Bug 579085 - remove algorithm update code from SimpleFB sel change

The selection change listener implementation of simplefbs updates the
full algorithm editor always. This is for simplefbs unnecessary,
furthermore it lead to severe crashes of 4diac IDE.

Change-Id: I76b262d672db076a2e8117893170a6a978cd024f
1 file changed
tree: 77808edb473a71638d88e2fa27d88151322971b5
  1. .mvn/
  2. data/
  3. features/
  4. plugins/
  5. tests/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .gitreview
  10. LICENSE.md
  11. NOTICE.md
  12. pom.xml
  13. README.md
  14. SECURITY.md

#Eclipse 4diac IDE

Eclipse 4diac(TM) IDE is an integrated development environment for developing distributed Industrial Process Measurement and Control Systems (IPMCS) utilizing the IEC 61499 standard.


Eclipse 4diac IDE is licensed under an EPL 2.0.


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Building 4diac IDE

For building 4diac IDE simple run

mvn install

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More information on how to build, run and extend 4diac IDe can be found in our Building 4diac IDE Documentation


Issue/bug trackers