blob: 11bb3b2a8083f0c71d104a5d767fe91f8bac115e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* yyyymmdd bug Email and other contact information
* -------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
* 20071024 196997 - Peter Moogk
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
public class ServicePolicyImpl implements IServicePolicy
private boolean predefined;
private String id;
private ServicePolicyImpl parent;
private DescriptorImpl descriptor;
private List<IServicePolicy> committedChildren;
private List<IServicePolicy> children;
private PolicyStateImpl policyState;
private Map<IProject, PolicyStateImpl> projectPolicyStates;
private List<IPolicyRelationship> relationshipList;
private List<IPolicyChildChangeListener> childChangeListeners;
private ServicePolicyPlatformImpl platform;
private String enumListId;
private String defaultEnumId;
private List<IStatusChangeListener> statusChangeListeners;
private IStatus status;
private String unresolvedParent;
private List<UnresolvedRelationship> unresolvedRelationshipList;
public ServicePolicyImpl( boolean isPredefined, String id, ServicePolicyPlatformImpl platform )
this.predefined = isPredefined; = id;
this.children = new Vector<IServicePolicy>();
this.relationshipList = new Vector<IPolicyRelationship>();
this.unresolvedRelationshipList = new Vector<UnresolvedRelationship>();
this.policyState = new PolicyStateImpl( this, null );
this.platform = platform;
this.childChangeListeners = new Vector<IPolicyChildChangeListener>();
this.projectPolicyStates = new HashMap<IProject, PolicyStateImpl>();
this.status = Status.OK_STATUS;
public boolean isPredefined()
return predefined;
public String getId()
return id;
public void setParent( ServicePolicyImpl parent )
this.parent = parent;
if( parent != null )
parent.addChild( this, false );
public void commitChanges()
// Make a copy of the children in the committedChildren object.
committedChildren = new Vector<IServicePolicy>( children );
public void discardChanges()
//Restore children.
children = new Vector<IServicePolicy>( committedChildren );
public List<IServicePolicy> getChildren()
return children;
private void addChild( ServicePolicyImpl child, boolean fireEvent )
children.add( child );
if( fireEvent )
fireChildChangeEvent( child, true );
public void removeChild(IServicePolicy policyToRemove )
if( !policyToRemove.isPredefined() )
// Remove all the children of this policy first.
List<IServicePolicy> childPolicies = new Vector<IServicePolicy>( policyToRemove .getChildren() );
for( IServicePolicy childPolicy : childPolicies )
policyToRemove .removeChild( childPolicy );
boolean removed = children.remove( policyToRemove );
if( removed )
platform.removePolicy( policyToRemove );
fireChildChangeEvent( policyToRemove , false );
public IDescriptor getDescriptor()
if( descriptor == null )
descriptor = new DescriptorImpl();
return descriptor;
public void setDescriptor( DescriptorImpl descriptor )
this.descriptor = descriptor;
public IServicePolicy getParentPolicy()
return parent;
public IPolicyState getPolicyState()
return policyState;
public IPolicyState getPolicyState( IProject project )
PolicyStateImpl projectPolicyState = projectPolicyStates.get( project );
if( projectPolicyState == null )
projectPolicyState = new PolicyStateImpl( this, project );
projectPolicyState.internalSetMutable( policyState.isMutable() );
projectPolicyStates.put( project, projectPolicyState );
return projectPolicyState;
public IPolicyStateEnum getPolicyStateEnum()
EnumerationStateImpl newEnum = null;
if( enumListId != null )
newEnum = new EnumerationStateImpl( enumListId, defaultEnumId, policyState );
return newEnum;
public IPolicyStateEnum getPolicyStateEnum( IProject project )
EnumerationStateImpl newEnum = null;
if( enumListId != null )
newEnum = new EnumerationStateImpl( enumListId, defaultEnumId, getPolicyState( project ) );
return newEnum;
public void setPolicyState( PolicyStateImpl policyState )
this.policyState = policyState;
public void restoreDefaults()
// Remove all local children from the tree
for( IServicePolicy child : children )
if( !child.isPredefined() )
removeChild( child );
public void restoreDefaults( IProject project )
PolicyStateImpl stateImpl = projectPolicyStates.get( project );
if( stateImpl != null )
public List<IPolicyRelationship> getRelationships()
