {javaProject_});
SearchPattern pattern = SearchPattern.createPattern(
SearchParticipant[] participants = new SearchParticipant[] {SearchEngine.getDefaultSearchParticipant()};
final IType[] type = new IType[1];
SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor()
public void acceptSearchMatch ( SearchMatch match )
Object element = match.getElement();
System.out.println("Matched element "+element==null?"null":element.toString());
if (element != null && element instanceof IType)
type[0] = (IType)element;
catch (CoreException e)
throw new JavaModelException(e);
return type[0];
* Finds all public, non-constructor IMethods belonging
* to the given IType and adds them to the given list.
* @param jdtType The type whose methods are to be harvested.
* @param list The list to which the harvested methods will be added.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given type to satisfy this request.
public void harvestPublicMethods ( IType jdtType, List list )
throws JavaModelException
IMethod[] methods = jdtType.getMethods();
for (int m=0; m<methods.length; m++)
if (!methods[m].isConstructor() && Flags.isPublic(methods[m].getFlags()))
* Finds all public IFields belonging
* to the given IType and adds them to the given list.
* @param jdtType The type whose fields are to be harvested.
* @param list The list to which the harvested fields will be added.
* @throws JavaModelException If the JDT engine fails to
* analyze the given type to satisfy this request.
public void harvestPublicFields ( IType jdtType, List list )
throws JavaModelException
IField[] fields = jdtType.getFields();
for (int f=0; f<fields.length; f++)
if (Flags.isPublic(fields[f].getFlags()))
* If the given method is a getter according to the Bean spec
* (eg. "MyType getMyProperty ()" or "boolean isMyProperty ()")
* return the corresponding bean property name (eg. "myProperty"),
* otherwise, return null.
* @param method The method to check.
* @return The property name or none if the method is not a getter.
public String getGetterName ( IMethod method )
String methodName = method.getElementName();
if (methodName.startsWith("get") && methodName.length() > 3)
//TODO Check signature. Must be "T getP()" or "T[] getP()" or "T getP(int)".
return methodName.substring(3,4).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(4);
else if (methodName.startsWith("is") && methodName.length() > 3)
//TODO Check signature. Must be "boolean isP()".
return methodName.substring(2,3).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(3);
return null;
* If the given method is a setter according to the Bean spec
* (eg. "void setMyProperty (MyType)" return the corresponding
* bean property name (eg. "myProperty"), otherwise, return null.
* @param method The method to check.
* @return The property name or none if the method is not a setter.
public String getSetterName ( IMethod method )
String methodName = method.getElementName();
if (methodName.startsWith("set") && methodName.length() > 3)
//TODO Check signature. Must be "T getP()" or "T[] getP()" or "T getP(int)".
return methodName.substring(3,4).toLowerCase() + methodName.substring(4);
return null;
* The Java project that governs the search scope for this resolver.
private IJavaProject javaProject_;
* The progress monitor to use, if any.
private IProgressMonitor monitor_;
* The set of Java wrapper types.
private static HashSet wrapperTypeSet_ = null;
private static String[] wrapperTypes_ = {
* The set of Java primitive types.
private static HashSet primitiveTypeSet_ = null;
private static String[] primitiveTypes_ = {
* The set of JAX-RPC supported Java standard types.
private static HashSet jaxrpcTypeSet_ = null;
private static String[] jaxrpcTypes_ = {