return relationshipList;
public void setRelationships(List<IPolicyRelationship> relationships)
if( !predefined )
this.relationshipList = relationships;
public String getEnumListId()
return enumListId;
public void setEnumListId(String enumListId)
this.enumListId = enumListId;
public String getDefaultEnumId()
return defaultEnumId;
public void setDefaultEnumId(String defaultEnumValue)
this.defaultEnumId = defaultEnumValue;
public void setUnresolvedParent( String parentId )
unresolvedParent = parentId;
public void setUnresolvedRelationships( List<UnresolvedRelationship> relationships )
unresolvedRelationshipList = relationships;
public void resolve()
setParent( platform.getServicePolicy( unresolvedParent ) );
for( UnresolvedRelationship relationship : unresolvedRelationshipList )
List<String> sourceEnumIdList = relationship.getSourceEnumerationList();
List<UnresolvedPolicyRelationship> targetEnumIdList = relationship.getTargetEnumerationList();
List<IStateEnumerationItem> sourceEnumList = getResolvedEnumList( sourceEnumIdList );
IPolicyEnumerationList sourcePolicyList = new PolicyEnumerationListImpl( sourceEnumList, this );
List<IPolicyEnumerationList> targetPolicyList = new Vector<IPolicyEnumerationList>();
for( UnresolvedPolicyRelationship targetEnum : targetEnumIdList )
IServicePolicy targetPolicy = platform.getServicePolicy( targetEnum.getPolicyId() );
List<IStateEnumerationItem> targetList = getResolvedEnumList( targetEnum.getEnumList());
IPolicyEnumerationList targetEnumPolicyList = new PolicyEnumerationListImpl( targetList, targetPolicy );
targetPolicyList.add( targetEnumPolicyList );
if( targetPolicy == null )
ServicePolicyActivator.logError( "Policy id, " + targetEnum.getPolicyId() + " not found.", null ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
IPolicyRelationship policyRelationship = new PolicyRelationshipImpl( sourcePolicyList, targetPolicyList );
relationshipList.add( policyRelationship );
unresolvedParent = null;
unresolvedRelationshipList = null;
private List<IStateEnumerationItem> getResolvedEnumList( List<String> enumIdList )
List<IStateEnumerationItem> enumList = new Vector<IStateEnumerationItem>();
for( String enumId : enumIdList )
enumList.add( platform.getStateItemEnumeration( enumId ) );
return enumList;
public void addPolicyChildChangeListener(IPolicyChildChangeListener listener)
childChangeListeners.add( listener );
public void removePolicyChildChangeListener(IPolicyChildChangeListener listener)
childChangeListeners.remove( listener );
public void addStatusChangeListener( IStatusChangeListener listener )
if( statusChangeListeners == null )
statusChangeListeners = new Vector<IStatusChangeListener>();
statusChangeListeners.add( listener );
public void removeStatusChangeListener( IStatusChangeListener listener )
if( statusChangeListeners != null )
statusChangeListeners.remove( listener );
public IStatus getStatus()
return status;
public void setStatus( IStatus status )
IStatus oldStatus = this.status;
this.status = status;
fireStatusChangeEvent( oldStatus, status );
private void fireStatusChangeEvent( IStatus oldStatus, IStatus newStatus )
if( statusChangeListeners != null )
for( IStatusChangeListener listener : statusChangeListeners )
listener.statusChange( this, oldStatus, newStatus);
private void fireChildChangesDuetoDiscard()
Set<IServicePolicy> childSet = new HashSet<IServicePolicy>( children );
Set<IServicePolicy> committedChildSet = new HashSet<IServicePolicy>( committedChildren );
for( IServicePolicy child : childSet )
if( committedChildSet.contains( child ) )
committedChildSet.remove( child );
// A child was added and is now being deleted by the discard.
fireChildChangeEvent( child, false );
platform.fireChildChangeEvent( child, false );
// Any children left in the committed set must have been deleted and are now
// being added back due to the discard.
for( IServicePolicy child : committedChildSet )
fireChildChangeEvent( child, true );
platform.fireChildChangeEvent( child, true );
private void fireChildChangeEvent( IServicePolicy policy, boolean isAdd )
for( IPolicyChildChangeListener listener : childChangeListeners )
List<IServicePolicy> policyList = new Vector<IServicePolicy>(1);
List<Boolean> addedList = new Vector<Boolean>(1);
policyList.add( policy );
addedList.add( isAdd );
listener.childChange( policyList, addedList );